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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
12/18/2010 8:28 am
The best shoe fit

for Tennis shoes - it is best not to buy the highest priced shoe, but to get one that is reasonable cost- and spend the additional money to get 'GOOD CUSHION INSERTS", good inserts may cost you from $9.00 up to $20.. depending on brand name, and type of cushion that best suits your feet and the way you walk.

no matter what type you buy, they used the "lowest cost inserts", because many are selling the brand name, and the fashion trend of the season, the rest of the shoe construction, especially the sole, is no longer soft rubber, but hard pressed plastic foam molded like substance. it is designed for "light weight" not true function for the cushion necessary for the pressure created while walking or running. the upper section simply needs to fit the foot in a firm and secure manner.

When it comes to women shoes, you may want to go to a custom shoe shop and have 'inserts made, that provide some cushion, since you are walking around on tip toes all day.

If you wear full foot covering high heels, you might want to invest in inserts that actually work.

first and foremost, High Heels are not a good bet for all women, some women are simply too heavy for them, and they result to have foot pain, back pain and a very agitated disposition due the the continual pain from simply walking in these body damaging shoes.

women should really know their weight in relation to the height of the heel she is wearing. the highest heels, are designed for slim and tall women. as if they are not already tall enough, but it is designed for their lighter weight body build.

Consistently I see heavy women, wearing heels, and from behind, their walk looks as if they are struggling and can't wait to get off their feet.
Even thin women, these shoes cannot be withstood for long periods of time, because the contour of the foot, does not distribute weight in a stable nor a healthy manner.

these shoes were not designed for all day high volume walking, they were made for 'sex appeal' in a particular environmental seducing presentation. the same as a person would not wear a evening gown to a business meeting, then likewise so, there are heels that are suitable for this kind of work environment.
if one already has an 'upturned butt", there is little need for high heels, which is designed to give that "upturned butt appeal', and standing on tip toes, as if one has the urgency of desire bubbling within them. or the modified arch in the back, in a way, that is designed to enhance attraction appeal.

Now... does it look good.." Certainly" it does, it was made for the focus on "looks"... but that had lessor concern for health or even safety for that matter. It is purely a eroticism enhancer..

so think about shoes, and consider many things, as well as the amount of time, each time can be worn without causing too much body damage.

what many women may find, is a pleasant smile, with a happy disposition, may get her many positive results as to be alluring, erotic and with the seductress satisfactions... than prolonged body damage.

SAdly some women, go through their day with an irritated feeling that squashes her ability to smile and have a comfortable look on her face, because 'her feet hurt" !!! and these is not a lot of things that can put a constant irritating pressure in ones day, than to have on shoes which make the feet either hurt or feel desperately uncomfortable.

Some other potential symptoms from sore feet, which impact women, as many are purely wiped out at the end of a day, not always because of the workload, but because their feet have hurt all day, and gave them a nagging irritating pain, which lingers, by the time they get home, they don't understand why they don't feel like doing anything. so the result is, they seek out comfort foods, and some place to sit or lay, and suddenly before you know it, the butt spreads, and the stomach expands, and suddenly she is 'overweight'..

The care of feet, can have a big impact on many things..