beyondfantasy3 113M
2011 posts
4/6/2012 1:30 pm
Perspectives of many sorts... choose what works for shared peace and joy

Things observed as to "some' of the social issues...

funny thing is, generally when I'm out walking, I see many older men out walking, some with their dog, some just walking for the exercise and joy of it all. But the other crazy thing is the women are some place hidden from view..

No wonder most of the older men choose to remain single, because he should not have to slay dragons to get women to act like social interactive people in relations to male human beings.

Maybe this is why so many of the females in this region are not only over weight, they often times have this "duty obsessed mentality" where they always want to dictate some role for the man or for the man to be doing some task or chore. Talking about 'fun killers', this is the landscape.. as there are many only think 'someone spending money on them is the only reality of fun'... No wonder even the young men, are more reluctant today to make the connections.
Besides now days, the young men even know, they can barely trust the women, because the minute she get comfortable and think she is on top of something, or three men smile at her, the head swells up, and she starts trying to find ways and reasons to put down the guy she is with, until she is quickly ready to throw anything away, trying to chase more .. or what they think might appear as more or that might seem like she can extract more out of it.

Generally one can tell much about the disposition of community, by the mentality and social manner of the women. Most areas that become progressive also have women who are functionally interactive, they walk, they get out and smile, they embrace the community to promote positive energy. and the community becomes less about flaunting the pursuit of wealth and more about simply enjoying the environment of life and each other.. then they find that success is simply a matter within the process of living in a positively interactive environment of male and female functional interactions.

I noticed a few days ago, as I was walking, nearly every man who was working in his yard, spoke but some of the women, were even hesitant to even wave, but you could look at the neat joy feeling about how they kept their lawn and the neatness of their house, they are happy people within themselves. some of the ones who houses were not neat were more reluctant to wave.

Life is funny, but in simplicity it is about people, men and women, and the atmosphere they create where can be happy and joyous.

But in this money hungry status deluded society, of fake fashion and pretentious airs of uppity material dominated self measurement, it has made the male and female reality a social disaster.

No small business can survive in the American Landscape to prosper and support the community, because they minute it become to prosper, suddenly comes divorce, and the destruction of the business, followed by the loss of home.

Imagine if the women worked as hard to feel equally responsible to support the expense of home, it would probably be less foreclosures in this nation. but too many think their money is all theirs to do what they please rather than to know they must help support the house they call home. Sometimes only when they become single due to divorce, do they suddenly realize the responsibility it takes to support home. but when they do, they get so egotistical and arrogant, they want to boast about doing it all themselves. Many get so wrapped up in such ego elation they can't fathom the concept of sharing anything. Some are so resentful because they have to pay their own way, they detest dealing with a man unless he comes bearing gifts. some only want to flaunt their ability to make other women who have a more challenged time feel bad.. It's pure insanity.

Today, many women can't choose a man, because they are too busy hunting title,status, wealth, material substance, they unfortunately have not learn in the 21st century to see men as people. they measure his wallet, his title and then there are the degree junkies, who are looking for the vanity of public status.

There's always the foolish elements involved in any aspect of society. We even have things like very wealthy entertainers who loose all sense of reality trying to impress each other, until they become depressed and consumed in a variety of intoxicants, trying to delude themselves that the 'material and vanity circle is fun', and that concept kills them slowly and leave many flat broke and wondering what the hell happen.

Look at the landscape - today many of the entertainers are pushed on the roller-coaster by overzealous agents, who have them running like a maniac, and the only person who gains is the agent, while they end up wearing down and feeding intoxicants to their , to keep them moving on the roller-coaster. By the time many entertainer and public figures and those trying to live the fast life crash and awaken, they find out they were used and played like a spinning top.. some survive to come to realizations, but some die in the process never to have awakened before their own demise.

they had a list of entertainer on the web, who simply burned out and look horrible from trying to live up to the entertainment image, and being lost in drink, drugs and party mentality, who resulted to simply deteriorate.
some become broke, trying to be everything to everybody.. never realizing they are being pimped like a by a tyrant.

Men today, find a level headed woman who is not following the dictates of the fashion industry, and one who does not get misled by the media hype of trying to be everything all at once, or the ones who think they can control the world with sx, and certainly avoid those who have a bargain and barter mentality about socializing and a pros+ituting mentality about sx... The same applies for women, find a man who does not think his whole world evolve around giving women material stuff, and trying to have the most money and the most material things, or chasing titles so hard that he has lost sense of himself and measures his whole self by a title.

People must regain the ability to remember- that commercials are fiction , and media presentations are fictions made for entertainment, and polished up for marketing sales of the entertainments project. attitudes are embellished, drama is animated for the sales effect, fashion is pushed to market the designers brand. and when it all comes back around to the reality point.. life is the basics of people in day to day interactions, the performance of their jobs and trying to make some life that has the ability to minimize hardships in daily provisioning.

Look at the lives of the ultra wealth whom are comfortable with the ability to have and do a job.. top examples is Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and even before his death, Steven Jobs. they could afford anything, but their lives are not made into a Hollywood club scene caricature, nor are they flashed across the tabloids. These simple depictions show a stark contract between the young State, Screen and Studio set who unfortunately influence too much of the culture across the metro systems of social structures. We have girls trying to look 15 because the media wants to sell them on the fashion runway as if they are older women, and the delusion takes down the young girl trying to be such, and the older women who are anguished because she is beyond the years of such.. pomp and pageantry of pretensions.

Today this pursuit has made a challenged society globally, and produced a society that is aged, and functioning on 3r, 4th and 5th marriages, with a string of disconnected , and list of contentions between a multitudes of Ex's ..

A society "Jaded" by its own pursuit to emulate the media's depictions.

(( JADED)):
made dull, apathetic,fatigued by overwork or cynical by experience or by an intemperate or immoderate indulgence in fictions and pursuits of delusional fantasy, resulting in the inability to appreciate or be appreciated.

If today's, women learn and re-learn how to be appreciative and how to be appreciated without $$ signs attached to it on both ends, not only will they find they are much more able to actually appreciate things and they will find they have to put on less antic's and create less trips, which will result in them becoming able to find some satisfying experiences and gain the capability to actually enjoy the relation and interactions with men. It requires a cultural mentality change. Unfortunately too many women expect too much, and too many are too impatient and want more than they are willing to put the mutual effort to build. but morse most have no patience to build things, they want instant and what they find is self delusion and the chase of illusions, which negate the time to truly appreciate reality.
some women can't enjoy sx, because they surround it with so much trips, gambits and games, and then get lost in trying to use it like a tool, until they miss the whole point and realism of what sharing of these experiences is all about.

If, today's' man stop bowing to women as if he has to be patronizing just to get her to act social and civil to communicate. today's man has to stop putting her on a pedestal and pandering to her as if she is some goddess, because it only feeds the situation for her to quickly take him for granted, and thus he becomes resentful of giving and sharing things with her. men have to stop acting and assuming he has to buy her like the average hook*er, and stop assuming that he has to pay her way in life, and morally support her working and contributing to the relationship.
Men must stop assuming her as being intellectually inferior, because she will only use her intellect to undermine him, because he has made such an assumption. then neither of them will win.. anything, nor share anything together. don't become a sucker for fake tears, because the next minute the same women will be telling you what kind of ultimatum she wants to issue.

Kindness and consideration is a two lane highway... if it becomes less, you need to make your turn at the fork in the road. If she comes with the on and off game trying to make you chase her, you would serve yourself best not to become a chaser, and realize there is always another bus on the route and you won't have to chase it.

Cultural Reality Changes -- the Change for the 21st Century - (to give social communion a new breath of fresh life).

men and women, are the only beings who can change the disconnects within society of the male and female rebuilding of relations and heal the ills created by social dysfunction.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
4/7/2012 11:01 am

finding ways to find joys, is always a product of sharing honesty between men and women... and being of honest unto ones self first.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
4/8/2012 11:22 am

(comment from another blog)

When I first joined the site, I had hoped that it would be 'straight talking people', but I found quickly, not only are many of the women not 'straight talkers', many want to be chased and pursued, only for the sake of their ego aims for ego elation, and some are so worried about the options, they can't make a choice, because they are worried about what they might miss if they make a choice.
Sadly, some who do make a choice are so busy holding 'reserves' waiting on a better offer, until they play the string along game. where they want the man to become consumed in them, while they spend their time seeing how many other men will chase them.

the old concept of what men use to think does not apply, actually it never applied except in the mind of the men, women have always been and will continue to be. 'hunters', looking to see how many they can attract, and once they get their ego lift of feeling desired, they then become even more unable to make a choice, because they become elated to think they can have everything and as many as they want, but they can't maintain even one in honest terms.

Sadly, this is the cycle we continue to see.. Now days, women are weighing their options to choose both man and woman, and many have reserves for other women open as much as some have reserves for other men.

but truth and reality is of far more things, Today, many women are addicted to their sx toys, and they deny this even to themselves, but they can't break the cycle of that addictions. ( these are things no one talks about, and many women would prefer if guys remain blind about this factor)...

Reality is of much, but slowly men are awakening to know, that the only way to find a woman, is for the women to show herself as being the one with the motivation to want to make a relation... by any other means, the man is apt to get played, deluded and even deceived if he jumps blindly at the first smiling face.

men remain simple, and men have always been simple in the sense, he wants simply a honest woman, who has a self motivation to be in relations and share without a list of games and tricks and gambit options. But time is finding that men are finding this more a rarity than every before in life.

the more means many women get the less likly they are to put full effort into relation building. give them the ability to get and have a job and get their own money, they become aloof, give them the ability to purchase a car and material things they become aloof, , give them the sx toys and girlfriends who share playing with the sx toys, they become aloof,

Today, if a woman is in a relationship, and see's some other woman get something or do something or they think they can get a man who will connect them to more money... they become aloof, Sadly, some even play the game of connect with a man, for a measured period of time, and if she thinks she can leave with half his holdings, they become aloof, and will fight him to her last breath to take anything and everything they can from him.

This is not because of being cynical, this is the reality of the landscape of how things are in the world of today.

Too many women are more interested in what they think their face and ass can get them, and if they think they can use it to get more, they will dump the guy they are with and have not a second thought about it. as they go chasing for the next options.

If by chance a man finds a rare one that actually likes and actually appreciates man and actually wants to be with a particular man... then that might be the one he can invest some interest and effort. But he should be careful even still and not dive in with his eyes closed.

Many a men have found their lives long term damaged by the wrong choice of woman. many men have seen all he has worked for looted from him by gold digging women, who can be like a leech that clings until everything is gone. Many women will use sx for more manipulations than the common hook-er will use it for. so do not be a fool of any sort for the sx of woman... and she can then not use it by any means to make games of any sort.

The bible if filled with information and reasons for man to be cautious of the women he engages. This book is very old, yet the premise of its words are as new as they were before the book was written.

Be aware, be of patience in your choices and know what you are choosing and if he is wise in doing so, he may find a woman, who respects being a woman who loves a man, and then there is possibility to make a good relationship.