beyondfantasy3 113M
2012 posts
10/6/2012 10:14 am
Changes are coming - EVENTUALLY, when people awaken.

Sadly China is dealing with what the US dealt with in the 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, and 1960’s. And that is the need for UNIONS, to come in and fight for the rights of the people.

Sadly the US has become so anti Union and in doing so, worker rights and benefits have been rolled back to the 1920's in America.. This in turn hurts the Chinese too, because the fad of America influences too much of the world and how they do business.
China should be ashamed to be the Slave Master System that allows it's people to be enslaved in their own country for the benefit of rich foreign individuals who care only for the slave labor profits.
America is not a good model in these terms for any nation to follow, because the system of American Business has been for centuries and present day decades to turn workers to indentured servants. It was only by the force of UNIONS that the common worker gained any level of respect.
America is not a good example on equality rights for all, because bigotry and bias has economic segregation moving ahead to this very day, the America system does not favor poor whites, poor minorities, in fact, these are groups the Right Wing policies and Politics which are designed around business before people, is determined to re-invent the era of indentured servitude with no social program and no collective social benefit to any of its citizens who are not among the upper wealthy to the wealthy elite.

When the uprising comes to China it will also, reverberate to come to America, because America will see a reflections of business and its acts and actions against the good of people.
Sadly, as long as the Ivy League elite run company, the program of indentured servitude will continue its march against the poor whites and poor minorities and the working poor of these groups will rage like a wild fire.
Foxcon- is only symbolic of what is taking place, and the steps leading to the revolt by the people to insure they challenge and eventually stamp out the anti people nature of corporations and the elite who push the indenture programming.

What the system would like you to believe, is that America can't compete and can't produce good products, but what it does not tell you is, you pay a high cost for products which represents business making "300-500-1000%" profit and more on what is produced using foreign 'slave wage labor".

If that same product was produced here, and industry went back to respecting what is a 25% - 45% profit margin you'd pay the same for that product as you are now paying and maybe less.

BUT.. When you have a program that factors itself based on making 200-500% profits, then you will conjure any story desired to make the American people believe it is cheaper to produce over-seas.
In simplicity America people are "respectfully Ignorant", because they believe anything rich people tell them, and they are willing to suck up and swallow any story that any person in a suit and riding a degree tells them. We are not a society that thinks anymore, nor are we as sophisticated as the nation once claimed, We are a mass of people who are 'mob followers' and fad riders, who no longer can think, and we have absolutely lost the sense of Integrity the generations had who built America. Greed blinds people and Envy of Greed makes many pursue and chase greed with a blind passion, they will believe anything if they think the delusion with get them favor from the wealthy.

In general America is dumber down by its own self gloating, bias and bigotry and its lust for the Confederate Past.
People have an attention span of about 6.2 seconds and that is falling fast. They can only read ' one liner slap stick" anything beyond that they become enraged and negative because it’s too much information for their brains to process.

China could long have turned its people into income earning and product consuming people.. but instead of building basic infrastructure components, it set its sights on building opulence and marquee things which only benefit the well to do. What results is a mass of provinces that still function at below poverty levels, and the gap between the well to do and the common citizen is so wide the gap may never be closed and as time proceeds that gap will only widen. Destitution is practically guaranteed to the masses.

Now the younger generations who are learning how to think as individuals are slowly grasping the need for change, they are slowly learn how to become independent thinkers, but they are caught under the powers of an oppressive regime that favors the wealthy over the people. The everyone is the same program is an delusion and functions as a an illusionary containment program. Many people who work couldn't buy the products they produce in the course of a year. Many are working in dorm like containment as if they are captured and indentured servants, no less than if they had been captured from a foreign land and made to be contained individuals whose sole function is to produce for the consumption of rich nations and the rich elite of China to profit. The Mao's program has long been dead.. of every man equal.. It is a delusion, but it function as a containment model to control a billion people of diverse ideological grooming. Without this illusion and delusion being promoted, China would erupt into the grandest and greatest Civil War ever to happen on a Continental expanse.

But people in general detest 'thinking" and the attention span is so short they become anguished at anything written which is more than 2.5 lines in length. They simply have no commentary and rebuttal, because the minds are ungrounded to deal with multiple factor dialog.. The multiplicity of conjoined and collateral factors simply confounds them until they are quickly agitated and enraged which promotes denial and silence and anguish and contempt at the mere mention of more than their minds can digest.. is met with immediate denial.. This is true of American, as well as of Chinese. So both become a Cliché loving society, that has little concept of what the elements behind the Cliché truly means.

Its evident in this web site, of the lack of collaborative responsiveness to subject matter. I've tried every means to incite, promote and even provoke people to think and respond, and it is met with silence and a negative obstinacy which promotes them to ignore the written discussion material.. and discount the fact of its presentation.

This is precisely how and why the wealthy can control the masses and subdue them into submission by the simplest means

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/6/2012 2:04 pm

It is unlikely that a post as such will garner any comments that explore or expound on the subject spectrum. yet so many come to this site and claim their higher education ..
Which only means they are looking for someone with money, or they have rated themselves above others based on money. they are on a status search.

but discuss anything which is current socially relevant, they zip lips as if someone had sewn their mouths shut.

I can think on only two maybe three poster who may have commentary on such discussion, and maybe one woman.

Beyond that, it becomes a "O' interactive function as to engagement.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/6/2012 6:57 pm

    Quoting  :

Sadly most are caught in a grind until the survival function is far dominant over the social function. Some factories function in a manner to discourage male female relationship, the push of the 'goal oriented aim for economic status" has promoted a society that is in "perpetual reserve" waiting to live ? Waiting to love and both seem to be more distant by the passing of days.

China's population is aging fast, and the on child rule will eventually diminish the population over generations. What will remain is a mass of ' people who see nothing to pursue but status illusions. social erosion is already in massive over-drive. Western influenced homosexuality has overtaken many by overt and covert means, and many are blinded by the adulation of fancy of such, they are unaware of the futuristic results.

the social divides in the average province is wider than one would have thought possible 35 years ago, the competitive nature is more fierce than ever on the land mass of the Chinese nation. The government itself is interested in economic warfare and information warfare against any nations that has a prospering economic system. this will eventually backfire and cause problems that the average person of China will be dumbfounded to understand what happen and why they are ostracized .

currently, Everything is done for image sake, the cost are staggering but the common people are unable to gain anything from it, except the options of "distant viewing'. they can go to the opulent malls and look at the massively expensive infrastructure and other things, but they only see what is beyond their concept of ability to grasp or interactively engage. The divide is more visible to more people.
within the next three year the continual 8% growth will slow dramatically, because each nations is working over time to bring their industry back to their own soil or face collapse of their own economic system.

but the truth will not be told at the convention you speak of, because it can't be told because it would send shock wave for people to have to face the fact that the hope they dream will be scaled back and made more difficult to imagine.
China can't go back to the days of Mao, nor can it continue at the pace it enjoyed over the past 30 years. The change is to be many things, but it is to unfold many things and all of it will not be the smoothest to deal with.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/7/2012 6:34 am

    Quoting  :

The wealthy today don't have the integrity of those who built industry a century ago.. Today, the wealthy only care about jetset imagery, who has the biggest house and who can waste the most money on cars and other stuff.

when people are buying 200k and upward cars, and houses that cost 10's of millions, then that in and of itself tells a story.

Many companies want only to pay min wage to the workforce, without benefits, yet the exec's award themselves a king ransom for doing much of nothing.

People have bought the delusion of tax breaks to the wealthy for so long, there are segments of the right wing in this nation, who are brainwashed by the madness of such a premise.
here, there are many people who grandstand and claim they made it by themselves, and down others, but no one makes it by themselves. there are just many who do not give credit to the multitudes of people who assisted and actually directly helped them.. when they get comfortable, they forget all of that, and the ego takes over and they claim they did it all by themselves.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/8/2012 4:38 pm

(from news)

WASHINGTON (AP) — American companies should avoid sourcing network equipment from China's two leading technology firms because they pose a national security threat to the United States, the House Intelligence Committee warned Monday.

The panel said in a report that U.S. regulators should block mergers and acquisitions in this country by Huawei Technologies Ltd. and ZTE Corp, among the world's leading suppliers of telecommunications gear and mobile phones.

Reflecting U.S. concern over cyber-attacks traced to China, the report also recommends that U.S. government computer systems not include any components from the two firms because that could pose an espionage risk.

"China is known to be the major perpetrator of cyber-espionage, and Huawei and ZTE failed to alleviate serious concerns throughout this important investigation. American businesses should use other vendors," the committee's chairman, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich, told a news conference. He said the Chinese companies could not be trusted with access to computer networks that support everything from power grids to finance systems.

The recommendations are the result of a yearlong probe, including a congressional hearing last month in which senior Chinese executives of both companies denied posing a security threat and being under Beijing's influence. ( end news)

This is just the beginning, China will eventually make itself the least likely place to purchase computing products, especially anything that accesses any network.. and this trend will go from country to country, because it is continually proven that China cannot be trusted when it comes to respecting the data of other nations.
The British will follow suit, and Malaysia especially being so much currency flows through there, then will come the struggling countries, because they know they have to protect what they have left.
it will be even harder for Chinese Tech people to get foreign jobs for foreign countries that deal with sensitive data, because they simply won't be trusted. For years countries have been complaining about Chinese hacking into other peoples systems, not they have affirmed it with this decision, and it is unlikely that China remove the blemish it has created upon itself.
the current problems of China are great, from Cyber theft, falsely keeping its currency low, targeting industry in other country and flooding their markets, circumventing quota's and creating unlawful regulations seeking to extort companies who do business in China to be forced to give up their trade secrets.. These are very big things, and add in counterfeiting products., to product tampering by using unregulated materials in products and claiming it to be something that it is not.
Country after Country is gearing up to pose opposition against Chinese influence buying.
Then there is N. Korea, China feeds N.Korea while it allows them to use their money for weapons build up and military purposes, then China does not speak up and try and curtail the aggressions of N. Korea when it pushes with threats.

What a shame, because China has a billion people if it would stop and play fair and develop its population to be creative thinkers and support them to use their skills for making honorable their training aims to support their people being able to create things and work with regard for the worker.
Unfortunately as it is, the Regime simply won't make those type of changes.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/9/2012 5:06 am

Countries like the U.S., and the Right Wing anti government investment motivations of the Republican Party System, have no idea what they are dealing with. They think they can gouge and privatize everything and win, and it simply is no so, because mankind is by nature greedy and vicious in their means to support being greedy. an ungoverned and unregulated society will not gain the strength and unity of that which a governed and regulated society can and will gain.
China above and beyond all things, function as a unified front. they will always have a stronger resolve to invest in itself.
China's government invest heavily in its business and underwrites its financial industry. The idiots in the west who have opposition against the US government investing in this nation, helping its business and financial system, is exactly why this country counties to slip.
Private individuals trying to gouge the system and fight the government is why American industry struggles.
One thing China does understand on its home land is, that the government and the people are one, which mean the government must regulate and invest, it is the way it moves in uniform growth.
American's right wing, of every man for himself, has destroyed the Western Industrial system.

China knows where and when to shore up its industry and its financial system with government funds, so they don't have the wide swings of up and down cycles like the west. therefore they have a certain level of stability, that the west will never get as long as it has the anti government right wing policies, which function like the old Confederate South Policies.

China is about the Chinese people, where the West is about the Right Wing whites thinking that America only belongs to them. This madness and silliness has seen nothing but a see-saw game that has broken the industrial strength of this nation and left it's infrastructure to become aged and unmaintained, it has allowed the banks to control the nation, and wall street to control the economic lives of individuals.
Gouging, individualized greed and constructive robbery of the citizens by the wealthy, is the elements that has weakened America's economic stature.

8.2 % growth is because of a unified front to make all of China[s system prosper.. where in the West, Banks and Markets, care little about the Nation, they only care to gouge and rob and claim themselves kings while the nation itself deteriorates from lack of governmental investment and governmental support to infuse the system with what it needs to grow and be stable.
If America rids itself of the Republican Right and Squash the Confederate Mentality that fills this group, it could prosper in every area, but as long as the Right Wing Confederate Policy Mentality is alive it will do exactly what it has done over the past 3.5 yrs, and that is be "obstructionist", they previously spent 8 years, looting everything, creating wars and neglecting the very people and the infrastructure of this nation. They are caught in an 1800's cycle where they want to re-claim the Southern Confederacy and make it spread across the whole of the Nation. where everything is privatized and the people become indentured to the wealthy.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/9/2012 5:10 am

China's uprising will become about - spreading the growth to poor provinces, but not only do the people know, but the government knows, with the massive populations, they cannot become a ungoverned and UN-regulated society, because it will lead to immediate chaos and ultimate downfall of the entire nation.

The Western system could not manage a billion people, greed is too great, political gouging for industry is too great and bigotry and bias is too wide spread. And when it comes to political party divide, it would be a mass of a chaotic unraveling.