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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
12/10/2010 3:30 am
opposition stances, will force its own changes

with the incomes rising in China, and the exposure the people have had of the world community, The information gained by the people as a whole, has already signaled a change sweeping China, the only entity that is not aware and lagging is the administration. they can't jail everyone, nor can they close their doors, as they did before, nor can they do any mass extinction program, and nothing can forestall change forever. Life is forever changes, and places change as well. The people pretend to obey, for public sake, but when administrations remain blind, and push to strong arm dominate, they simply weaken themselves in the process, but the ego of leadership, is generally a blinding element, when power is the main aim.

They won't be able to hold on to the wealth forever, without the people having a say in what becomes of the future.
but unless China's administration has closed its mind, it should be aware that the world of nations, is fast moving, to take back industry, as each nation now finds that it's own home is threatened with unemployment and economic challenge, 2011, will probably show, many nation pushing for China to buy from other, and since China has not opened nor paid its people to create them as consumers, some improvements in income has been created, but they are not buying foreign products, they are buying "made in china products", which leave the big option is to take back industry, and for countries to strengthen back their own population, especially when they now see, the oppositional mentality of China Leadership, and their lag and unwilling to be a balanced player in the world economics. companies that come to China, are facing more and more of China wanting their tech secrets, as well as to control every aspect of how they market to Chinese public, and they do not want any competition to the base Chinese industries, by foreign owned industry. But, China, wants to move and buy up industry in other countries, and want no interference in how they run it, but they want to take their proceeds back to China, without question or challenge. Unfortunately, the Chinese administration has not figured it out, 'they are not the only player on the stage", when it comes to labor pools. Other governments can and will change quickly, when they see the option to gain the industry that China has, they will fix their problems quickly to get development to come to their shores. The 10-15yr run of China is certainly due for a massive change in fortunes in the coming 3-5 yrs. Nation upon nation has seen economic erosion, and they will not stand idle, while China builds skyscrapers, bullet trains, and other things, while taking a non involved stance, when it comes to international responsibility. and then talking challenge nature commentary when it comes to them having to invest in the nations they rely upon to buy their over-production of products. they don't understand the concept of balance in trade, its why corruption is rampant, and contempt finds much urgency in display, when questioned about anything. the core mentality is 'dominance based on its core model, which is to dominate, but it does not grasp the fact the world is not in submission to communist programming. therefore, the Administration cannot act toward the world, the way it acts upon and against its people with a sole authoritarian demeanor. It's biggest trading reliance in upon democratic nations, and that is a point of perspective they have not grasp to embrace diplomacy in a world that is not groomed to submit in the ways China is use to engaging upon its people. their understanding of diplomacy is due for much work, and their grasp of what it means to be a world power, is to engage responsibility in a diplomatic manner, to both democratic systems, as well as emerging states with other factors within how they govern.

No, China can't make a 180 turn in its own land, because it would be chaos, without parallel.. but it must learn better to negotiate not just its points, but points that make better world unity and economic parity function, without loosing the ability to maintain internal stability. but give the people the right of some levels of autonomy, it is inevitable, because wealth in a system that is being swept with capitalism, has no choice but to give voice unto its wealth holders, and the more voice they gain, the more voice become among the people, and thus is "change"..

What many must realize is, it takes no more than a couple of years for any nation to dedicate to ramp up, and re-claim their industry, every nation has empty building awaiting to open for business.

China failed to realize, that Once people's eyes and minds are open, they can't be closed nor will the people allow their minds to be wiped of what they have become aware of.

Not when the Super rich live free, and the working poor and the poor are the only ones who are being contained and managed in a state management system. this simple inequality is its own force that forces changes...

South Korea tried their hand at stall, thinking it could sell its stuff without any agreement to buy and make open their community to foreign products, and they changed that tune very quickly. All they had to be was shown, that they need not only protection, but they need allies, and they need to respect the value of what an allied partnership is. and that includes trade agreements.


OSLO, Norway – As China tightens its grip on dissidents at home, dignitaries in Norway celebrate this year's winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, imprisoned Chinese activist Liu Xiaobo, with solemn ceremony — and an empty chair.

Liu won't be able to collect the prestigious $1.4 million award at the Oslo ceremony on Friday — the first time in 74 years that it has not been handed over.

Nobel committee secretary Geir Lundestad said Liu will be represented "by an empty chair ... the strongest possible argument" for awarding it to him.

China was infuriated when the prestigious prize was awarded to the 54-year-old literary critic, who is serving an 11-year prison sentence on subversion charges brought after he co-authored a bold call for sweeping changes to Beijing's one-party communist political system.

Beijing described the award as an attack on its political and legal system and has placed Liu's supporters, including his wife Liu Xia, under house arrest to prevent anyone from picking up his prize.

On Friday, uniformed and plainclothes officers guarded the entrance to the compound in central Beijing where Liu Xia has lived since the October announcement that her husband would receive the prize. China also tightened a wide-ranging clampdown on dissidents and blocked some news websites ahead of the awarding ceremony.

China has also pressured foreign diplomats to stay away from the Nobel ceremony. China and 17 other countries have declined to attend, including Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba. At least 46 of the 65 countries with embassies in Oslo have accepted invitations. Serbia, which had said it would stay away, announced Thursday that it had changed its mind and would now attend.

Lundestad said countries gave various reasons for not attending, but some were "obviously affected by China."

China warned that attending the ceremony would be seen as a sign of disrespect.
( end)

It's unlikely that nations would be strong armed like this and accept it silently, it is not part of international logic, when too many nations have lost too much, by China dumping products, and buying nothing, and then taking stand that show it is not a world community player.