beyondfantasy3 113M
2011 posts
12/28/2011 4:36 am
what do you believe in?

If you don't have the belief in God.. then what do you believe in?

For me, I don't buy into the evolution program, nor do I think all the things of the universe just came into being and maintains itself with some orbital order without a masterful power being at work.

I've yet to see a human being or any living thing, will itself back to life, nor have I ever seen a lifeless body perform any act.

the force that gives our body a animated capability is an amazing thing, but the consciousnesses which connects with a flow of universal thoughts certainly did not just come into being because of some big bang in the expanse.

Nor do I think we just crawled out of the water as a single cell something and suddenly we became to be human beings.

the uniqueness of mankind and all living things is not an accident but part of a grand design...
for me there is a God of it all...
that God is not man, but man is a creation made by God. it matters to me little how much man wants to proclaim himself a God, nor does it make me think that man can be a God, simply because through observation he discovers something God already created.

Man has studied the body for centuries, but cannot only figure out all the physical things of the body, man is confounded any time he gets to the point of how life comes into the body and makes it alive.

For me the Greatest of all is and will always be "God".

It's not necessary for me to try and disprove the existence of God.. I leave that to those who choose not to believe, but to date.. none in their aims to disprove have found anything to replace the concepts of God.

What do you believe in ?

How might God look, how might God be in size and shape... may matter far less than the thought that a power far greater than man and more elaborate than mans manipulations of matter... has caused the spirit of life into a body of human beings.

Some may claim a prophet greater than God and some may worship the speaker who speak about God, but not one prophet nor any speaker of God, can give a dead body life. We may well learn not to worship man, not elevate any man to God like status, for those who believe in God, also believe that God manifest "one" into his physical being, which man in the aims to disbelieve found their malice to drive them to nail him to a cross.

What do you believe in ?


Quoted Excerpts:

Psalm 51:11 . Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.

The Presence of the Lord in our lives are one of the single most important attributes in our lives. We cannot live without the Presence of the Lord.

The Bible says in Psalm 140:13 Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; the upright shall dwell in Your presence (before your very face). The Presence of the Lord is so important, and yet few Believers know what the Presence of God really means. There are three dimensions of the Presence of the Lord we will look at:

1. God is Omni-Present
God is everywhere at all times! Nothing escapes His eyes. There is no secrets and no surprises to Him. Everything done in secret He can and will reveal someday!
Isaiah 6:3 . . .the whole earth is full of His glory.
David said in Psalm 139: 7 Where could I go from your Spirit? Or where could I flee from Your presence? He goes on to say that there is no place he can hide! From the more remote place on earth to hell itself, from the Throne-room in heaven to the deepest jungle and beyond God is there! Jonah tried to run from the presence of the Lord, and even in the belly of the fish he cried out to the Lord and his prayer was answered.

What does this mean in the life of the Believer? You are NEVER alone! God is with you no matter where life may take you. The Omni-Presence of God is the Believers security! You are safe in the hands of God, regardless where you are.

2. Indwelling Presence
God lives in you! This is a mystery. A great God living in frail people. In John 15:4, 5 we read: Dwell in Me and I will dwell in you . . . whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. God is actively working in you. 1 Corinthians 3:16 says: Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you? The Lord is shaping our lifestyles with every passing minute.

What does this mean to the Believer? God’s indwelling presence is our Lifeline! Without Him we are nothing. We are completely dependent on Him every day. Through His indwelling presence He shapes our character and deposits the fruit of the Holy Spirit in us (Galatians 5:22) The gifts of the Holy Spirit operates through us as a result of His indwelling presence.

3. His Manifest Presence
God’s Manifest presence is a special anointing for a special task at a specific time. It is temporal in nature. His power will flow in a meeting, touching the lives of people, healing many and delivering others from the power of the enemy. During the dedication of the temple we read in 2 Chronicles 5:13, 14 . . . then the house of the Lord was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. In Acts 9:3,4 we read of Saul’s encounter with the manifest presence of the Lord that changed even his name! As he traveled on he came near to Damascus and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him and he fell to the ground. Then he heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me? When Jesus prayed on the mountain he was transfigured as the manifest presence came down. (Luke 9:29)

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
12/30/2011 6:54 pm

It's amazing everyone believes something, but people seem to be reluctant to speak up to what they believe.

I'm sure many people are the same way in their relations and wonder why the relations don't work.. because they won't own up to what they believe.

Then there are many who don't know what they believe... so how can they hope to find and sustain any kind of relationship.....

quite amazing.