beyondfantasy3 113M
1994 posts
6/4/2016 8:44 am
The Greatest

His legacy and triumphs go far and beyond boxing, Boxing was a great platform to show and demonstrate his skills, his efficiency in managing his ability to become the best and to regain the title 3 times.
He faced himself early and accepted himself and found love and appreciation of himself in doing so. He found the sense and reasons to be proud. He could stand with any man, He did not fear a system which did not treat him decent as a human being and a man, and stood against fighting and the devastation of other poor people around the world.
When he told the American public, if he has an enemy it is the white man in America, as it was at the time the white society who wants to deny him freedom to be and do and go as he desires, to have access and accessibility to all the institutions within the nation, it was the white society who had a legacy of hanging, abusively encroaching upon the women and producing millions of babies through such vile, then deny the baby and even enslave the same babies when they became old enough to work. He understood the history of white america, who sold away family members, put price tags on people and too husbands from wives and wives from husband and sold them away as if to have no regard or respect for their humane nature and presence. He understood the War Machine, which profited for some and staged the death cycles for many many poor whites as certainly mainly poor blacks. He understood those returning wounded, would come back to face segregation, push back and denial of benefits or assistance.

When he spoke up for the Asian people of the Vietnam and Cambodia region and chose not to be a participant in killing them, dislodging their families and killing their women and . He was facing every type of vile American could dish, both from racism, bigotry and every other nature of disregard and out-lash.
He returned to the Ring and regained his title after facing the challenges of loss, to regain it become again a winner.

He gave voice to many people, not only black society, but the young white middle class society whom his voice gave them more stand to fight against the war. He broke the ropes and threads that were imposed once the chains were removed, and set himself free.

Most people in Asian countries do not know the reality of American racism and the condition in the late 50's and early 1960's, to truly embrace what Muhammad Ali sad and what was within the realism of what he was saying. Today, the generation under 40 don't know the reality of what was American Segregationist Policies nor the mentality and contempt that raged within white society and how they fought against the basic Civil Rights to be recognized as person with rights as an American Citizen equal to all rights claimed by white Americans.
His stand not only helped black people, it was part of what made it possible for any and all immigrants to have accessibility to the rights as citizens both naturalized and those who were offspring's born in America.
He understood the prosperity of America would not have been if not for the labor of slaves, whom themselves were denied share or portion of the wealth their labor produced. He understood during segregation minority people were treated and paid as if they were indentured servants, not earning enough to extract themselves from the cycle of indenturing methodology.

He fought many fights and they were not all confined in the boxing ring.
"The Greatest" is not just about the boxing ring successes, but the successes as a man, fighting for the rights of people, both within this country and around the world; as well as for himself.

I am thankful I had the opportunity to meet him face to face, to shake his hand and look into his eyes. !!!!!

The work of being "A Man", is the greatest achievement an individual man can achieve, the successes gained in being a man, is a testament to standing as a man, backing up the aim and the claims to be "The Greatest", as being a Man.