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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
Every Love is Unique There are no two relationship the same, nor will they ever be. Each person is whom they are at a given point in time, equally so is each pair what they are at a given point in time. They progress, they regress, they grow, they share, they covet and they learn to share, they share and learn not to covet and within the cycle some get lost. It takes the placement of love within the heart to be of the heart, that it may not be misled by the mind or things temptations indulgence is prone to find... Those are the ones who enhance the uniqueness of their nature of love. Many illusions and mirages of sorts can easily askew the view and distract those who's love is wandering from the heart into a focus being led and misled by the mind. Their communication will span the gambit of a wide range, moments of open exchange and times when there is reluctant exchange and they go through the points where they don't share the whole truths in a given moment, and other times they share what is a digestible truth in a given moment and place in time. All will change, some will be accepting of the change, some will flow with the change, some grow with the change and some will long for things and images of self and their mate to never change. But the inevitable within life and living is change is the procession of life. Who knows what they want and appreciate what they have and come to want it... will find love expanding and growing in depth. Some will play the circle of fantasy mate and break for decades and some will play it far past their prime. Money can make madness as well as it can provide means for experiences to enrich the lives of lover; Be of cautions as it can be a ego enhancer often times giving the delusion one has more time than they actually have thus so to some it become their security in which they cling to while holding love at a distance. Some chase love with hopes to connect with Money, some chase Money with hopes to find love. The circle is endless for some. Experience makes some weary, while it become a source of confidence in their ability to embrace all of loves challenges. Every Love is Unique !!!!!! Often when couples find the point of happiness, temptation flairs brightly, as others are attracted by the glow, unaware of what it took to build the brilliance of that glow. It is wise for those who find that point of happiness, to be on guard to defend themselves from the lure of temptations, which has invested nothing in building the glow one might exhibit through their loves graces. A moment of despair can lead the weakened ones to a phase of doubt, and through it all they can loose everything they once held dear at heart. They must know.. Every love is unique, and in being so, every love has its cycles and the devoted will enjoy the journey of loves path.... making their relationship even more unique through the changes of time. |
I like this: There is a saying “A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” and vice versa.