beyondfantasy3 113M
2012 posts
7/17/2013 6:38 pm
Who do you live for when choosing a mate ?

Is your life choice about whom you choose to become mated with, "your choice" ? , or do they become selected by the controlled influence of family?. friends?, and/or general public opinion? or public eye balls ?

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/19/2013 5:12 am

there are people who still are controlled by their parents, friends and even their religion as to whom they choose to mate with. so fact is, everyone does not choose freely..
the question was simple, it ask, as an individual, do you choose your own mate for your own reason... or based on influences from others.

Great for anyone who make their own choices, because they are the one who will have to live with whom they choose.

there are people in their very web-blog, who are not free to choose whom they want, some can't even choose across ethnicity lines because of family and friends, and for any people to deny such realities exist, is absurd.
the same with age difference, many people allow that to be influenced by what others think.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/19/2013 5:13 am

some people block and limit their web blogs, because they can't deal with the open flow of exchange if it does not patronize what they are saying...

but the odd thing is, then they would even make a statement, and say that the problem in the relations ships was all because of someone else.

Oh how life tells its stories, and truths do come forth.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/19/2013 4:52 pm

for me, repetition is how points and factors reach levels of refinement as well as dimensional perspective.
but to others it may mean many things.

Technically, I could care less if the comments show up on others blogs, because I'm quite comfortable posting what I want to say in blogs I can create...
Therefore I have no interest to control anyone or what anyone else has to say... that kind of stuff does not interest me... Nor does it interest me if others post things in blogs I write and have confrontations with others writers, because it is between them and has nothing to do with me.
Besides, I too am free to either read and address it, read and ignore it or not read it... or to state a position of perspective about either concept or expression posted.

But, likewise so, you are free to regulate your blogs as it best suits you.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/19/2013 4:53 pm

    Quoting beautifulkayra:
    Hi Beyond

    yes, i found it interesting too,
    People post something on their blogs,
    but they block and limit any comments..

    at least they have a place to express their feelings..
    they may not have anyone to talk ..
    so it 's definitely good for them

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/20/2013 2:07 pm

I see people all the time who do not visually look like some matched types, but they seem to be well suited for each other as person, if not in the presumed image the media presents. but in reality terms, they are just as well suited for each other as they desire to feel.

I have known people from foreign locations who had to fly home to marry someone his family picked out and set up for him. As well as I've seen people dump someone because their friends don't like the choice she made, I've seen people who have so much family pressure their parents disown them and won't speak to them because of their mate choice.
As well, I've seen people whom their parents distance themselves and only become to reenter their lives after a baby is born...

As to age, we know there are many people who detest seeing wide age gaps between other people who are mates, when fact is, it has not a darn thing to do with them. the same as with people who have a problem with interacial couples and couples who come from different sects of a ethnic group...
to me, its insane.... as to why people interject themselves in other peoples lives.

the same for parents who try and do this, when fact is, what the heck does it have to do with the parent, they are not the one living with the person their offspring chose. and if the in-laws don't like one, so what, no one is compelled to spend time around their in-laws. and what the in-laws have to say or think, should not have an impact on the person who made the choice of whom they chose as a mate, nor should it be a big issue to the mate they chose... the easiest thing to do is maintain distance with in-laws that have issues and when their mate chose to go see their parents, then find something else to do while they go there. It might not make for the most idealistic concept one may have hoped for, but based on the reality of the situations, then that is how it is. so what does matter is the mate one has chosen.
sometimes people want to control too much of their mates life, which is outside their home relationship ... and that will never work, regardless whom the individuals are.