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When the lie harms others Between those women who have sex, and then make it into a public spectacle, in their question to turn it into a payday, and then making false claims as listed below, will this conduct eventually put this groups of women in a category where men simply won't trust even trying to be with them under any circumstance. Seems more and more men at looking for women mates from other ethnic groups. Men seem to be looking more at women from Asian women , Black women, Latin women, and others. The more the headlines are filled with this one group of women in 'sex and money spectacles', and the cycle seems to have ramped up in recent years. What do you think?? Will this group of women eventually play themselves right out of the game of being desired for a relationship? ______________________________________________________________ Suspended after filing phony cop report WABC-TV weather forecaster Heidi Jones was suspended Wednesday for filing a bogus police report about a phony stalker and a Central Park assault. The indefinite suspension of was announced on the station's noon telecast. WABC-TV insiders said Jones, who joined the station in 2005, would likely be fired after an internal investigation. The 37-year-old weather woman was busted for telling cops a Hispanic man attacked her in the park on Sept. 24 - and that he returned to threaten her two months later, a police source said. She told police a second "incident" happened near her Manhattan apartment on Nov. 21 - three days before Jones went to police with her story, a source said. "She tries to paint the picture of a stalker, but things don't add up," the source said. "We're thinking, 'She doesn't want there to be any witnesses we can talk to, so she's as vague as possible.'" Jones, the anchor of WABC's weekend weather forecasts, was known to a national audience for her fill-in work on "Good Morning America." Fans of the forecaster weighed in on her Facebook page with support and slams. "I sincerely hope you overcome the problems in your life right now," wrote one backer. "Stay strong, and ignore the haters, for none of us is without faults." Another critic offered a more pointed take: "You are a disgrace and I hope you lose your job." Paul Callan, an attorney for Jones, said she intends to plead innocent to the charges. "Ms. Jones has had a distinguished career as a broadcast journalist and urges all concerned to refrain from jumping to conclusions about the unproven charges against her being discussed in the press," Callan said. "On my advice she will make no comment until the matter is resolved in court." Jones claimed she was jogging through Central Park in late September when a man attacked her and dragged her into a wooded area, the source said. She claimed her attacker bolted when two tourists saw the incident and screamed - but she never reported the attack to police. The forecaster appeared at the 6th Precinct in late November to report she was approached again "by the same man who did this before," the source said. Once police began investigating her tale, the story quickly unraveled. Jones told police she was having problems in her relationship and thought reporting the bogus crimes would gain her sympathy. Jones - who's due in court on Jan. 5 - could face up to a year in prison if convicted. The weather woman is an avid runner, and came to New York from Houston - where she was honored as best weather anchor in the Lone Star State. Jones grew up in Indiana, and worked in Albany, N.Y., and Billings, Mont., before moving into bigger markets. |