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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
"self encircled blindness" Many people are afflicted with this ailment - its a psychological mis-alignment with reality in the everyday truths of life, mating and functioning in a world, that we get to indulge 'ONE DAY AT A TIME" - all the posturing trying to secure a guarantee about what something will be 2-3-5 yrs from now, is nothing but a 'Hope', if you truly want that hope to be reality - "then it is what you do, "ONE DAY AT A TIME" - that makes the difference. If you are a bicker monster, and a control freak, you probably not only will destroy potential relationship, you probably already have a habit pattern of destroying relationships- but 'self encircled blindness" is an ailment, you probably fail to acknowledge about yourself, and the psychological mis-alignment is so skewed with Bs, you may well have over-valued yourself, to think you are somehow better than the nature of human presence. You can take the 25 million a year, Model, when reality is put up to the reflection of realism. she has to do what you have to do, that is eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, and no matter how many pictures is plastered of her in various places, she still will not get more than 24hrs each day, her sex organ is designed the same as every other woman, and time will age her just like it does every other person. "Point being"... she is a human being, but if people believe the media hype, which all about 'selling you products", by the use of a face and body image, and truth is, her body is not your body, and what ever you do, your body will not become her body, and her body and your body, is simply human composition of the physique of the female gender. The best thing you can do, is 'manage your weight, and eat healthy and make yourself busy with living. trying to measure yourself against images that 20 or more people spend multiple hours, to take a .05 second picture, that is 'staged' ... Now why torment yourself to try and measure of to that marketing program of psychological encroachment to push and sell products. Even we see people pay $100 of dollars, for two pieces of cloth with a string on it, called a Bikini, and they are 90% all shaped the same and cover the same minute portions of the body. people drivwe themselves crazy, with wasting their labor earning on name brand to try and become some marketing image, and truth is, you are not that image and that image is only for marketing, because the person they use as the staged, propped image, is fiction. If you are already an asshole of a person who has a antisocial demeanor, and a lack of interactive personality, no matter what you wear, its not going to change that> If you are a , no matter whether you try to be a 'covert ", or a , you are still a , trying to get paid for sexual and interactions. If you are selling sex and time to the highest bigger, you are still a , whether you sell it at a day rate, or a long term agreement, you are still selling it, as being a .. and that goes likewise so for the men who are Johns, if you by it, by the day, or for long term arranged payment program, you are still a John, buying a . Love has very little to do with money, but and /john program methods have everything to do with money. Love is and will always be a feeling, that has expressive methods of making what it is, become interactive, not only in the simplicity of sharing, but in the growing of how care will improve the whole of sharing. Most cultures around the world, have groomed females to be , by a variety of assorted methods, - and this was from a time in history when women could not work, they had to learn how to the man for support and means to provide her access to what she needed. Today that dynamic of necessity in female methodology, in many parts of the world does not exist - because women can and do work, but society never changed its process, so women were never before about actually 'connecting because they care and love , love and care, they were looking at financial matters as their first view, option and choice. The women who mate, because they first see someone to share with, and to them, sharing means giving as much as they expect to receive, these women learn early how to make relationships work, and they know the relationships is not all about them, so they don't become dictators, nor power control junkie freaks, they become 'considerate and mutually respectful mates.. Unfortunate as it is, many women, today, don't learn this realism, until they are past 40, and have damaged a cycle of relationships with their 'control antic's, and playing attitude games, of barter and bargain and trying to get paid for the simply show of a pretense of being considerate - by then they become bitter, because their expectations of what she think just being a female should have gained her, has made many flat miserable, and many hate men, because he does not become open to be pimped by her, and some are so self absorbed they see the closest thing to a clone of their own self absorption... so female homosexuality today, is so widespread, it make many women even less likely to ever learn to appreciate and see men, as people, and a member of the male gender, that is by design, the counter-part to the female gender. And Mercy, if her face is pretty and her ass has a non obese shape, many of those are on the auction block and they are the auctioneer, for the span of their own youthful years. and some become bitter when age change the face and the ass grows wide and flat, or flabby, then they are bitter about what they thought they should have gotten offered and angry about what they did not get offered, and some become 'like a tornado - out to destroy something. Unfortunately, what many succeed in destroying is the potential for other young women, to learn not to be so foolish. but they instead fill these young women head with the same delusion that left her, bitter and full of anguish about what she expected. The Self Delusion - and much love is missed Too many expectations perhaps or our standards are too high on what we're searching for The more images people see and the more option they consider to consider- the less people are able to choose anything, because so many want so much, and many are satisfied with nothing, because they are always looking for the next best thing. Media, family chatter, friends delusions, and material infatuations, tells people, what they want to hear,pump them with contemptuous mentalities, and exaggerated self concepts, and many believe what they are told by the marketers of this world, today its this item that makes them hot, tomorrow, its a script that tells them go for this, or go for that, and they are bombarded with the delusions, that if they have this, or chase that, as if suddenly these illusions is suppose to make them happy.. People go about selecting and rejecting each other on these illusionist presentations. then comes the money hunt, which generally results to converting people into /john bargaining cycles. followed by many dictations, expectations and ultimatums. beyond all the trips .. to find and have a mate- ' it comes down to nothing more than to be open, willing, proactive, and engaging enough to 'communicate and relates, and learn to share, that leads the simplicity of want to show the will to care. On an average, a man can meet any woman, and soon as two or more men compliment her, suddenly her head blows up like a blimp, and she then begins to judge the man she is with by every other man who gives her a compliment, until she can't be satisfied with anything, for trying to have everything, without putting effort to work and build together anything. " Many women, are excellent crafts persons at destroying the same love they claim to want" and many become like 'destroyers, in search of builders, so they can have something to destroy"... Any man, had best find one that has the capability to communicate, and to do so about more than herself, and her vain expectations, and her self consumed dictations. then he might find on that has the potential to become a mate. If she has a Cinderella complex, a man may do himself a great favor and get on his and ride away.. But when he finds one that has the mentality to be and make effort to become a "HELP MATE", then he can invest self in working to build a relationship... and he probably will find a loving situations with a mate who understand the mutuality of giving to make a relationship work.. and they will, deal with doing so, "one day at a time"... by being simply 'considerate", and with care in the want to share.. When and woman makes pu--y to becomes dealt with like a gambit, and barter point, it is time for the man to leave. !!!!!!!! But when he finds one that has the mentality to be and make effort to become a "HELP MATE" - and understanding the simplicity of sharing with self motivation to do so... then he has a good chance to have a 'relationship".... |
you are a funny girl... ![]()