beyondfantasy3 113M
2011 posts
5/28/2013 4:59 am
The march of Capitalism

Sadly, every place it touches, it changes a system from what ever it is, into a plutocracy.
destitution, starvation, homelessness and social distress seem to follow within an ever increasing cycle.

any nation that does not contain and highly regulate its banking, will find that it is on track to find destruction within its environment and industrial robbery to become the dominant task undertaken by banks playing interest rate games.

any person or group creating a company or building industry, would find their industry able to be strong if it curtails executive compensation, avoid going public and it would be in that business best interest to create a employee ownership % to stabilize and secure the ongoing life of the corporation.

Any company that listens to brokers and traders, will ultimately fail or they will find more troubles that become hardships over time until they will eventually diminish the quality and service until the business cave in on itself.

Today, the capitalistic aims has all but brought the concept of relationships to become nothing more than programmed pros+itution, ultimately bringing the increase in single family homes with suffering the loss and missing presence of one parent.

China is a good example of what goes wrong with capitalism, pollution, income disparity, high levels of stress and the poor displaced and subjected to live in the midst of vast contamination, of its natural water and other life sustaining elements.

The last thing the mass of the people should ever listen to is, bankers, the super wealthy and tv commercials... and money managers.

all are designed with a sole aim, and that is to deplete you rapidly of any accumulated resources you may have gained.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
5/28/2013 4:32 pm

America still is the World Capital along with Greece, and Europe as examples of the destructive power of wild and un-regulated capitalism.