beyondfantasy3 113M
1999 posts
7/2/2016 1:10 pm
Horrible Practices

(from News)
Consumers often put a lot of trust in the people who produce, distribute, and sell food.

At any step along the way, someone could try to cut corners to save some money, and we’d probably never know.

This week. Internet users in China were horrified to see photographic evidence of some seafood sellers scavenging discarded shrimp and fish from the sewers to serve to unsuspecting customers.

photos show vendors in China using "sewer shrimp" to make street food:

According to Shanghaiist, it’s not uncommon for there to be shrimp waste at the markets in Wuhan, China.

The waste shrimp fall into the sewers and, theoretically, that would be the last anyone would hear of them. But some seafood vendors were photographed “rescuing” the discarded shrimp, rinsing them off at a public toilet, then mixing them up with other fish and seafood to be made into “shrimp balls.”
______________________________________________ (end story)

Someone is going to get very sick behind this practice !!!!!

Human Desperation be it for money or madness, is something that is far too much in societies of today.
Read an article yesterday about Cannibalism, which talked of historical acts of such as well as some in recent times. It was terrible to read and acknowledge such things continue to exist.
(( In desperate times, people have fallen back on cannibalism to survive; for instance, there are reports of cannibalism during the North Korean famine in 2013, the siege of Leningrad in the early 1940s, and China's "Great Leap Forward" in the late 1950s and 1960s.

In Europe, up until the early 18th century, human body parts were knowingly sold and purchased as medications, particularly bones, blood, and fat. Even priests and royalty routinely consumed human body products in an effort to stave off anything from headaches to epilepsy, and from nosebleeds to gout.)) from web article

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
7/3/2016 12:49 pm

I try to be careful about what I choose to purchase to eat.
Recently there was an article about "Blade Tenderized Meat", ( where the small blades pierce the meat) The caution listed was, if there is bacteria on meat, this process then can potentially cause the bacteria to go 'in" the meat, where it is not washed off in the normal manner of washing meat before preparing it.

I notice now when it comes to "Fish", I've read articles about the mis-labeling of fish types, and many packages now carry a label, telling "which country it was from".

I think we all need to know more about where things come from, and try to learn as much about the manufacturing process as we can, and FOR SURE, "READ THE LABEL, AND CHECK THE INGREDIENTS".

If a product has too many long words that is not usable or easily understood by laymen, then there is a point one might want to be of cautions. (some companies hire people who are crafty at "word play").

A few years ago, on the East Coast, a Chinese Eatery was closed, when it was found they were "cleaning rats with a blow torch, and another was cutting it up in sections for food prep". " Kind makes one want to think twice about buying "Orange Chicken, Breaded Pork sold as Sweet and Sour with the sauce, and other "Stuff", when it can be an uncertainty as to what it actually is.
In American, everyone who opens an eatery is required to have a "Safe Serve Food Certification".
I took the course and had one, I let it expire, but it certainly was great learning to attain it.

Anyone can "use search engines to find "Video", "Picture" and "Articles" of Slaughter House activity, and Meat and Food Processing Plants.