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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
What really matter within your Heart? It may sound simple but it is what will ultimately become the decider of what what become and be found as to the happiness you seek. Many passing fancies may come and they may go, but what is the ultimate desire of the heart will be and remain being what is the driving force that become the make up of your characters summation. One may need to be of care in how they choose what they choose, as it is certain one has to know what not to taint in the quality and dignity of ones being. Love has many flavors as well as combination of flavors, but in base simplicity Love remains being "what love is'... One can seek many ways to try and define it, but it defines itself by its mere existence and its innate drive to remain being Love. Love can never be fooled long, for it is destined to embrace truth, as truth is within the core of what comprises Love. therefore it is to the benefit of any whom seeks love, to embrace truth. work hard at being truthful, and treasure what is truthfulness as being sacred in honor of what is Love. If one is not up to such a task, they may find love fleeting and of many challenges to embrace. Love can bring of the greatest of feelings, and it too can bring about the greatest of destructive actions, when it is sought by malice, or by malice it is abused by usages of all things that avoid truths. What of truth-- It is a work of many chores, its labors can be with challenges, but if for the sake of love, then ones works become embraced with a grace of appreciation to engage the works to bring about truths through the honesty of efforts. For any who think Love will be a sequence of fantasy, is one who is lost in fallacy, because Love is work, and the works strengthen what is love. If ones expectations exceed the will to engage and embrace the works, then one may expect to find delusions which confound and confuse and delude one to ultimately abuse self as well as distance love from their embrace. Temptations will stand before every choice, therefore one must be assured in their focus upon the choice they have chosen, this is their greatest defense against temptations straying one from the choice in which they have made to be of honor unto love. If one is unaware of this, they may quickly be strayed from love, by the fancy of passing whims, and whims of fancy may distract one from the love they had previously chosen. This make great difference in those who have long enduring relations and those who have extended flings which fade with away, with the arrival of the next passing fancy. What really matter within your Heart? SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS FREELY |
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