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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
"Stuff" I often wonder, why do business open and claim to produce a product, then use not only poor methods of production, but they use low grade material and the assembly process is not concerned with quality and durability... ?? I think any company be it a start up or a long standing company, if they focus on the integrity of the brand, the quality of their products, the character of their service, they will have an edge over any competitor. There is nothing worst than ' low grade products" which people spend their money to acquire. I have a phone case from the Blackberry I was previously using, not only was it made good. They used "REAL LEATHER" and quality stitching. It was not built with low grade materials, it does not stretch out of shape and its form remains as it was originally made to be. The recent phone I bought, the store provided a case, I was in the store yesterday, the clip fell off, If I'd not looked down, I would have lost my phone. good thing the phone I have will fit snugly in the blackberry case, as I prefer to carry it in my back pocket, rather than to clip it on my side. However, the case that came with it, also has belt loop, they are not made of the best material and though I may use it sometime, I don't think the loops will hold up very long. I bought a case for my work phone, it is leather, but it also has a re-enforced section which hold the swivel clip so it does not break away..... I have two cases for work material I carry when I go to work, One is made of leather and it was produced by London Fog, it is made of quality and the Other is made by the company which places the swiss logo, like found on the swiss knife... both are well made bags. When I comes to shoes, I buy the Stacey Adam's Madison Style, then I have the sole protectors added on, these shoes hold up very well. Now, On to Dress Shirts.... there are a few brands which are good, they retain their form, they don't shrink and after many cycles to the laundry they remain looking good. It is so much less costly to review products and look for the quality in construction, more than the brand name, with the exception, some 'brand name" items are made to meet standards which protect the integrity of their product line. If a company as such offers a 'cheap" model, it may be best to save yourself some hassle and go for the level of standard among their product line, which gives some assurance they have put their better materials into the production. Example: I bought a 300E Mercedes some years ago, I drove it for 15 yrs.... with little to no problems. I currently have another 320E and I've been driving it for 8 yrs. I knew people who bought the 'lower brand 190 Mercedes, they had continual problems and came to despise the vehicle. I had suggest they buy nothing less than the 300 series of Model... but they insisted the price on the 190 they liked. It resulted to cost them a great deal to keep it operating. I bought a Bedroom Set years ago, it must at least 10yr+ by now, It is made of Pine... it is all very solid, and has stood up far longer than the laminated particle board that is so often sold with the overly fancy looks in design. ( I remember as a , my parents bought a Oak bedroom set, it lasted forever)... even the old veneer of wood built on a solid wood frame that were the styles during the 1940's -1960's.. are pieces which many people still have and it hold up great. Then, when I look at carpet... now so much is some type of synthetic fiber, which gives you a static shock, to go from the carpet and touch something metal.... I am going to go with wood or tile for my floors, I had wood placed in the office where I use the computer at home, and the floor has been down for about 4 yrs and it works great. I wrote another blog about the quality of things, and discussed my issue with some printers, mainly the HP, what I do know is there is terrible quality in printers below a certain price range... why they even make them does not make much sense. They should focus on their quality not how many different cheap models they can come up with. I now have an Epson, it works great, the original ink that came with it has lasted longer than the ink that comes with HP, it has WIFI and other attributes which can print directly to the Cloud storage on Google. I like that I bought the Nokia Windows phone, the only problem now I have to upgrade my computers to Windows 8.1 and the stupid thing is, windows will not allow it to simply over-write XP and keep programs and files, everything has to be re-installed. So, that means when I buy the windows I have to also buy the MS Office Professional Software. Then when I get a Tablet, I'm finding it must have excellent internal memory and also have ability for a microSD expandable memory and be able to access a flash drive. I noticed the New Nokia phones have eliminated the microSD and only provide 32gig of memory. ( this is not a good scenario, because various apps take up lots of memory and they ill considered that many of these apps will submit upgrades which take up more memory. Mine has only 8 gig of onboard memory, but it has an microSD card that can hold up to 64gig. I will keep the one I have, at least I can put what I want on the microSD... the only problem, it will not run apps from the microSD, but at least I can install and uninsal them without a problem and the app is stored on the SD card. The only issue with that, is unstalling it does not retain the data if it is re-installed. ( they should make it read from the microSD card). Cloud Storage I think is Ok, but the fact things sit on someone else server, I don't particular like that idea, especially for anything related to work or critical data to be stored. I read an article today that said 48% of Apps, do not have the level of security that is available, yet All Apps want access to your stored info n the phone. Then I question why people would store their banking data and passwords on the software of the phone, or in some app on the phone. Eventually Hackers will start to target these phones, and they will sadly result to steal a great deal of information. Unless some very good security is added into the App owners server. I hope there is a requirement for App developers to insure and have their product scanned for security before they are deployed for public use. I'm contemplating whether or not to hook up a camera to my computer- I have the camera, and its been sitting there for a while, un-connected. I've always liked tech things, but the current activity of hackers is a great cause to consider much when putting this stuff to use. |
What have you bought lately that has left you with the bad taste of poor quality?
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I don't like these commercials about 'Reverse Mortgage".... it's a shame some of the more good role playing respectable 'actors" get on and endorse this program.
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Thank you ![]()
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It's really absurd, but so true. The bad part is some of these actors gained high regard for their film work selections. I guess as they get older they realize that other areas of life which many not have been a factor, become even more of a factor. But, I still think they should be very selective about what they choose to endorse. I personally don't care much for 'advertising commercials", and do not become influenced by the character's they depict. I'm personally very critical of advertising in mass media, I am ok with being critical in my thoughts about it. I prefer, just introduce your product and tell the truth !!!! but that is not the technique most desired by many advertisements. It's fiction set to script and setting. For me, I read the ingredients on food packaging, I check the stitching in clothes and I look for shoes have limited issue with breaking them in, I like Mercedez because experience has shown me it is a durable vehicle, ( at the previous models were), I don't like particle board furnishing, ( although I have a piece or two), but they are slated to be dispensed with. I don't care much for the financial gimmicks promoted by funds managers nor do I care much for over hype of stocks and other such things. I work in Risk - and to me managing risk means study,review, evaluate and consider many factors. My background work history includes utilizing these skills in a variety of ways and applications. I had various product producers to modify for improvement, many items that were sold to the Airline Industry I worked within, in doing so, it helped the product(s) meet better with the advertised claims. I did QC (quality control checks) in a variety of areas of work, including administrative efficiency. I simply don't like shams and pretentious when it comes to products and services being sold and provided to people.