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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
3/12/2016 9:35 am
When Years Pass By

When Years Pass By
Posted on March 3, 2016 _ truthsintime

Looking back, wondering and thinking, even to consider what might have been, is interesting, but; it is wise not to fret, but to be of thanks for those whom one has loved has found a wonderful life, far and beyond the dreams once held of being with them. When Years Pass on By.

This is an amazing thing to come into peaceful understanding, as some never find such, due to holding anguish over things which cannot be changed, cannot be re-arranged and cannot be repeated as if to do over. It means, one has learned of love as being something amazingly wonderful which cannot be contained, only beheld within the heart.

How wonderful it is to have found and held the beauty of the moments shared, while knowing it was of a wonder only God brought into being, to give unto each what God had put within each, to give and share unto and with each other for the time of such a paring. Yet all the while, preparing them even then, for a lifetime with wonderful knowings of loves realism. When Years Pass on By.

Such a wonderful gift and treasure God made possible to be; of which one can hold fast unto as a learning, a knowing and a gift of love experiences shared.

It’s almost like the seasons, they come, bringing often more than we know, but what it brings, gives and bestow for us to behold…. last a lifetime. Not unlike the bountiful things brought and given within the seasons, which come, and too, come to pass..leaving a lifetime of Gods gifts a part of what makes us into whom we are.

The Sun is always shining !!!!! we may not think or know so at times when the clouds are grey, we may not connect that it shines even by way of the reflections of the moon, this too is how love is; once it has entered within what is the make up of us.

How might I speak that you hear, is too, how might you listen that you hear, and how might grace of understanding bless you, that you know. Love is everlasting!!!!!!

Even, When Years Pass on By…..

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
3/13/2016 7:42 am

Thank you, I wrote as a post on another blog I have.