beyondfantasy3 113M
2011 posts
7/29/2012 7:33 am
What value does it truly hold ?

if one has the looks of charm and the poise of how they carry it which brings one to claim another beautiful...

What value does it truly hold ?

We've all seen pretty faces and bodies, men see such of many women, and women see such of many men...

but what is within and behind the looks one claims to be of beauty, is often many things, some of which is not so beautiful, some of which is not so kind, and some of which can be of much malice.. then, what of that which our eyes tell us to claim as being beautiful.. ?

How does it factor in when the actions of such a one of physical charm that is called beauty, is of a manner of rudeness, a heart of self encircled vanity, the ego of feeling entitled, and actions that became many things which not all of such is nice, nor considerate. Then what, of value does the claim of physical beauty hold ?

We see many of a variety of looks, engaged within every type of act which exist within the human spectrum. thus the question is, how much do we allow our eyes to blind us from the reality of what is within the acts and hearts of individual...

We may see some who we do not proclaim as being of physical charm that one calls beauty, yet, we find many who have acts of care and compassion, consideration and grace, which makes their presentation of self be claimed as a beautiful person.

Such a strange thing, the latter description is easy to love, but the first is many times difficult to love and in some cases more difficult to accept being loved.

first description of one with external charms one may call beautiful.. over time will change in appearance and age will alter the looks... and what is then more forefront is what is within... at such point, what then is there to equate with beauty ?

the second description of one with not so much external charm which is not labeled as beauty... and what is then more forefront is what is within, at such point that age come to bring it changes.. what was first claimed to present one as a beautiful person remains being what presents one as a beautiful person..

much matters in how we become to consider beauty...
which may well consider more than what the eyes can see....

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/1/2012 5:35 pm

I try to make sure that I don't become foolish behind the looks of a woman, because beyond the looks... far too often the substance of character is lacking in areas of sincerity or considerations.. which is often only conditional as a tool being used to get something. Rather than being a genuine person.

If men think about it, and look at life.. pretty women only stay friendly as long as they get their way and someone is either giving them something or doing a favor for them... soon as they can't get something by some means.. they are no longer friends..
Generally pretty women have the shortest friendships.. because they abuse peoples kindness by expecting things, and then placing conditions and they will vanish in the blink of an eye. I don't think some of them are reliable.. not in relationships nor in general..
Because someone has drilled in their head that their looks give them the right to make use of anyone whom the looks attract.

any many can probably count on one hand over the span of his life, the limited number of pretty women who become honest in their friendliness and enduring in their friendships..

many of these who are in this site with a pretty face are, not only very sarcastic, but many are rude and think they are better than other human beings, until they can be down right nasty with their attitudes.

what is also very odd, is many of the women with popular pretty faces and/or shapely bodies, seem to have more of a hard time making and sustaining relationship...
if you look in this site and look at the way many are holding out waiting on someone with money, as if their looks make them live like they are a commodity, rather than as a woman who has a heart and mind to love and sharing in what makes a two way contributory relationship.

many women listen to other women, tell them what they should expect, and tell them silly stuff about what a guy should give and do for them based on how they look. You don't hear women telling women who don't have popular looks all that stupid stuff, because the women know, it is not about how she looks, but it is how she treats others, and how she is willing to give as much as she expects to get.
pretty women far too often defeat any hopes of love or honest friendships, as many are groomed to think someone owes them something just because they showed up.
Parents make some of them into specialized pro-titutes in the manner they train them to chase money and titles.
we see it every day.. money easily buys too many pretty women, where many times money won't and don't buy women of average looks with the same frequency..

women may not be able to do anything about how they were born to look, but they sure have 100% control over whether or not they are honest and sincere individuals and they have 100% control over whether they are able to invest themselves in a relationship and give with the same level of what they expect other to give to them.

What Woani said, is more true and many have seen the same things over and over and over.
It took Halle Berry being dumped a few times, before she came to realize that the relationship is not all about her and her looks won't guarantee her anything beyond initial attraction.. after that, it will always come down to whether or not a person is honest and sincere as a human being.

men walk away from pretty faced and shapely body women every day, and when they do, they generally want nothing more to do with her because they are fed up with the Prima Donna attitudes.

clothes and make up and looks will only go so far.. we see 1000's of use to be pretty faced women, who are burned out, and jaded and many of them quickly flip the scrip and start chasing women, because they think just because men are attracted that she does not have to respect him..