beyondfantasy3 113M
2013 posts
5/23/2014 9:41 am
The push for change is growing


竞选为美国的未来: “新民粹主义”&国内政策

任何人都可以去CSPAN ,并期待在星期四,大约上午5:30
伊丽莎白·沃伦, (四马)
代表基思·埃利森( D- MN )

他们是在工会和劳工问题的国家专家。 LRP分享工人运动的目标,并致力于改善劳动人民的生活。他们的信息的研究有助于对工会问题,包括最低工资标准,组织权,退休保障和医疗保健成功倡导。我们的研究经验包括与AFL -CIO , UFCW , SEIU , NEA , AFSCME , CWA , UAW和国库署工作。



中国是快速学习,它的人民“必须成为国内消费者” ,他们不能这样做,除非他们支付公平的工资,他们正在学习,他们无法跟上杀死或使他们的人民在“不受管制的行业被杀死' ,只是为了喂养西方国家材料贪婪。

富人的游戏可悲的是已经有太多的英国殖民主义的历史悠久,饱到系统中。 [我]它变得如此饱和的中国女性,开始测量的基础上,他如何会见了殖民意象和标准中国男人。 [ / I] ,中国男性已经攻打这更坚定了,重要的是,他们并没有返回去的时候,他们被保险人,妇女是他们的社会的一个组成部分,随着时代可能已经进化到支持,但女性现在有在中国的业务发挥更大的作用,

深蓝]的所有男性阵容政治局常委,权力的内圆这里 - 是一个熟悉的形象在中国。


在顶部妇女缺乏也许是毫不奇怪。中国的''一个男性主导的社会中, '为蔡霞,在中央党校党建中心教授,日前在接受人民日报(这里是在中国的报告) 。

但如何妇女做在下方''组织, ''作为共产党在这里知道? (在中国这是祖志,明显dzoo zher 。 )是女性航天下来的行列更好的降低?


事实上,数据显示一些有趣的事情:少于四分之一的中国的近8300万党员是女性,或者只是23.3% 。党在很大程度上是一个男孩只恋情。

同样的现实是前往印度,以及其他许多地方。 Weve看在过去的几年中,叙利亚和埃及等国的年轻人,推动变革。它是一个标记点,当你看到很长一段时间的领导人像穆巴拉克坐牢。泰国驱逐他们的领袖。




I watched the New Populism Conference

Campaign for America’s Future: “New Populism” & Domestic Policy

Anyone may go to CSPAN, and look at Thursday, about 5:30 am
speakers, included .
Elizabeth Warren, (D. MA)
Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN)
And Others.

I listended to the Creator of Lake Research Partners, whom also spoke.
They are national experts on unions and labor issues. LRP shares the goals of the labor movement and is committed to improving the lives of working people. Their message research has helped unions successfully advocate on issues including the minimum wage, the right to organize, retirement security and health care. Their research experience includes working with the AFL-CIO, UFCW, SEIU, NEA, AFSCME, CWA, UAW, and AFT.

When America makes these changes, other nation will follow. Because the people of other nations won't be so willing to allow the wealthy to come and use and abuse them and expect their Government to assist in the use and abuse.

We actually see a great deal of this around the world. The many countries where people are grouping together, to say.. NO MORE, to the wealthy bleeding them dry, paying politicians to buy away their voice and having leaders who do not have progressive concerns for the people.

It does not matter if the nation is Democratic or Communist such as China. China is seeing the people, push for the government to make policy which benefits the people. But in doing so it has to build in what the people say are their concerns.
China won't remain being a nation where its government nor will the people within China, continue to allow themselves to be seen and used as the worlds new slave system, held in check by its government. Nor will China government continue to allow its people to be used.
China is fast learning, that its people "must become internal consumers", they can't do that unless they are paid a fair wage, They are learning that they can't keep killing or allowing their people to be killed in 'unregulated industry', just for the sake of feeding western nations material greed.

We can look to see many changes in many places. We see it in Thailand, they are trying to figure out their pathway, away from the controls of the wealthy which breeds and feeds skin color income disparity as well as many other things which has been promoted too long by the wealthy. Mexico is learning, but slowly, that it has to consider and respect all its people and not favor the light skin people at the expense of the mass populations who are brown skinned people. China equally so, which has a vast population of tanned skin people, who are equally so Chinese. They will not take a back seat to the promoted image of white featured Chinese Imagery getting the breaks while the traditional look of the native Chinese people, who come from hot climates and have darker skin.
The games of the wealthy sadly has had too much of a long history of British Colonialism, saturated into the system. It became so saturated that the Chinese women, began to measure the Chinese men based on how he met with the Colonial imagery and standards. The Chinese Male has fought against this even more determined, to the point, they have not returned to a time when they insured that women were a integral part of their societies as times may have evolved to support, but women now have a greater role in the business of China,

The all-male line-up of the Standing Committee of the Politburo, the inner circle of power here — is a familiar image in China.

Examining the role and impact of women in society

The lack of women at the top is perhaps no surprise. China is ‘‘a male-dominated society,’’ as Cai Xia, a professor at the party-building center in the Central Party School, recently told the People’s Daily (here’s the report in Chinese).

But how are women doing lower down in ‘‘the organization,’’ as the Communist Party is known here? (In Chinese that’s zuzhi, pronounced dzoo zher.) Are women faring better lower down the ranks?

Not really, according to new figures released by the two most official news sources here, the party-run People’s Daily and Xinhua, the state-run news agency.

In fact, the numbers show something interesting: Fewer than one in four of China’s nearly 83 million party members are female, or just 23.3 percent. The party is largely a boys-only affair.

But now that women are more determined to have a say in their lives, and the age old thing of secular groups conquering others, and thus containing women, because of the conquering system. Now they know they are blended by many threads. At some point women will enter the top ranks of leadership and they will push for many changes across the spectrum of the system. This is just one among many things which is part of the whole of the make up of Chinese system and culture.
The same reality is headed to India, as well as many other places. Weve seen for the past couple of years, Syria, and Egypt and other nations young people, pushing for change. It is a marker point when you see long time leaders like Mubarak going to jail. Thailand ousting their Leader.

People are becoming wise, and in that wisdom people no longer want to be the puppet manipulated by the wealthy, having the wealthy push policy that is against the people and fill the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of the people.

It's quite interesting