beyondfantasy3 113M
1993 posts
5/26/2014 8:12 am
Men how to get the woman you want / Women: How to get the man you want

When men try to give a woman everything, do everything for her, and become to smother her with attention.. she will lose interest. Because it means she does not have to reach within herself to give of herself.
Women are HIGHLY COMPETITIVE, Many time you can get a woman's attention quicker by "ignoring her", than to be 'chasing after her". Remember, it's her job to attract you, and they go to great pains to do what they think they need to do to attract you. So when they are ignored, then they become interested to know why and how her efforts did not attract you.
She needs to continually have to earn and win your appreciation and approval, but if you keep giving it without her having to do anything, then you are no longer the challenge she needs to keep her efforts directed toward earning and winning your appreciation.

Most women don't even know this about themselves. But in principal this is the way the cycle works. If she can smile, and play the temp and tease flirt and though those legs apart and change your mind about something, you will soon lose that woman. In her mind, if you fell for that, then any woman can make you fall for anything. That's how they see it. They don't see it that you yield to her out of care and appreciations. Remember: women are competitive; women remain competitive and will continue to be competitive. They rarely want the man they can easily have, they want the man they can't easily have, and the man whom she feels if she does not stay focused on how to keep his attention, that she will not have him. These guys even rich guys, who give them the big house, the credit card, cash and cars and jewelry, "Eventually" when the fancy illusion of that wears thin, she will easily be tempted by the man who has less, but does not give her the time of day unless she ask for it with a very considerate and respectful way. She will even get to a point to tell the man who has all the money and give her all the things that, she does not care about that, she cares about him. Which means, she wants to win his heart and respect, not feel that she has been bought and paid for. At that point, the material things she may still like them, but they don't mean the same to her. Many women have left men with money and took nothing with them. And some will get so angry, they want to take everything he has, because she feels scorned and full of resentment, that she allowed herself to be bought, and that he felt that he bought her.

Women already in many cases think they can have any many they want, especially women with pretty faces and shapely butts. But they often only want the man they can't have, and the one who is not offering her a bunch of stuff and playing like a kiss up to her. She is attracted to the man who makes his decision and acts decisively. That means, be nice, but don't be a push over.
If you notice, "every woman" has a readymade list of sarcasms", they can spew for various situations. then men who fold over when she spews it, she is not interested in him, she would more like be interested in the man that blow her off and sling it right back, just like she threw it out there. ( if that is the case).
If she comes to you first, then don't become a marshmallow that just met the flame, because you will lose compose and be just a bunch of sticky gooey mess. And we all know, when that happens, the aim is to get if off of our fingers. Generally we will either lick our fingers till it’s gone, or wipe it on a paper towel and throw it away.

Women are not as complicated as the folklore would like one to believe, they have to be left in a position where she has to put forth some effort to win you as well as she has to put forth some effort to keep you. If she does not have to earn it, why should she value it. As with the human being, what we don't earn, we often take it for granted, abuse it, and mis-use it, and women are no different.

As they get older, they become even more insecure in various ways, they become wiser, but that does not dissolve insecurity entirely, because she knows that the younger woman is out there right on her heels and will pursue to take that man if they can. So the older women, if they have been with a man for a while, relies on building and gaining his trust, and his respect, and she expects to be respected for her capabilities to do and get things done which benefit both the man and herself.

woman can be your greatest adversary, if you come to her chasing her face and her butt, but she can be your greatest ally if you come to her but let her have the responsibility of equally coming to you.

Men's love makes him want to give her everything. But her ways is that she has to earn it, or she won't regard and respect it as he would like her to respect and appreciate it.

This is why
"Bad Boys' win over the "Overly Nice Guy".. The Bad Boy makes her earn what she gets, be it appreciation, compliments, gifts and even sex. He will bang it like it’s a rag doll, and when he wants to he will treat it with some softness, but he does not let the moments of softness, cause him to become a whimpering push-over up later.

None of this means be an asshole. It means, be a man who remains being a man who is in charge of himself. At time, he can work with her taking a lead step, but he is not going to be one who is going to become a puppy on a leash trying to catch up or keep up.

I can name a few women in this site, whom someone can hook up with, but the reason these women remain single, is because the men come and want to try to win her with bull-crap, material flaunting, UN-substantiated flattery, and some even get tripped out over the fantasy in his mind about sex with her, rather than let her do her works to earn his appreciation. If she has to earn it, then not only will she get in bed and be there to share, she will actually get off the barter and manipulative trips and relax and appreciate and enjoy it. But they are going to try the bartering and manipulations after sex, to see if you fall for it, then minute you fall for it, that's it !!!! she is no longer in the appreciating mode, she is now in the judging mode, which is followed by seeing just how much manipulation you will fall for and how foolish and what will you throw on the table as bartering gains for her.

Don't jump in bed trying to out screw her, because she can lay there looking up at you, longer than you can lay there looking down at her. And in the big picture it means nothing, but if that's you agenda, you will end up doing nothing but trying to compensate for the fact you can lay on top of her looking down at her longer than she can lay on her back looking up at you.

This is not a game; it is simply how life is. Man and woman both have to earn the respect of each other. it’s an instinctive thing. Attraction only gets you to interact. Once that has been done, you still have to earn the sticking powers. That does not mean make everything a challenge.. It means the man needs not fall over himself for or trying to get to the woman. She is the one who will come and cling and cleave unto you.

Honestly, she wants you to get between those legs all you want, but she wants to attract you to want to get between them, not for you to lust after getting between them to the point you lose focus on yourself and whom you are. She enjoy you wanting to 'hit it frequently", but she does not want you to become some push-over that falls for anything, and forget your principles in order to get there.
Remember, her aim is to be pleasing to you. And to do that, means for her, to be one who works at and by earning the acceptance as being one who is pleasing in whole as a person and individual.

It's actually very simple, in fact and function.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
5/26/2014 1:19 pm

I wonder why some blogs keep disappearing?