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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
11/25/2010 6:37 am

( Disclaimer).. click your mouse, and go to the next post, if you are looking for a good-time Dick and Jane story, because this one just may provoke you to think about more than vanity... for those who detest thinking. "you have been warned"... .

What is the status of 'Water" in China ? is the drinking water plentiful ? is the water for cooking, bathing and general use, plentiful /

Is it good quality or poor quality?

How does these massive cities and provinces with million and millions of people, impact the potable water?

If people live in a area where there are multiple high rise apartment units, what is the status of the water for those units?

How does China manage its land fills, and what is the volume of daily garbage in these mega population centers, and do they have an efficient means to handle it?

Are their land fills protected to avert damage to the water-table?

With massive production of many things plastic and other synthetic substances.. how do they dispose of by products and toxic waste products from this massive industrial production?

What is the health factor of people who live in areas 5-10-20 miles of these waste dump sites?

What is the volume capacity of the sewer system, and how is it properly disposed of in a city where there are 10's of millions of people? How does the Average Chinese address these concerns? Are they concerned, on the level of the average citizen?

How does China enforce its toxic dumping regulations ? How does it prevent illegal dumping by industrial center?

Are the smaller non international production facilities that have toxic by products fall under close governance ?

Is Waste dumping both legal and illegal, a very profitable business, and if so, how is corruption managed, to insure safety regulations is adhered to?

Seems people like to talk about romantic fantasy, but do they really care about the conditions which impact much of the society they live, ( this is true in every country).. or do they only concern themselves with the ego of romantic longings?

Today,( all over the world), everything is about "allure" so much so, people have in some ways become selectively ignoring of many things, and direct most of their energy to pursuing wealth, and patronizing the ego centered around sex appeal, and the games that ensue within the cycle of fantasy search..

Something as Basic as Water... is a subject that has rarely if ever been addressed in these blogs, yet, without good water, there is no such thing as any functional romantic fantasy games, as people know them today..

in an extreme sense, if water is damaged, all these games of illusion and delusion about romantic confusion, can be reduced to bartering it for a simple glass of clean water.


for the thinking minds...

China Water Quality Management: Policy and Institutional Considerations

Report highlights that the trends in the quality and availability of China’s water resources can to a large extent be explained by the drivers in the economy, the nation’s geological and hydrological conditions and by the patterns of water use. These factors have made the water resource management challenges particularly potent in North China, where a combination of water scarcity and poor water quality greatly jeopardizes the sustainability of water resources.

Most of China’s water systems today are characterized by a combination of organic pollutants (BOD, COD), nutrients (ammonium nitrate), and various forms of heavy metals (lead, mercury and cadmium), particularly in the tributaries. This report shows that, while industrial pollution sources, which had historically been the main contributor to water pollution, have to some extent stabilized or have even declined, growing residential wastewater discharges from urban areas have partially offset these improvements, resulting in a continued overall poor water quality.

The report identifies key institutional, regulatory, policy and investment barriers to improved water quality management and proposes some priorities for focus in this area, including improved horizontal and vertical coordination and inter-agency communication at the institutional level; strengthening the institutional capacity for more effective regulations, policies, monitoring and enforcement; and increased use of economic instruments in pollution management policies.


Effective development and management of water resources are essential for sustainable growth and poverty reduction. The EAP region is experiencing rapid economic and population growth and migration from rural to urban areas. This severely stresses urban water supply and sanitation systems, increasing competition for surface and ground water resources and deteriorating water quality. The amounts of investment and the attempts to improve water resources management have been grossly inadequate.

The challenges of water resources management have become acute for many of the Bank's EAP borrowers and are increasing as a consequence of rapid population and economic growth. Water quality is deteriorating in rural and urban areas throughout the region due to heavy uncontrolled point source and diffuse pollution. The damages and threats posed by floods and droughts are becoming more severe as development and population pressures mount, and are exacerbated by climate change.

In China, water scarcity problems are increasing in northern provinces and in the proximity of large and medium sized urban areas throughout the country. The Bank launched a AAA program to assist the Government in developing, adopting, and implementing an integrated set of policy and institutional reforms needed to more effectively address the water scarcity issue and build a water-saving society. To view a presentation that gives an overview of Chinese water pollution control issues, click here.

Environmental degradation, including negative impacts on watersheds, wetlands, riverine and lake systems, and coastal and marine systems is widespread, which has also negatively impacted the positive socio-economic benefits of growth. Biodiversity and human health have been severely impacted. The most visible water problems occur in and around cities where competition for surface water and overexploitation of groundwater reserves as well as pollution are common. Beijing/Tianjin, Shanghai, Manila, Jakarta, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City are prime examples of the region's megacities with major and very visible water resources related problems.


funny and odd, how environmental problems increase, and men and woman are hung up on, 'am I cute, and will you play puppet for me games', and "does the shape of my butt, make you go crazy for me", games, and all the while much else seems to bring many challenges that directly impact the entirety of their lives.

How did we as human being become so ingrained into the ignorance of life's natural concerns for social and community sustainability, that we spend all our time, playing, 'chase me games", and "stroke my ego", and "pay me", "submit to my illusion of status", and other such stuff.

All the while the birth rate suffers, and glutton is king, and foolishness of egotism, brings gender divides. while much else suffers in every aspect. the wealthy become rulers, because everyday man and woman, is lost in the pursuit of allure enhancements items, blind and unaware, of what it take away from even in the extent and the ability for many to sustain the basic of food, Water and shelter.

on the humor side... Share a shower with your mate -drink water and buy less junk, learn to share your intimate passions as simply people, and you will require less trapping, to do what you can naturally do, by simply appreciating each other as 'just persons'... and "enjoy a simple glass of water"

What an amazing way to become a conservationist.