beyondfantasy3 113M
2012 posts
11/17/2012 5:11 pm
What people ignore

I'm continually amazed at what people ignore. not only do people develop contempt some get ego driven with a competitive comparison so deep, it drives them to selectively ignore many things.

Many of the challenges in peoples lives seem to sprang from what they ignore as much as what they choose to support of what they have selected to ignore.
It's quite interesting, because knowledge and understanding is built within more things that many times people choose to disregard, but often times, so too; can people choose ignorance by the acts of what they choose to ignore.

The nature of the human being is filled with ego measurements on so many fronts, that contentions rages and contempt fills the minds of so many, until people stump their own growth in ways they may not even be of awareness to know, they have chosen such.

Even here in these web pages, people develop so many attitudes at others, about many things, often time it can be traced to ego's as well as the contempt which is born when ego's feel challenged by their own choice to feel challenged.

So many even claim they want love, but they have chosen to ignore so many and so much, and often they remain unaware they deny themselves the same love they claim to be seeking.
Love does not come dressed in the fantasy delusion people craft in their minds, It comes in the basic realism's of people... dealing with daily life situations and circumstance.
It's not something that is destined to come scripted and prop'ed like a film set, nor is it designed to come with the exaggerated flair of promotional commercials.

So many become so confused about reality, because of commercialized depictions of movies, advertisements and gimmick based media presentations.. Until they ignore the realism of people and thus they ignore love in its most natural format.

Love does not care about designer labels, nor what kind of house or what make of car of how much make up and jewelry nor does it care what ones job title it. But so many Ignore so much, based on their obsessive compulsion to make and pass judgements based on these things.

Even in this site, write a post about probing the thoughts and exploring factors, and people become silent and some get contempt about the fact that subject matter challenges their fantasy to look at reality.

Some women think being pretty is suppose to guarantee her love, and they ignore so much, because they are under the illusion and following the delusion that pretty is going to be all that is necessary. sadly, so many that have the pretty look become truly ugly in character and rude and condescending in personality, because they expect being pretty is suppose to do what it cannot do. but the delusion cause them to ignore so much, and over time, they end up with far less in spirit and love, because they measured by the wrong things and chose to ignore many things they should have paid attention unto.

No one get's forever to make a choice, nor does anyone get forever to respect the choice, but people destroy many potential relationship, by what they ignore, all in the quest of some fictional media reflection of fantasy. suffer and hearts are broken by the chase of delusions, and the excessive choice to ignore the work it takes to make love function as a interactive relation.

Some are so hung up on the "I" , until they ignore to realize that the consumption of weighing what they 'expect to get", does not lend them to realize what they ignore of what they should be giving and sharing.

But in the choice to ignore so much, also points to the areas that so many take so much for granted.. until they themselves become jaded and loose within themselves the character which would otherwise add value unto and into their lives.

You are welcome to 'ignore this blog post', but will you ignore the reason that makes you ignore it. Or will you learn from your reasons for ignoring it.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/24/2012 7:25 am

you are certainly correct - we must remain individuals, but to do so we must be thinking people!!! and that means first we must establish some sense of values. and the most basic value that one must have is to be a 'honest person"... its a continual work, because it requires us to be very discerning about what we ingest. As well as how we ingest things.

there are things which must be ignored , mainly the things which bring out the negative in our actions. We must learn what not to indulge if we are not sure of what our values are.

I'm amazed at how so many people measure their lives behind 'commercial depictions", even people measure their lives behind 'made for TV delusions about romance, as if they blind themselves to the truths of realism and daily challenges.
some people throw love away, behind some fantasy they wanted in a movie and then go home and measure their relationship behind some propped up set and scripted scene. But it certainly happens.

many people can't even enjoy the natural acts of sexual engagements, because they are measuring it against something they've seen in a movie or read and fantasized about from some novel. It's really insane but it is so common place that it's crazy.

We should learn and wonder why often time, poor people seem to have more sustainable relationships than well to do people. It may be that many poor people know that 'BOTH have to contribute, and they know they have to enjoy each other and what they have and what they can do, more than trying to re-create some scene they saw in a movie.
many have learned how to become a peace with the daily work it takes to meet their challenges and they find they communicate more about the reality of choosing shared goals.
Sadly, some of those same people become quickly divorced if wealth suddenly falls in their lap, because they switch and become to try and re-create some media life they saw and forget that the reality is what they did before when they worked together.

It's even crazy that the media tells women, that shopping is what they should do, and then it tells them that they should be obsessed with purses and shoes, and they become obsessed with purses and shoes. and the reality is the shoes are uncomfortable and the purses fall to the back of the closet when the next over priced model comes out.
You can't tell me, that all women naturally like the plastic Gucci bag, but they pursue it because it is promoted as the thing to have. or they go after some shoes that are made of molded plastic with some material wrapped on it, that hurts their feet, hurts their back and make them walk funny. but this is what the media has told them it is to be a woman.
I doubt that any shoe being sold to women is worth more than 35 dollars, they are not designed for comfort, they can't withstand the weather and they certainly are not made for doing a full day of walking. Many women carry in their purse some slip on's they quickly resort to the minute they get in the office or behind their desk. But they gladly waste more and more money buying more and more of this stuff.
today, wigs seem to be so common place that its such a negative turn off to see women in all these funny colored wigs and some choose ill fitting clothes just because it has someone name sewn on the label.

People now make homes that are more for a show place image than it is for a comfortable and functional living space, because everything is so much about external imagery than anything else.

We are many times not a smart people... most commercials are no different than a pill commercial.. it tells you that it will do this and that, but the list of side effects are longer and more deadly in the long term. And the big difference is fashion and material commercials, don't tell you the down side they just hype up the vanity aspects. And some products make people think it will transform their lives into the ever smiling actors who are scripted to promote the item.

Who ever said that Saturday, was suppose to be spent shopping at the malls? but people believe that crap... and the end result is people fill up the house with stuff and then go rent a storage facility to store more stuff after they fill up the garage with things they will never ever use again.

It's almost like kitchen cabinets, full of dishes and pots and pans that will never be used for anything.

Imagine the people who pay thousands of dollars for figurines and when they die these things may end up at the goodwill store. Or people who pay multiple thousands of dollars for a sofa, and the end result is its, nothing more than a sofa.

We can be mis-led by many things when we are trying to measure up to life by material imagery we see others with.

many relationships have been destroyed along with families behind this cycle of madness.

It's probably why 100 years ago, families had more sound values about family and each other. because they had values which were about life and each other, and not by the measurement of who has the most material stuff.