beyondfantasy3 113M
1994 posts
7/20/2013 6:09 am
Big Business Items

in some of these venue's the quality of the food seems to diminish drastically when these companies go public.

I bought a burrito from one well known place and it was "HORRIBLE".

I've become very selective of which ones I will visit, and I'm finding more and more unique small establishments who have good quality foods.

Even when it comes to soda, I am finding big difference in brands quality reduction. Although I don't care to drink soda as much as I use to.

When it comes to shoes, even when they charge high prices, I find the best way to get the shoe to perform is take it to the shoe shop after purchase and have it modified to suit what the desire is. I've had to go and have sole guards put on, change the inserts and change the strings... then the shoe becomes more close to what I would have hoped to find in the original sales. It simply is sad, that many things have to be customized to bring it up to what the advertised claim states.
I figure now, at $120, some need an addition $30-$50 upgrades, and then to insure it keeps form, the additional cost of shoe tree's to place in them immediately after wearing it.

Buying furniture is a mix bag, it takes time to select good furniture that is not 'over priced", and certainly it is wise to avoid the particle board furniture for a multitude of reasons. Recliner chairs, is another area that takes some careful considerations to get a good chair at a reasonable cost. I don't care much to base anything on name brands, for the fact they have many times inflated cost.

When it comes to cell phones, I've avoided the fad of the various models, I still use an older Blackberry, with a plan that is only $50, and it does everything I need to do with it at this particular time. I don't see the need to change it every year, I've had this one for two years, so far it is working just fine.

I looked at the tablets, but I don't want a game platform as I'm not into computer games, nor something for social media, as I rarely visit facebook, So I'll consider the Windows tablet because it has the capability to do what I do on the desktop to a greater degree.

I wrote about computer printers previously, and now as I look at cars, some types don't appeal for various reason and certainly not the models that drop in value like a falling rock. I've been pretty comfortable with Mercedes and Porsche, but they also hold their value very well and the durability has proven to be very good.

I'd like to put another garden canopy in the back yard, but the ones they sell in the general market arena have a very cheap top cover that deteriorates quickly under weather conditions, and even the metal rusted away at the base. I'll probably have it built, rather than waste money buying one of these commercial products.

I don't see much need to buy overly expensive things, nor extremely cheap things. though the cost of thing does depend on the type and level of usage I expect to have ... If its something for temporary usage, then economy is probably the best scenario for me.

Even with the uses of ' services" there is a big difference in service providers, for example, Lawn Service, some just cut grass, some provide full service, they cut grass and trim shrubbery. but here we have a multitude of grass cutters, but a limited number of full service providers for the homes.

Today with clothes from the general marketplace, is an interesting mix, which requires some considerations before purchase.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/22/2013 5:15 pm

Yes, cost management is important. I don't do the game thing on phone and I basically use this social site for the entertainment of writing, and I do that from my home computer, It has to me a 'great blog script design" and I also like the "magazine" but unfortunately not many people currently use the magazine.

I tired long ago of AT&T and such, when I opened the business attempt back in 2008, the phone company was insidious in the charges, and I don't pursue the Iphone, because I am not going to trap myself into their plans. I went to Thailand during the time I had T-Mobil, called them before I left to make sure I could use my phone there at a reasonable rate, when I came home I got a bill for $1700.00 and they auto debited my account, so it was no way to get the money back. I could have easily bought a simms card in Thailand for 20-40 bucks.

My secondary type of service functions as well to me, and I don't even consider it secondary, over all it works fine. I have phone service via my cable company, but I don't use it, I also have magic jacks, but I've not used them in a while. I'm not that thrilled about talking on the phone unless there is something I want or need to talk about.

As to clothes,
I like nice shirts, but I just can't see paying high prices for shirt, when I have to send it to the cleaners after each time wearing it, because as dress shirts for me they need to be neatly pressed. I do shop for bargains, any place that has a good sale. I don't see a need to pay overly high prices for things, when I can find among the materials, those I like.
Hopefully, I can travel back to Thailand or China and have the slacks made. then I get it made like I want them.

I do like nice things, but there is reasonable considerations as to what i will pay.

I know I'd never pay crazy prices for things like the entertainers pay, even If I had that level of money. I do want to get another Porsche, but I don't want the econo model I want it to be what I want it to be. But it has to wait, I'm not economically in a position to pursue it.

As to over all things,I enjoy myself at home, I like movies, writing and such stuff, so I don't and I'm not a big food eater, so I don't see a need to spread a lot of money going out to dinner, although I do buy breakfast and lunch on a daily basis at various establishments.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/25/2013 7:03 pm

Yes, I don't like the junk stuff that fills up the mail box of advertisements and offer for crap things, and i don't like to have to store magazines,
Even now with all the Old VHS and the DVD's, I want to put them all on a TERA drive and deal with it that way.

Sure there are things I want to modernize, somethings, I don't like the expense of, even with my bike, I don't want to sell it because I don't like the idea of loosing what was paid for it, when it is still like new with low miles after 7 yrs, .. but what more I don't like is, the insurance cost the same now as it did when I bought it.

I want to trim cost, and will continue to work on it, I think being comfortable within a manageable range and having cash flow is more important than having a lot of stuff that rarely gets used. I have things I may never use again, as many years have passed since I used some of it.
I want to be more careful of what I buy..

Even so, when I decide to look for a woman, I prefer to find one that is not tripped out over a lot of fad things, or need to buy new stuff just because something new came out, unless it has a beneficial functional benefit.. don't get me wrong, I like stuff and things, but I also know they quickly become obsolete or unused and for sure they require a maintenance cost and consume time.
I am guilty of buying two of things, many things I used to buy two of, and some things I still like it. currently the type shoe I like, I have multiple pairs of them, so on a daily basis I don['t wear them out so quickly, because I can change and still have the same comfort.

I'm not much for a lot of pointless drama... but I certainly do like a good drama with actions movie...political thrillers, and some of the tech as long as its about function, but not so much the Transformer type of movies, I did not find it made much sense to me to want to see them over and over.

I'm a simple guy in many ways, but when it comes to relating, I do consider many elements which is about maintaining civility and exploring the realities of making it work... I don't like flight women, nor women who think the first option is to flee when there are challenges to be dealt with in the actual reality of living and life.

I'm very content living alone, but I know the delights of living with someone ( woman)... but I'm just not one to go for these women who are only like 'sunshine friends kind of relation mates"... they are to me a waste of time. Certainly don't like the whining ones or the tantrum throwing kind These things are really in principle parallels to the thoughts about cheap crap that some business business sell with overt exaggerated promotions.