beyondfantasy3 113M
2011 posts
8/6/2011 7:52 am

well... a whole year plus has passed since I've ridden either bike... it's pure crazy....

first it was too cold, then it was rainy, now its been over 100 degree everyday for more than 30 days. Its so hot, that even at night, the temperature outside is very high.

Although even when I did ride them, I don't ride at night, unless I have to ride it to get back home from some place I may have gone. Unfortunately here, we have 'critters" which cross the road at night, and hitting one of them would not be good for me, the bike nor the critter.

The funny things about here, there are very interesting little roads that go into many variable views of the country side, which is itself interesting, but it too has its things. People drive their trucks very fast on these roads, and there other other challenge points to such. 4 lane roads are good, because you can see what is about to cross the road and have reaction time, two lane roads, are different, there is limits within reaction time when some critter jumps out of the brush.

I don't think I've see a place where truck tires throw up so many rocks ... its like flying bullets.. if one gets stuck behind some of these trucks .

Even last week, in my car, I got stuck behind a truck, so much stuff flew off the back in the air, It felt like my car was under attack... I doubt that the driver of the truck even considered that he was a rolling hazard to others on the road.

I don't see how some of the people without windshields on their bikes can tolerate the flying rocks and other stuff that many of these trucks kick up.... especially with no windshield, and with an open face helmet with no face shield. These kind of things, just take the fun out of riding.. guess, I'll ponder this stuff for a bit longer, to make a decision about the bikes....

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/6/2011 7:12 pm

unfortunately, I did not, and the batteries on both are down, one has had the battery replaced two times...

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/7/2011 7:22 am

they sit inside the garage... but I know its time to do something with them...