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beyondfantasy3 114M
1985 posts
9/22/2019 4:37 pm
Principle of "Policies and Issue" is Important To People and Nations

The principles of (POLICY and ISSUES) within the backing of support is what matters.

the Republican Agenda and the Democratic Agenda....

the makeup of membership the Party Conventions.

~~Democratic Conventions is fully with a diversity of people.
~~Republican Convention is predominantly one ethnicity of people.


Political positions of the Republican Party

The Republican Party's conservatism involves support for free market capitalism, free enterprise, business, a strong national defense, deregulation, restrictions on labor unions, social-conservative policies, and traditional values, usually with a Christian foundation. Republicans oppose abortion rights, funding to Planned Parenthood, drugs, the Affordable Care Act, Common Core, gun control and support Just Say No and choice.

Republican put Business Before People _ Republican think its Business who makes society function, therefore it is Business who should make the policy over People, since Business Provide Jobs.


Political positions of the Democratic Party

Democratic platforms have sought to protect social programs, labor unions, consumer protection and workplace safety regulation, equal opportunity and racial equality, and regulation against pollution of the environment. Democrats support abortion rights and same-sex marriage, tend to support an easier pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Democrats tend to agree with the scientific consensus on climate change, and support clean energy and cap-and-trade policies. Democrats support human rights and human equality and the freedom of religion.

Democrat's put People Before Business - Democrats think it is people who support and make Business Prosper and business should serve the people, because it is the people labor and consumerism that makes Business Prosper


People should always learn and understand what is the Policies and what is the Issues... and what is the overall impact on the present and the future....

This is why it is important that a nations people need to be educated and people need to have a level of competent literacy in regards to political matters; this is where "Civics Educations" is important to enable people to understand how government function and work.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
9/22/2019 5:10 pm

Education does not mean everyone needs a university stamp of degree.

Reading and Comprehension is what is necessary and the ability to engage some level of critical thinking to understand the perspectives and context of what they interpret.


The English Language can be with some confusing aspects for non English Speakers... because of the "context" words can be used..


context (the perspective of usage)
Read - to do ( I will read that story)
Read - having already done so ( I have read that story)


"Present and Past tense of words.


I see - to view something in the present time.

I have seen - something that has been viewed; in reference to having viewed or experienced before.

I saw -- something that has been viewed, in reference to recalling something that previously happened.

1ClassyLady 69F
3308 posts
9/24/2019 10:22 pm

In addition to the different principles of Democratic and Republican that I want to mention here is Democrat believe in "Global Warming", "Climate Change", "Green Environment" and recycling. The most obvious Democratic Vice-President is Al Gore. Al Gore has been enthusiastic on "Global Warming". Previous President Obama also advocated using reusable energy, i.e. Natural Gas, Wind turbine, clean energy,.... But the Republic president Trump laughed at those sources and he prefers coal, fossil fuel, ... that might cause air pollution to the extend of global warming. Trump refused to join Paris Climate Change Agreement.

I am a Democrat and an environmentalist, I believe in green environment. We should recycle plastic bottles and bags, newspaper and cartons, glass bottles, metal cans, ... etc. It has been many years that I always carry a reusable bag to supermarket or retail stores. Sweden is the top one that recycle every reusable items into energy. Taiwan is doing very well for recycling. We live on this Earth, we need to cherish this planet for our offspring.

Honesty is the best policy.

beyondfantasy3 114M
4740 posts
11/16/2019 12:16 pm

I know and work with people who vote Republican, they don't exhibit or present nor demonstrate the bias, bigotry, belligerence and divisiveness that Trump scrams daily and at his belligerence fest.

We talk about issues and position and conditions within society. Some don't deal much with investing in the detailed elements of history to know various things.
I find when I speak of the details about policy, be it media, public services and such, by the time we finish a conversation that addressed details that many white people don't talk about... they usually come to terms of agreement.

I think it is a good thing to enlighten people when one can. American general Republican Society of white people, did not invest much in learning of the thing Martin Luther King said, or the points that Lyndon Johnson spoke about and addressed.

There is a lot of "folklore and confabulation" within some of the Republican, and its more saturated in those who are Right Winger's.

They bought into the Stuff Barry Goldwater spewed, of which Richard Nixon engaged and embraced and then came Ronald Reagan who promoted it..

Now, we have a right winger composed of many people who were segregationist, and many are the children of 1 and 2nd generation of Pre 1964 mentalities. If they don't teach their kids race bias, race bigotry and seek to sustain the concept and want of privileged... then those kids don't grow up with bias, bigotry and expecting historical white skin color expectation of priviledge.

Its unfortunate that many Right Winger, embrace what can be considered Republican Confederacy Ideals. These make up many of the Trump base supporters.