beyondfantasy3 113M
2012 posts
5/22/2012 6:37 pm
How is our love

we each have wonderful thoughts of love, some may be hidden by many things. Fears, Apprehensions, Confusions, Doubts, Contempt, Greed of Desire for more choices than we can manage.

We want to share, often we want to show what is our love. It may well take the acts of creative embrace to show and share the uniqueness of our individual selves.

In some things, when our judgements become less, our realizations of love becomes more fulfilled.

Unto each; to believe in the Good of God, or by what ever names that satisfies you in knowing that there is a power and force far greater than our mortal selves. We then can learn that by the divine design, Love is a majestic mystery that drives us in more ways than we acknowledge, and we have only to open up and appreciate, relax and be appreciated.

but today, not only do so many avoid to appreciate; many fight away others and do all they can to deny the opportunity for others to appreciate them.
We even get haughty and think we are too good and our vanity makes us think we are too special for others to appreciate us, and our arrogance makes us delusional to think we are too good and too special to appreciate others.
What Madness !!!

how and when did anyone get too great to appreciate others, when did anyone get so high on themselves, they would deny and be rude when someone tries to show appreciation for and of them.

A smile is free, and laughter is far greater than one even imagines, it not only Free's one within themselves, it conveys a freeness of joy out unto others.

When did anyone get too great to say a simply hello, and when did one get so vain they can't accept a compliment with grace and thanks.

Do we stop to realize that life and/or death can both come and/or go in an instance. our time is a gift, and we become to haughty and vain, filled with selfish arrogance, that we do and create all kinds of madness and criteria of foolishness that we refuse to share the gift and then wonder why our love is unfulfilled, and our moments become lonely.

We've become so vain that we barter even a simple smile, and then we measure our greeting with purposeful aim to deny ourselves the freeness to do so, unless we can first measure some material matter or count some currency value we secretly covet.

beauty will not stop death from anyone, nor has wealth ever bought life after death has called upon one.

Be of care, guard against foolishness, and stay clear that desperation does not become the driver of your soul. Be weary of people whom are driven by the delusional madness of desperation. for one cannot love when they are driven by desperation, nor can desperation and the acts of desperation attract love as it comes forth with a vengeance to covet.

Truth unfolds through our gift of life, we have the tools of communications, the delights of understandings, that we may find life fulfilling by embracing the wisdom to accept Gods plans.
Always the plan is revealed through kindness, it comes forth through compassion, and shares much through consideration. By such, we come to know many joys, within the works of our appreciations.

how is our love.... other than wonderful...

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
5/28/2012 9:29 am

People have become too materialistic,

yes, during earlier times, people knew the value of appreciating each other and respecting the work that it took them to mutually contribute to making a family, sharing relations and making life work for them.
soap opera and laugh a minute show has made everything into a caricature for the sake of a laugh and to push rating and sell products via commercial depictions of delusion.

media today pushes the image of woman as a novelty toy, for the sake of marketing and product dominance, they use the image of woman and the lure of sx as the gambit by any method of drama and sequence of such.
Today, the marketing is dominated by homosexuals, and they insure they push and make commercials to promote homosexuality to their highest saturation, they enact this predominantly toward women, by their posturing and depiction of women in every homosexual suggestive presentations, to make the women think their life is not complete unless they are pursuing or being pursued by other women.. they now show, women with women in situations that use to depict men and women as a pair, it has been replaced by women and women, always with one woman having a more butch like position to the other woman.
they use the most effeministic males to push as an image of what is their means to try and influence to people to think this is the image of being professional. when young women are shown in movies and commercials, they make them as much homosexual prone as they can get away with on general media TV and film, and you will rarely see a teen movies where they are not depicting the women seducing each other as a novelty to promote it as the new in thing to do.

by design, they promote single women as single mother and make it appear as glamorous and endearing as they can, this means there is more options for the homosexual promoters to select from, the more they can push images to show dysfunction between males and females.

people have to be smart enough to see beyond the grooming intent the media is designing to push and promote. many people can't see it because of the glitz and entertaining captions it is displayed. But people who know the beauty of man and woman and the natural design of man and woman as the means of what promotes the ongoing of life, rather than the consumption in the flesh... are keen to know and see through the media intent to promote a homosexual society.
they play on the vanity of woman, as the means to insure they distort and promote a break in the motivation of male and female connections.

then they want to make it seem criminal to speak about the aims of their games to promote wide spread homosexuality as the new norm as is the design of the homosexual community that dominate and rules the media.

Bisexuality among women may be more normal as just the nature of life, but it is not designed where the woman favors the woman more than the man, it is more a design where women see each other with some level of desire that takes on sexual aspects in the whole of their relations. this may be more true based on the history of many civilizations having had at one time or the other, multiple wives as a base premise of how relationships were designed and how they functioned.

today, many women even feel like something is missing from their life if they are not being hit on by other women, or they are not hitting on other women or have a girlfriend they can add in the mix with their relationship once they are with a man.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
6/2/2012 7:33 am

Moving for any reason is a big change, and always entails more than a whim..
some change is good and some adjust quickly.. most never forget their roots nor do they forget the dreams they have for expanding beyond the range of where their roots attach.
If people want to move for love. then they probably should invest themselves to cultivate love in its basic truths, and honor those truths for the love to remain being loving.
If you have short range objectives, then once's its met the love may fade as quickly.. but when love is an ongoing aim, to make it better, deeper and lasting, then love has much work that is continual and one may find loving to become lasting.

when one is running from something, how long does the haunting of what they are fleeing impact where they think they are running to for cover.. ?

therefore, if its love then one may need to know that is the love they want, or they may simply use it as a cover for the sake of running from something else.