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beyondfantasy3 114M
1982 posts
6/19/2019 5:36 pm
'When you look at people with "eyes focused on desire"

Take the time realize... "There's a "Whole Person" involved in what you are looking at!!!!

So often people look with "thought of pleasure" and "desires for and of pleasure".. and forget that the person is an "entire human being with a full set of feeling, thoughts, life challenges, life aspirations and ideas and dreams" that go far and beyond being a "pleasure provider for the whims of a pleasure seeker".

It might make it more interesting and bring people be more motivated get know the "whole person".

There's no "Magically Perceptually Care Free Pleasure Providers" !!! and there is an "Entire Person Behind That Smile" or "Behind that Provocative or Seductive "....

There's a "Whole Person" always behind and within what ever persona that is presented in what we can see with our eyes.

Older post:

What would you do

[post 2544]

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
6/19/2019 5:39 pm

"Consideration is an Amazingly Beautiful Trait to have"

Lily20145 61F
887 posts
6/19/2019 11:17 pm

it is said "Don't judge a book by its cover", however, there are so many books out-there obviously we will pick up those with interesting and positive covers. I believe we look what we read and think, I avoid people with negative energy.
