beyondfantasy3 113M
1993 posts
9/24/2014 4:32 am
When Things Fall Apart - it's down played until it Crashes.

Seems there are protest about everything.

want to wear the crap that these entertainer wear for show, they want to wear it in the streets, to school, and any place where they can expose as much lure like imagery as possible.

want to have their cell phones in the classrooms, as if it has something to do with the education programs.

We've got a run away society, the long running generation of and the delusion that anything goes has taken strong hold in the American student mentality.

Yet, over the years and decades, the declining performance, the continuing drop-out and even the fight against new methods of learning.

It appears that America is declining in every areas. We've already seen the Executive greed destroy the Industrial sector for every type of product that is used by people, both in their homes and out of their homes.

We've seen the decline in the quality of filming, where everything it zombie, devastation and blow up and slaughter something.

We see the home life where parents are wiping out the and themselves, we see killing , and people wiping out unsuspecting general public groups be it in the movies or other places.

We've seen the Financial sector become nothing but greed by criminal devise,

We've watched as cities have gone bankrupt, some run out of water, and other just deteriorate into squalor.

We watch the wealthy white flight, seeking to go further and drain away city resources for private enclaves.

We have a Republican Congress that insults the people at any chance it gets because they need or use public assistance, as if the Republican take zero responsibility for the exodus of industry and the greatest financial disaster since the 1930's.
We've watched Republican gridlock everything from Immigration to jobs bills, and fight like mad men against the basics of a living wage.

We watch the war mongering groups, who can't respect a global coalition to fight terrorism, and push for US to forge ahead, then complain that we are not taking the bully push ahead alone attitude. Yet, they'd complain if the US had attacked Syria or other places, as if the push to rush to fight is a lusting by some in the congress, while the wise pursue a global agreement to address a global threat.

We see now, the once dominant auto market, shredded, we can't even make tires for the cars, and then we complain about fuel shortages, but when we find fuel on our shores, we start selling it, rather than slow down on pumping, and use it on American soil.

This is the result when the wealthy have too much lobbyist driven influence to buy up the elected representatives in Congress, and then buy away the voice and vote of the people.

We've become a nation that push so fast for high saturation of homosexual promotions, that now before finish middle school, they are already claiming the status, long before in other parts of the world even begin to date or have middle or high school romances.

Rome did not fall by a single blow, it fell from the erosion's within which deteriorated every aspect of life. Driven by materialism, every one with some level of wealth wanted to be their own king of the landscape...

Today, one would never know Rome once had a great Empire, even the same happen to the British Empire, it too descended and declined by the many abuses its greed imposed on the lands it occupied and soon the sun set on many places that no longer were under the British Empire's claims.

We have University now turned into a massive business, selling delusion and charging excessive top prices an staking their claim on a profitable sports team as their claim to fame.

When Wealth once built a country, it now produces mad men and wild greed pursuits, where everyone is seeking 10 bathrooms and palace like homes, for not just single individuals, but less families, who's sole aim is to have the biggest and most opulent of estates.

Mega Developments now such as Atlantic City in ruins, and Vegas declining by the months and ultimately blinded to the pending water crisis that is forthcoming.

We've gone into "Fracking" as if its a Buzz works, when its premise is to 'Fracture the layers beneath the ground to suck out more gas than it currently needs or has the capacity to utilize. Result: earth quakes in places not know for the frequency of earthquakes, but paid mouthpieces, collecting fees to delude the people to think the two are not connected. Buried are the reports of contaminated soil, contaminated ground water and the many many trees that simply rot in large swatches near the areas where the toxic chemicals are injected into the holes created by fracking.

Still we listed to the suits talk, while they collect their fees, an people remain relatively unaware. Often times, the struggle to put a meal on the table, drives people to be without concerns or thoughts of the pending challenges. All by Design.

Our News media focused on sports players, like they salivate to create buzz, and ignore the father who killed his 5 and only a matter of weeks later another wipes out 6 family members, all the while the Whitehouse is breached, and the media ignores the factors of it all.

False sense of well being, seems to spread like a wild fire, and in the wake the devastation's are down played by the talking heads sitting before the camera's cracking jokes and pushing pun's as if they have center stage for the king and queens of buffoonery.

As with 2004-2008 - When Things Fall Apart - it's down played until it Crashes. And all the talking head rush to the microphone, to say, 'they did not see it coming".... Yet, these are the title riders, who claim big pay to sell big delusions, and step back and consider themselves blameless.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/25/2014 4:17 am

Some should read the "Rolling Stones" publication article "Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire".

"The company's troubled legal history – including a trail of congressional investigations, Department of Justice consent decrees, civil lawsuits and felony convictions – augmented by internal company documents, leaked State Department cables, Freedom of Information disclosures and company whistle­-blowers, combine to cast an unwelcome spotlight on the toxic empire whose profits finance the modern GOP.

Under the nearly five-decade reign of CEO Charles Koch, the company has paid out record civil and criminal environmental penalties. And in 1999, a jury handed down to Koch's pipeline company what was then the largest wrongful-death judgment of its type in U.S. history, resulting from the explosion of a defective pipeline that incinerated a pair of Texas teenagers.

The volume of Koch Industries' toxic output is staggering. According to the University of Massachusetts Amherst's Political Economy Research Institute, only three companies rank among the top 30 polluters of America's air, water and climate: ExxonMobil, American Electric Power and Koch Industries. Thanks in part to its 2005 purchase of paper-mill giant Georgia-Pacific, Koch Industries dumps more pollutants into the nation's waterways than General Electric and International Paper combined. The company ranks 13th in the nation for toxic air pollution. Koch's climate pollution, meanwhile, outpaces oil giants including Valero, Chevron and Shell. Across its businesses, Koch generates 24 million metric tons of greenhouse gases a year"

"Koch is now a key player in the fracking boom that's vaulting the United States past Saudi Arabia as the world's top oil producer, even as it's endangering America's groundwater. In 2012, a Koch subsidiary opened a pipeline capable of carrying 250,000 barrels a day of fracked crude from South Texas to Corpus Christi, where the company owns a refinery complex, and it has announced plans to further expand its Texas pipeline operations. In a recent acquisition, Koch bought Frac-Chem, a top provider of hydraulic fracturing chemicals to drillers. Thanks to the Bush administration's anti-regulatory­ agenda – which Koch Industries helped craft – Frac-Chem's chemical cocktails, injected deep under the nation's aquifers, are almost entirely exempt from the Safe Drinking Water Act. "