beyondfantasy3 113M
1993 posts
6/14/2013 6:40 pm
many changes in the weather.... ( life and our living experiences)

It's been very hot the last few days... when I go to my car, the temp gauge registers 100+ -

I hope we don't have a long stretch of 100+ days... but the weather is truly changing and Global Warming is REAL !!!!!

I still think, all the airplanes flying around spinning out turbulence with hurricane forces, has more to do with the over all global climate than anyone wants to study for the truth.
If they can state that many other things impact the atmosphere, how can they discount the multitude of Jets that traverse the skies all day and night. that pressure does not just dissipate into nothing, because everything has an effect upon everything to some degree, and its certain we don't know what this impact is to a greater or lesser degree.

Yes we are talking about a vast space-

Eventually one day it will be a considered thing to gather stats about as well as investigate those stats to see what variable they play in the environment.

We as people are very good at discounting many things, only to later find what we neglect, moves itself to a point where it cannot be neglected.

Either way at the present moment.. It's hot...
I'm fine with it as long as we don't have any tornado's or hurricanes to come into the mix.

In my view, God has made an interesting universe and the world we inhabit is itself an amazing entity. I think we often forget to look at the sheer majesty of it all. one cannot in a lifetime comprehend all that there is, nor experience the infinite variables of its status and changes, for in point and fact, we are only here for a short while in the big scope of things. ( maybe the least we can do is work hard to be a loving individual and pursue to share it with a full determined mind and motivation, without letting our vanity make a fool of us and bring us to destroy the experience of loving. as so, I let not the heat of the day bring me to dislike the majesty of the world... so why do we let a little heat in a relationship destroy the majesty of loving someone and sharing it with them. ( does this not tell us something about ourselves)

Some artifacts speak about things 1000's of years and some even speak of million or billions of years ago..
in that perspective maybe at one time the Grand Canyon may have been filled to the rim with water... "now that itself would be as amazing as the currently existing oceans.

I think if we only know the gift of life is such a grace, we'd probably make far less games about the simplicity of sharing relations with each other and making enjoyable interactions with each other. maybe if we could find a way to put grace ahead of vanity. We'd probably find a joy that is more free flowing than we even imagine. But so much we measure about each other as beings, until we often times forget to see and indulge the majesty of life and the world we live in its simplest reality.

We lust for more things than we trust... we trust in things that are attached to vanity and distrust so much that comes with the natural presence of living.

Often times we don't even know the gift of our mobility, until the instance we see another who is incapacitated.
We turn sex into everything the ego can entangle itself, and yet in principle it remains a function which becomes and interactive act of man and woman ( hopefully) engaging each other with and through the simplicity of appreciations.

Yep, and its still Hot but even that entertains us in our presentation as well as the activities we indulge, to the attire we many times provocatively wear

The weather ... impacts so much of our lives, as well as its conditions make means for us to survive...

still its hot, but there a tree some place that is delighted for its fruits to ripen and some are wilting from the heat, the mix is a melody of many things... and its all within the realm of the life we live in our environments of this world.

PURELY ... AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!