beyondfantasy3 113M
1994 posts
4/18/2014 5:33 am
Life and Health- Relationships and Life Challenges=Reality

many people talk about many fantasy romance things, but one thing is a fact, the gift one has in life is, Health. If we understood that more, maybe there would be less focus on all these people tripping on "romantic fantasy" as if their only concern is for someone to "swoon over them with ego stroking flatter and acting like a overly obsessive compulsive foolish person".

People even throw relationships away because they don;t get others to swoon over them like some obsessively compulsive addict chasing a fix".

I think for those who are lost in that fantasy, and overly exaggerated about their self adulation over their face and body, should spend some time and learn about the value of "sharing". Many seem to have a selfish concept of what it means. The other area is "health", peace of mind, compassion, care and concern for and about others, People are so obsessing about their sexual aspects of themselves and the games of lure they like to use it to play and manipulate. All the while unaware and ignorant to the fact "health" matters can make all of that secondary, as well as man other things can take a center stage in the whole of what makes up life and relations. There is work, home, family matters, personal aspirations, and a whole list of what make up the whole of living.

Maybe that is what it may take for some to get over themselves, and learn to share as person to person, individual to individual and get over their vanity about their looks , the shape of their butt, and the delusions they can barter themselves like some commodity, always chasing the highest bidder.

Some of the smartest people are those who built their relationship early and stuck with it over the span of time. They are far wiser than these 'relationship bouncers, who jump from one to the next, as if they are seeking a perpetual ass-kisser. For men, that is the type of woman to avoid at all cost. For a woman, that is the most foolish and ignorant mentally consumption a woman can adopt about herself.
I've written much about this, but it often fell of deaf ears, and was often disregarded, especially by the women who think the fact of being female and that organ between their legs delude them to think they can have and control anything or anyone, until time continues to prove to them how foolish that premise of thought truly is.

Our thoughts and actions affect our over-all self, which includes our health, therefore, it is a wise thing to be one who learns what it is to "share" and how very different that is from seeking someone to become compulsively obsessing over you, or you compulsively obsessing over someone.

Today, its a sad situation, when men can't trust women to have any heart to stick with anything. It's a very sad reality when women live like a commodity as if they have placed material aims and money gains and status title above being even women who are capable of sharing love. It's sad when men don't have the sense of trust in women, because of the ways so many women seek material elements long before they will entertain their own heart to pursue and share love.

One poster made a post about, dealing with an aging mate. This is a reality whether people are the same age or with a wide age spread. Health will have a say in the relations at some point, either hers or his, or maybe both.
Therefore it is wise for people to learn to see more in the other than their erogenous appetites. We see often are afflicted with various ailments, we see accidents happen, and in this day and age, we've seen people injured in terror attack like what happen in Boston last year, along with many tragedies around the world.
Now ask yourself, what will you do if you or your mate has a health challenge to become a change factor in your relationship. If you have not built love based on something other than material, erotic enticement focus and facial looks and body shapes, you won't be able to cope, because you are unprepared and have not built enough foundation within your relationship.
For some what will you do if you have a that requires special care.
Then there are other things, which afflict women, and thing which afflict men, in the sexual areas and functions, Then how will you factor those realities in your life.

Marlo Thomas, who is married to Phil Donovan, said yesterday on a show, that when sex is good, it is only maybe 35% of the relationship, but when its bad, it become 80% of the relationship. because then, the person can't think about anything but the sex, which makes it even worst for the relationship.

These are interesting things, One poster chronicled a trip to meet a potential and found the person had some health issue, which included the sexual function, suddenly, that became a very determining factor, along with other elements. So, in people dealing with people with the concept of mate in mind, they may well prepare themselves to care about the person, not the things many fantasize about. Because life is of many things and non can predict anything.

A woman I work with, was discussing relationships, and as she said, over time, what matters is "companionship". she has 3 and divorced, Her conversations if often about her time invested in the and their actives and their growth challenges, I see couples who have many challenges within their physical relationship, some have financial challenges and some have other types of challenges, but they seem to have a connection with each other that is strong than these challenges. many of them are older couples, I don't think many of the young women today have what it takes to build those type of relationships today. some may have it, but I'd think they were in the minority volume. This may well be true for many men today as well.

Media has told people and showed them images of fiction, rather than depictions of life's real truths and challenges.

Those who have the grace of good looks and shapely bodies, don't let it delude you to think it will last forever, nor that it means you can spend and waste time expecting those things to give you accessibility to someones money or material things. It might be to your advantage to trip less about that and be more concerned about how good of a person you can be, and how honest you can be in learning the real value of sharing. It might be to your advantage to not think looks and ass will grant you some special wish, because many have found themselves in the middle of a nightmare they can't extract themselves from, by being deluded by their own consumption with their looks and the shape of their butts.

Those who go into relationships, trying to control and regulate the other, will find as always themselves driving themselves crazy with conjecture and tactical devise, which will deplete them in many ways, including health, and may well infect their mind with a sense of becoming jaded and loose a sense of value and sensitivity to continue learning how to care and share.

Remember its not about how many things you have in your house, or how many clothes in your closet or how much money in the bank, or how shapely your butt is or how pretty your face is... Its always about how good of a person you are and how sincere you are in the integrity honoring of your relations.
These things will include your health, your sense of charity, your sense of compassion and certainly it will involve your awareness to learn to be understanding.
You might find, with these things in tact, it probably won't be so difficult to find a suitable mate.