beyondfantasy3 113M
2011 posts
12/18/2015 4:27 am
What is the solution?

China warned residents across a large part of its north on Friday to prepare for a wave of choking smog arriving over the weekend, the worst of which is expected over Beijing, prompting the capital to issue its second ever "red alert".

The air pollution would begin rolling in from about Saturday evening and last until Tuesday, with visibility in the worst affected areas such as Beijing likely to fall to less than 1 km (0.6 mile), it said.

The pollution index would probably exceed 500 in Beijing and parts of Hebei province, which surrounds the capital, it said. Residents are encouraged to remain indoors at levels higher than 300, according to government guidelines.


China could probably learn from the California reforms during the 1970's and 1980's - It cost Los Angeles the loss of many types of industry, but the smog was cleared along with the major help of the auto emission regulation.

I don't know what China can or will do about the Industrial Pollution, and now they have more vehicles jamming up the roadways, which is a collective contributing factor.
China was not thinking when all the Western Companies ran to its shores because they know they could set up the same industry types that caused Western pollution, and now China has the pollution.

The West especially states like California, became a leader in pushing environmental regulation, many fought it and many took flight and set up business in states that did not regulate. The contrast is evident, and some of those same states that accepted industry without demanding environmental controls similar to California, will continue to see their smog data increase and more so when and as temperatures rise.

The Smart companies in California made the modification and upgraded to be environmentally friendly, now they are light years ahead of those companies who ignored it all.
One article I read about a Start Up said, it was much better in the long term to set up and respect the regulation and pay the expense to do it right now. They will win, because those that come later will face higher cost to do what they could have done 25 or so years ago.

Greed and Smog- are both tied together- You have to manage Greed to diminish smog, and to cut the smog will mean one has to put greed on the back burner and think of quality, integrity and good futuristic common sense.

China is going to be forced to face containing greed, corruption and other matters if it expects to diminish its smog issue.

I would think China has to have a big problem with "toxic dumping", which eventually is going to take center stage, because they produce a vast amount of products from synthetic materials, which generate waste product in their process. It has to be dumped some place??????

I think they too will have to face waste-water pollution, when you stack 10's of millions of people in provinces, it has to put a major burden on managing sewer waste, un-managed; the waters become contaminated as well as ground water. I rarely see articles that speak about the massive sewer issues which has to be a concern to the government.

the need for big solution to big concerns- has to become something the people start thinking about, talking about and caring about. Silence won't fix anything.