beyondfantasy3 113M
2012 posts
11/24/2013 6:00 am

There are many types of shows on TV.... What type do you like?

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/24/2013 6:57 am

I like the history channel, Discovery, How its made, political drama and thriller, some action/drama....
but I am not into 30 minute "weekly" or "daily sitcoms" , I prefer movies or at least 1 hr shows. based on some real life things. I don't like the slap stick 'laugh track backed" shows, where everyone is acting silly with some comedic routine, that basically results to be a cycle of put down comments upon or against one another, or some smart-ass comment... that is suppose to come across as a joke... Then they want to make it seem as if they did not really mean it. all the while they influence the watchers to become with the same condescending mentalities toward each other. Shows like the Kardasians, is truly absurd in the sense, they built this show off of women's vanity and excesses, it even got a start from a sex tape that went viral. how amazing... and we have people talking about the importance of "family values"..

Then there are the shows which show the buffoonery of Entertainers, and try and make it seem like it respectable; to show them on the sleep around mission to bang each other and dump them and move on to the next. Its so pathetic that many of the singer now come across as "circus acts" rather than singers. they have to get more naked rather than focus on singing.

I detest those zombie shows, and walking dead, and shows that depict the future as some desolate destroyed landscape imagery. I don't like these silly reality shows, I think these housewife of (this or that) shows are not only silly but they are an insult to relationships. I can't see how anyone would or could want to marry any of those women whom these shows are based upon...
I really try to watch movies via DVD, because I truly don't like watching commercials. some stations are so obsessed with commercials, until its is irritating to even attempt to watch their shows.

When Cable was first introduced, it was a system you pay for media, but the catch was, it was "totally commercial free"... now because of lobbyist paying politicians, now we have nothing but cable and you have to pay to watch these commercials. Some channels will put of 4 or more commercials at every interval break... then we have the news who is no longer the new, they are hawking products, promoting some show or trying to sell something. They don't report news anymore, they sling out their opinions, without simply providing the facts and let people make their own opinions. Most have one objective, and that is to inflame and agitate the viewer... Then that is followed up by a litany of pill selling commercials.
( my question is, if these are prescription drugs, and should be determined by the doctor as to what they will or won't do), why are they promoting them on TV ? Always the doctors now push the most publicized drugs, because the drug sales people, give them promotion benefits based on how much of this stuff they prescribe to people.
Then comes the Attorney commercials, "saying" if you have had a stroke, seizure or if you died, ( or in some cases if someone you know or is related to died), to call this Law firm... they had to say that, because if you died, there is no way for anything to move forth, except by someone else filing the claim. the list of the drugs side effects often is three times or four times longer than the benefit list.

We have everyone selling exercise stuff, diet stuff and promoting food products that are 100% manufactured from a combination of byproducts from multiple scraps they have bought cheap, because decades ago this stuff would have been turned into 'slop" to feed to the pigs... Now the blend and re-shape it, fill it with sodium and preservatives and add food coloring or pump it with water and promote it as if its something nutritious.

no wonder we are a material obsessed society, all commercials try and convince people that if they buy this or that it will make them 'smile like the people in the commercials" or they want to scare the hell out of them so they will go out and buy a particular product .

Now most TV shows, result to be fragments of episodes used to keep attention while the advertisers promote their products.

I watched the segment on the Assassination of President Kennedy, When Walter Cronkite did the news reporting, he simply stated the facts he had and did not sling out a long line of opinions, he gave the fact he had relative to the situation. Today, these buffoon who call themselves Reporters, are mere egomaniac, jockeying to stay in that seat in front of the Camera. They can't give the facts, for trying to insert their opinions. Now, some of the shows, have insulted the American Justice system, by trying and retrying cases in the media, some have even resorted to manufactured juries on their shows to push their opinion. Maybe the victims families should file a suit against the media for making a mockery of their related victims and the tragedy that happen to them.

Some thing that happen, they turn it into a move, even while the case in still pending trial.. We even turned Iraq war into various movies, even while the troops were still fighting on the ground in Iraq. Many Crime and Forensic shows, seem to become "Training Programs" to teach people more ways to kill each other.

Maybe this may be indicators why America is falling farther and farther behind the rest of the world... They don't seem to make a mockery of their lively-hood... it might have something to do why the American culture is not as pristine in the views of the world as it was once assumed.

If anything, maybe the media needs to be censored, where they can give the facts and keep their opinions to themselves. If they want to give their opinions, then sell it in a magazine... to those who want it.

But, its called "ENTERTAINMENT" so there's many who do like these various shows and have no problem with the overall programming. .