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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
3/9/2016 4:49 am
The world ... Un-factored consequences

(what is with the censor's can't the read)?????

The changing world

China has just started on the long, bumpy road to solving the problems of debt and overcapacity in its industrial sector. That means Wall Street analysts are also trying to figure out how much it's going to take to get the job done. Spoiler alert: It's going to take a lot. How much is probably something we're going to be arguing about for the next few years. There is some agreement on one thing, though — what has been announced isn't even close. The government has already announced that the coal and steel sectors alone will fire 1.8 million people, costing it about $15 billion. Anonymous officials told Reuters that 5 to 6 million people would likely be laid off over the next few years. [/quote]

These events always underestimate the true impact: Industries are always fed by support feeder industry, therefore the reverberation impact will be far greater than the focus on the main industry. These will be impacts not only felt in China but among the many nation which supply China with resources, the financial and administrative sectors who built their business providing services on to the many sub business which are built from servicing the workers. This includes care facilities, many of the program working people pay to take or be involved, all of which changes when the income of these millions of people is cut, diminished severely or taken away.

Not only in China, but American and many other nations, will in the future be forced to RETHINK executive compensation, there has to come a change in how the business is run, how compensation is managed, and this should have an impact on the game of "degree riding" and "self interest" decision made by many executives and their staffs.

Young people should be smart in the coming days, don't go to school just to get a degree as for use as a "get a job certificate".... FIND a field to "specialize, and don't shortchange yourself, "make sure you truly and definitively learn the skill", so if and when you are given a degree it has "value".

Get ahead of the madness of the "degree riding game" of which so many have become caught up within, to just go and get any kind of degree and then never work in a field even remotely close to the claim of label on your degree. The days of the "degree riding game will eventually find its end of abuse which has been so common, of "taking money, giving them a degree for showing up and taking a list of classes for credits"... It is now to the smart , to "demand to be taught a usable skill, demand to be taught current application of the skill", and do not get lost in the "herd mentality" of thinking you can just do 4 yrs and suddenly you will get on the "degree riding treadmill".
This is not just a matter of concern for China or any particular place, but it is something all young people should consider. It may be wise for many to 'go to tech and vocational programs, where they actually teach you a usable skill, that is and can be applied to actual job function.
Far too many come out with a degree and have been misled to think everyone is going to be some administrator of something. "Think about that, it is not even remotely logical". American students are continuing to learn that the hard way, and some students are learning that the 3 yr party, and one year of study and the award of a degree only works for the wealthy, who have a direct job set up and waiting form them to ride by their parents and the wealth network they come from.

What we see today, is demonstrated even in the media saturation with insidious commercial advertisements we watch, "the utter absurdity, "the Le*d and vile of script", "with condescending messaging", driven by "nothing but s_*ual overtone as a selling gimmick". Has resulted to not only dehumanize so much, but demoralized even more. They make utter mockery of values and standards.

Remember: It takes natural resources to produce products, therefore as time moves on the "junk stuff produced' will eventually not become the buyers choice. It will take a new generation of minds to think in terms of value, from the point of what is a resource, what is a product, what is waste and what is recycling, and how does it promote a useful function. Therefore, pursue to lean far and beyond the shallow things being taught in generalized programs, and demand to be taught, given actual workshops and real world expectations as to the application of what you are being taught, and by all means, demand, Ethic's to be and become the core in what ever is being taught.

Understand what is meant by _ "The Changing World"