beyondfantasy3 113M
2012 posts
8/26/2011 4:43 am
Beyond it All

do you ever stop and think how blessed your are to be sane and healthy ? do you stop and give thankful regard for having a place to sleep that is comfortable and safe?

do you ever stop to think, and respect the fact that you are capable of feeling love for someone ?

do you stop and think how wonderful it is, that if you want a glass of water you can simply go and get it ?

do you ever stop to think, how great it is, that you can walk outside and see the sun, or run a few steps to get out of the rain ?

do you ever stop and give thanks, that you are capable of having a sexual relation with someone, and actually experience and share the pleasure of doing so.

Maybe if people thought about so much that is often taken for granted, they may be less expecting of so much frivolous stuff.

When was the last time you saw very old people who struggle just to walk, or people who are confined to a home or a bed, or people who are unable to even think about having or sharing sex.

Why are we such people who take so much for granted, and create so many means to destroy the simple act of communicating, we make a game out of the simple act of sharing, and we turn sex into the most silly cycle of bartering and mis-using activities in the psycho trips we wrap it within?

Have you ever stopped to think, that you are the person who deny yourself the enjoyment of life?

have you ever stopped to think of all the block walls you put in your life, and have you ever stopped to ask yourself what makes you so arrogant you can't simply speak and smile unto other ?

Have you ever stopped to think, what a gift and blessing it is to be simply able to help someone ?

have your asked yourself, why you are so selfish you are reluctant to help others ?

do you think your looks or money, make you neglect to regard these things ?

did looks or money ever save anyone who was a victim of a tragic accident ?

What really matters most to you ? choose any or many of the items below, and feel free to share your thoughts.

Don't just select a item, express your thoughts about it ?
to be a good and kind person
to be arrogant and think you are too Hot for anyone?
to think your money makes you above or better than others?
have you smiled at a senior citizen just to show considerate appreciation of person?
have you had a conversation with a person over 75? and really got involved in the exchange?
have you helped anyone lately without expecting anything in return?
the last time you had sex, did you do it to truly share mutual and self inspired feeling?
Have you spent $2.00 to help anyone lately ?
do you speak first or wait for other to speak?
is your smile "generally" for real and genuine, or fake and pretentious ?

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/8/2011 4:13 am

I also value my friends more than my money but for me it all starts with good health

Certainly, Health is and has to always be premier. I go to the VA Medical Center from time to time... I think if people take notice to the frailty which impacts so many lives. it will help them learn to truly appreciate many things that have no material concerns.

Without health, nothing else can be achieved.