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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
3/19/2016 1:45 pm
Thinking of people

I bought some shirts today, as I unpacked them, I could not help but think of the labor put into folding, pinning and putting all the tags on it and placing in within the packaging.
Then I look at the whole of the matter, including the investments, the administrations and All the pieces, pins and sticker and tags, I 'threw in the trash", as I was doing so, it became apparent, that each thing, provided a job for someone. Whether that job is in China or Other places, making all the elements supports someones life, from the spinning of the yarn to make the cloth, dying the material, designing the patterns, sewing it together, including all the machines used, and the many people who make the many parts that build and create the machines, then the transport, delivery, set up in the store, to the check out stand.

What an Amazing World we havein this day and age!!!! - How much goes into the things we purchase for usefulness and enjoyment and other concerns as to why we purchase.

There is much compassion's for the many people it took for these shirts to be made available,

What is there, not to respect of the works in which others perform!!!!! We may need to take pause and consider such things, that not only can we become to take less for granted, we may even evolve to give credence and respect to people at all levels in all jobs, which people engage to do.

Often we fail to regard so much and it becomes easy for us to take so much for granted.

Then, we see people who have nothing, and some have so very little, they in a great many cases take care of the little they have, or some dream to fill in the space of nothing, with something.

Most of us who visit this site, have what could in terms be considered a life with many conveniences and much blessings. If we simply acknowledge such.

Everyone does and present the best they can at a given time. (to do so entails many things, for some it may seem easy but for some it is of many challenges)
shall we judge less harshly others, that we may come to learn to appreciate more.

(I speak such, yet knowing there is too, Evil and its madness within some), I have not much of concern for such as that of the thief, the looter, the criminal, the abuser, the murderer and the vile, for them, we can only have a prayer to God they that learn of God and accept Gods gift of life and learn to treasure what it is and what of great meaning it is to have life and seek to live with honor and graceful purpose.