beyondfantasy3 113M
2011 posts
8/17/2014 9:26 am
Technology and Us ....

We embrace the changes somewhat with a sense of novelty, while behind the scenes, there is much programming and re-programming of the ways life functions going on at a very high level.
Our foods are re-engineered, we get many medicines that do some things, but change other things. We use various technological things, which replace things we use to use.
The vast study of implant technology is well into some intense depths. The advance of linking neurosciences to technology is now at a point that many test animals have been modified to do many things, which is not yet made public.
Gamer are being trained in a different nature of eye and response coordination while many are unsuspecting of the changes it creates in how people perceive things and how they respond, and at what pace their response meet a new challenge.

We have little idea of what is taking place, as many are caught in the loop of chasing Romanticism with Fantasy Aims. What get's lost is the ability to understand and be understanding, as so many are looking for 'ready made love", until they have lost the fortitude to love.
Many are so lost in the expectations they think their looks should afford them until they are caught into a form of bartering which has rendered them to be nothing more than living like a commodity, seeking the next highest bidder. the sad reality is what the bidder gets is becoming less and less, other than being caught in the circle of another expectations and how they might provide financial uplift to them.

Sex is made into a delusion with of pretense and marriages that vanish upon approach, and once the act is done the bartering ramps up to another level. The end result is as it always has been. It's never what it is cranked up in fantasy to be.

Material things consume people with the volume and expanse that people have become tethered to their smart phones, and caught up into a delusion social network which is nothing more than random utterance, just to be noticed, with no depth or substance to support their presence other than bizarre, profane and grandstanding rhetoric.

All the while the landscape of life is changed to a format that anything goes because nothing sticks and nothing has roots that gain any depth.

We've trained people in schools for math and science, and social and civil, and ethical values are considered a nuisance.

Man has far less trust of woman, than he had 100 yrs ago, and daily he is learning by interaction to trust even less. This makes for a society that is hostile, scammer filled, and money chasing and bartering dominates the spectrum.

The concept of home is no longer first the spectrum of home, but it is now aimed to be a show place to evoke envy from others, as it become cold and desolate of warmth and love, and the concept of family has exploded to now consider genders incapable of pro-creations to be replacement in the wealth and material minded sectors, where anything goes and nothing is valued beyond its usefulness of the moment.

We are killing the Oceans, with massive Over Fishing Mobile Factories, that scoop up anything in the water, while it dumps waste in high volume because there is no one to monitor its activity. We make trash like ants making mounds, and toxicity invades the land and waters, while we go blinding chasing our erogenous urges and facial images and body shapes for the fantasy pursuit of the moment.
Love is bought like bubble gum, and when there is no more funds, just like one standing in a Candy Store being asked to leave the premises.

Divorce is a business. as marriage is the start up where one expect in 3-5 yrs to cash out and take from another what they themselves could not earn in 20 yrs.
The male and female no longer mates from love aims, but they pursue each other as " investment procurement", or "procurement as a means to gain a monetary advantage.

The Beast of the human being is becoming more common as the atrocities humans enact against other humans is now fully in place as the process and outcomes when one does not get what they want.

All the while Technology moves forth to insure that the human instinctive nature is altered by many means to accept the new paradigm....
functioning more like two machines with contracted service provision, and each contract has a set term limit and then moved to obsolescence.

If you think your are exempt, you might want to review your own consciences and re-evaluate your manner of how you pursue what you call love. You will see then, how it has been forever changed. If you are honest, you will also see how many have become nothing more than bartering minions selling hype for the highest bidder.

now are groomed to be nothing more than a career aim, for monetary pursuits, and the humanity of regard for others is extinct beyond what one may see as a usage for the other. We teach them to chase titles, status, money and career, until they are groomed to treat love as a secondary consideration.

Eventually, dumped like Cell phones every other 6 months. Until anguish dominates when they can't claim ownership of another, they become vile and driven to assault....only after first seeking to loot for selfish gains and ego elation.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/17/2014 3:58 pm

To go beyond, one first has to acknowledge something exist as a barrier. I've denoted those things, therefore going beyond is the work undertaken.

Only the surface, the superficial has forever changed. The real human's Being has never been changed
Very true,
As it matters GREATLY that we as people and individuals work hard to reach that deep down reality in ourselves. But first we have to grasp the ability to make our love choice far and beyond the monetary and material matter.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/18/2014 3:18 pm

With a jolt of electricity, you might be able to enter a flow state that allows you to learn a new skill twice as quickly, solve problems that have mystified you for hours, or even win a sharpshooting competition.

And this just scratches the surface in terms of what we might be able to do to improve cognition as our understanding of the brain improves. With an implanted chip, the possibilities might be close to limitless.

Researchers think that as we learn more about the brain, we’ll be able to use electricity to boost focus, memory, learning, mathematical ability, and pattern recognition. Electric stimulation may also clear away depression and stave off cognitive decline. We’ll eventually even implant computer chips that allow us to directly search the Web for information or even download new skills — like Neo learning kung fu in The Matrix.

We’re heading down a path that will allow us to supercharge the brain.

The key is decoding how the brain works. That’s the hurdle in the way, and the one that billions of dollars in research are going toward right now.

“I don’t think there’s any doubt we’ll eventually understand the brain,” says Gary Marcus, a professor of psychology at New York University, and an editor of the upcoming book The Future of the Brain: Essays by the World’s Leading Neuroscientists.

“The big question is how long it’s going to take,” he says.

Repairing and enhancing
Most of the technologies that could enhance our ability to think play another important role, too. They may provide the keys to stopping cognitive decline, treating mental illness, and even restoring sight to the blind or hearing to the deaf.

Some of these techniques are already being used in that way.

Stimulating the brain with electricity to treat ailments has a long history. The ancient Greeks and Romans, including Pliny the Elder, shocked themselves with the Atlantic torpedo ray to treat headaches. Treatments like transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) now show promise as a means of treating depression, epilepsy, and other drug-resistant brain disorders, according to Michael Weisend, a neuroscientist at Wright State Research Institute.

And neural implants show potentially far more possibilities. They already can transmit sound to the brain to provide a type of hearing for some deaf people. When connected to a tiny camera, they can even capture shape and motion and transmit them to the brain, providing a type of vision for certain blind patients.

Knowing how these techniques are used medically shows what we understand about the brain now — but what’s really fascinating is what this research will allow us to do in the future.
( from news)

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/20/2014 6:37 pm

You might think the typical workplace is pretty Orwellian these days. You ain’t seen nuthin’, Winston.

Consulting firm PwC recently published its outlook for work in 2022, based on interviews with 500 human resources experts and 10,000 others in the United States and several other countries. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that big companies could end up so powerful and influential they morph into “ministates” that fill the void when government is unable to provide essential services. Companies will also use sensors and other gizmos to monitor employees around the clock. And workers will mostly acquiesce to this digital leash, in exchange for job security, decent pay and important benefits.

That’s the most dystopian of scenarios PwC outlines in its report, yet it’s not so far-fetched, given the dramatic ways globalization and digital technology are changing the way people work and live. An increasing share of income is flowing to tech barons, data wizards and the privileged holders of capital, while ordinary workers find it harder to earn a living. There are more minimum-wage jobs today but fewer good-paying ones than there were just a few years ago, a trend many forecasters only expect to intensify.

They could be wrong. Capitalism may yet have a conscience, and another PwC scenario is a “green world” in which social responsibility is a key part of the corporate agenda. But that’s barely happening at the margins now, and with leverage continuing to shift away from workers toward employers, a rougher form of capitalism seems likely. Here are six plausible predictions about how the workplace will change by 2022:

Companies will monitor employees like lab rats. The ostensible purpose for this will be to keep tabs on employees’ health, to cut down on medical costs, sick days and illnesses that undermine workplace productivity. “The monitoring may even stretch into [employees’] private lives in an extension of today’s drug tests,” PwC predicts. The potential for controversy is obvious, and the degree of worker pushback will probably help determine whether your boss keeps tabs on how many French fries you eat and whether you hang out with that heavy drinker down the street.

Performance will be computed like an SAT score. Firms increasingly use data and technology tools to quantify the performance of employees relative to each other, and reward the best (while dispatching the worst). They could go further by applying to workers the same kind of data-mining techniques now targeted at many consumers, using hundreds of disparate pieces of information to form an encompassing profile of each individual. It’s worth pointing out that some business leaders prefer not to risk the blowback that might come from prying into employees’ lives — even if technology makes it easy.

Corporate indoctrination (aka brainwashing) will intensify. “Leadership teams [will] have a high focus on the evolution of the corporate culture, with rigorous recruitment processes to ensure new employees fit the corporate ideal,” PwC predicts. “New staff [will be] subject to compulsory corporate culture learning and development programs.” Sounds creepy, but there have always been companies serving up the corporate Kool-Aid — often to their detriment. Companies with a rigid internal culture are notoriously slow to change and especially vulnerable to entrepreneurial disruptors.

Contract employees will displace full-timers. Companies will rely increasingly on people who can do high-quality work on a contract or project basis. Traditionalists often fret about this move away from predicable work, but people who adjust to a “portfolio career,” as PwC calls it, can benefit from the flexibility and autonomy it offers. Plus, being a contractor with no long-term commitment to a company might be one way to evade around-the-clock surveillance. But you better be good: To get the best jobs, contractors may have to demonstrate eBay-style ratings showing they performed well for past clients.

Specialized skills will continue to bring top dollar. As long as those are the skills employers most need. Without a doubt, in the future, they’ll entail various kinds of technology, along with engineering, science, data crunching and a measure of humanities. Workers whose skills hit the sweet spot will still be able to call the shots in 2022, earning the best pay and benefits, and perhaps exempting themselves from corporate micromanagement.

Workers with commonplace skills will struggle. The PwC report doesn’t spell this out, but one consequence of an economy in which big companies hold all the cards is a losing hand for underskilled workers. That could mean an even sharper slide in living standards for some families than they’ve experienced during the past several years, as incomes have flatlined and good-paying jobs dried up. We usually hope for a future that’s better than the present. The lesson for now may be that we have to work for it.

Rick Newman’s