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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
7/31/2016 7:01 am
Why & (why are they not listing my post)

Why do so many men & women go crazy for illusions about sxx, and later find he or she does not know the man or woman or can't stand to be around him or her?

People so rarely don't get to know each other as a full circle individual, they get caught up in the "look" and the "allure" and go full speed ahead. Then as with so many within two week, maybe even in some cases 6 months they can't wait to get away.

It becomes even more crazy when people start to measure the financial standing of one or the other, and later come back crying that they were duped when they don't get what they want, when fact is they may well have duped themselves, through their fixation on financial standings of the other and the expectations they attached to it.

What ever happen to "getting to know one another as "INDIVIDUALS", as "PERSON" and understanding the "CHARACTER" of each other.

More and more people not only break up quick, they go into assault and attack upon one or the other, when their expectations are not provided for.

It's kind of funny, how so many worry and post a million post about "short term" scammers, but they never think to consider the "long term" scammers.. the ones who come with a mountain of expectation, but bring so little of "concern" to actually work together and share to build what they want to have and share.

I see a great many working poor couples, who not only put their resources together, and they stick with each other, through the financial down times, as well as the times when one may have more challenge than the other to have surplus expendable resources. Even the couples who stick together, when one or both has to work two jobs to make things works out.
I don't think much of that kind of mindset is a majority in this site, it is more people are looking for "ready made situations", either they think their looks of body shape can get them access, or in some cases, a guy with money, using money as a lure tactic, and eventually he gets tired of buying her on a daily basis, and the relationship falters.

We've read about the relationships that falter, because of money for one reason or the other such as either they don't have it, or they waste it, or they are not dominantly focused on money.

If people took the time to come to learn and know each other, as "INDIVIDUALS", as "PERSON" and understanding the "CHARACTER" of each other, maybe they would have known more about each others ideas about, Life, Living, money, and each other, including their work ethic and certainly each other's team-working motivations.

So few come to know such things; because "some" are looking either to be wine'd and dine'd, or to be the one paying for the wining and dining as some symbol of something.
When everyone knows that fades and changes after the courting game of the "hot's" for each other cools down and they have to deal with the reality of each other, and each others life and the reality of relating, work schedules, and many other things.

Sometimes a great many poor couples have a better time building their future and learning each other together; than some of the more well to do one, whom is fine with everything until the financial picture changes or some expectation is not met as they fantasized it to expect.

Some people just don't have the capabilities suitable to build a team working and sharing relationship, sometimes its their ideology that does not fit, sometimes its their inability or even lack of ability to communicate, and for some, they get caught up in what they "expect", more than considering what there is to "respect". When respect is greater than expect, people have a better chance to make it sustainable.


If people took the time to come to learn and know each other, as "INDIVIDUALS", as "PERSON" and understanding the "CHARACTER" of each other, maybe they would have known more about each others ideas about, Life, Living, money, and Each Other as being a mate, including their work ethic and certainly each other's team-working motivations.

Selling the fiction of facial looks, body shapes and such is always more shallow than it is enduring, because the FACTS OF LIFE is, the face will change, the body shape will change and sex has its ways of changing as well. When such happen, what then will a great many do if that is what they based their getting together upon?


It just might be of importance IF people took the time to come to learn and know each other, as "INDIVIDUALS", as "PERSON" and understanding the "CHARACTER" of each other, maybe they would have known more about each others ideas about, Life, Living, money, and Each Other as being a mate, including their work ethic and certainly each other's team-working motivations.