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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
1/31/2019 5:56 pm
"What's Wrong" ?

I like to read the news, but I find myself scrolling past the stories of "entertainers" in provocative costume and poses.
I can't see why I should care what they wear, or how much they paid for it... and I really don't care much for the "headlines" talking about "who's hot"....

What the heck does that mean anyway? We keep seeing the same people the media claims is hot... having a variety of issues, addictions, and psychological fractures and etc. We see them costumed and made up... with the spin about getting married and they spend lots of money on the wedding, only to find out 6 months later or a year or so, they can't stay together.

Their money does not make their life or their relationships the perfection that is often promoted, followed by the crash and disaster of a break up.

Now, one can't go to sites like Yahoo, without a long list of articles "talking about someone in a bikini, or a piece of cloth that has a sole aim of skin promotion.

Its like they promote themselves as a "commodity" and then claim they want to be seen as a complete person. But that's not what the marketing promotion is presenting.

One need only look at their own life... and realize its truth... there is no 24/7 incessant smiley face, there is the reality of dealing with the whole spectrum of living......

People sometimes hold out looking for a fantasy and find a nightmare.... never realizing... Relationships are "built" day by day... they may have good moments but they certainly will have moments that are not so good, for either or both.... those who can find the fortitude and sincerity in relations to work with the cycles of life and sharing in living... are more likely to have a continually developing and closer bonding in making a relationship.

If one wants just a "sunny weather relationship" then they should know that is what they want. The same as those who want to build a relations through the seasons of life as well as the seasons of individual growth and work with that, in and of themselves and each others....might have a better chance to have a "companion who is a mate, and one whom love can be shared in all its many elements of what it takes to sustain loving.

Anything less will likely produce something lesser.

"What's Wrong" ? Could it be too much fantasy and fiction? Could it be too much expect and not enough respect?
Could it be subdued communication, when one or the other seeks to avoid reality and it truths?

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
1/31/2019 5:57 pm

Who is willing to "build what they want" through communication that makes relations..... ?

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
2/1/2019 9:07 am

Some have been here a decade or more and have come to know each other by their more expressive blog postings. but they pass each other up, as if they still seek out that "mystery fantasy person".... or what ever reasons.

It's like one comes to know about people through their blog posting, I do think however, its not much to learn when people post "one liner's to everything"... but there is the familiarity of their presence in the website for whatever that is worth.

some claim to be soul mates, until they find a point an fact that they come to disagree about, and suddenly the "soul mate concept' goes out the window, or tumble down the stairs.

Every relationship - requires "DAY TO DAY WORK"... people can promise anything, and there's been countless people who profess a love that will never leave the other... and then suddenly they are serrated and some even with contempt.
Day to Day matters, because no one is promised tomorrow... people in relationships that have endured over time... will gladly tell anyone, it takes work.... so why do people in new "love claims" think its just one big happy sunny shiny easy come fantasy?

We can talk about what we want in another, but are we truly willing to give the same? How many people start placing "conditions" on the other, as soon as they think things are locked in? Why does one or the other think that suddenly one or the other is fully financially responsible for them and what they want?

If you want a $1000 ring, are you of the same will to care to give the other persona a gift that may cost $1000 if it comes to that? Even if its a matter of $10, is it given as freely as one would expect someone to give them the same if it came to that type of situation.

How many play gambit bartering with sex...? its a question each person has to ask and answer for and within themselves.

Does one think their sex is more important than the others is of importance?

How many people think they are too pretty for another, as if the other owe them something for being with them?

We've all heard people say, "oh, your too pretty" or "too fine" for him or her, you can do better? What is the determination of "better".

Some people are in relations with deep reservation, just spinning time, waiting to do what they call a "trade up"... the question is what is the "up"?

How many can accept a simple not to a particular situation or thing, and not go into a vendetta mode, or an act of some sort of vengeance? or even into a conniving scenario as if to get retribution.

These are elements that speak of "character".....and what that character is, and how it functions?

some people don't want someone to give them everything, or do everything for them, they want to express as well as demonstrate they can do for themselves and still be willing to share their life and times.

These are elements that speak of "character".....and what that character is, and how it functions?

I've met women who are delighted in themselves, to show they can do for themselves, that means more to some than it does for someone to do thieving for them. They want to be appreciated for their own ability to be resourceful and to be a self motivated contributor.

So, it matters to learn about the character of each other.

Some people play the "tit for tat" game... of "IF" you do this, then I'll do that for you.

These are elements speak of "character".....and what that character is, and how it functions?

Know ones self? I personally don't need a woman for her money... it does not mean I have mass money, it simply means I know how to work myself and earn my own money. As well, as I know how to plan and save for what I want.

That saying I heard recently is " Parents who give their kids everything", is raising a potential criminal"... because the kid never had to work and earn for themselves.

We've all seen people who try to measure if another loves them based on the "cost" of a gift.... Such things might well imply... a person has a price tag on what and when and how they share and give their love to that person.

These are elements speak of "character".....and what that character is, and how it functions?

It matters.... "to learn who you claim you will build and share your life and time with" !!!!