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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
12/12/2010 9:44 am
"Daily Word'

I open my heart to the all-powerful love of God.

The love of God is a powerful force for good. Divine love mends differences, creates joy and opens hearts and lives to unlimited blessings.

Love is the foundation of all unity. Where love is, there can be no differences, separation or inharmony. Divine love allows us to hold to the truth that only good is at work and that only good prevails.

Love is "the fulfilling of the law," the assurance that there is something greater to experience, something more to enjoy. Love is magnetic. It draws to itself every good thing.

I am developing a love consciousness. I feel divine love at work within me now, causing me to see myself and others in the right light, the light of love.
Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.--Romans 13:10

(from the "Daily Word")

you can Google 'Daily Word", each day there is a posting of uplifting thoughts.