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Blogs > beyondfantasy3 > Many Perspectives of Attitude |
Writing on Forums I've written on a variety of Forums.... What I find most irritating is the mass of forms that is filled with "One Liners"... Even on Debate Forums, people have so little to say. As to this site, it is listed as "Friendfinders"... the troubling thing is, how do people expect to find friends, when people don't talk about very much. The world will always have those who become tyrants, because people are in many ways passive. Some places where tyrants already exist, "passive or silence may be the better options to preserve ones life"... It may be decades before societies elevate where there can be peace among people and nations... because we as people find that we get trapped under the tyranny ... because there are many people who love being "Serf's" even when don't think that is what they are submitting themselves into and unto. Other's want Authoritarian to dominate them, because they don't want to think for themselves and don't want to make decisions, so they vote for and support the authoritarian who spews the most belligerence, Others are dependent, where they think the wanna be tyrant will promise and give them something without them having to do anything themselves. There are places where leaders take the lives of lots of people, and some support such types of leaders, and the people who's lives are taken become the victims of those who support the brutal tyrants. One does have to have some thought about what's written, and in some places people have to be even more careful than in other places. It's sad when Leaders silence the people and dictate over and unto them... It's a tragedy when Authoritarians enrich themselves at the expense of the people, and then complain about the same people they have gained their wealth from. The Monster Mentality of Mankind generally shows itself vividly when one gets power, or amass wealth.... Some who put people in position of leadership and the leader don't want anyone to say anything, critical or call out wrong doing, or speak and don't worship them. So... I'm sure for some it's likely the safe thing to read and not comment, It does not help improve interactions, but I'd rather see people safe, than to speak in an environment where their life could be threatened just for speaking their thoughts. As for those who come to websites to scam others... Those types are low life's they function from a mindset of being "Savages". You can easily identify these Savages... because they start asking for stuff, when they barely know whom they are talking with and have never even met in person. DO NOT GIVE YOUR MONEY AND DO NOT GIVE PERSONAL INFORMATION TO SAVAGES Do Not post on any Website what you have of Financial Resources because it will only Temp a Savage to Try and Connive and Scheme. I've never had a problem with Scammers - I guess they know what I write about is not something that would lead a Savage to think they can get something they did not earn for themselves. Some people advertise themselves, as if they are willing to "Buy A Mate' and it is quite likely that type will get scammed and scammers will be attracted to such types. Old Men who present themselves like they want to be a Sugar Daddy, will get the Gold Diggers who want to taken care of, but they have nothing to offer in a Fair and Equitable Exchanges... and the minute you stop paying and spending, they will be gone, and probably have two or more others they are running the same game on. If you come across as a SX addict, you will get s_rewed!!! and you have no complaint because you asked for it.... If you act despaired and desperate... you are inviting someone to use you... and you will only increase your despair and amplify your desperations. APPRECIATE and RESPECT YOURSELF.... and TAKE YOUR TIME sharing and Take your time getting to know someone, It should never cost you money nor become a situation where you send another person money to make a friendship.... and don't pretend and don't convince yourself that you are in love with someone you have never met and never spent time with!!!!! Even when you spend time, if they soon start asking for stuff.... you may find that you've been set up to be conned!!! KEEP YOUR MONEY TO YOURSELF!!!! When they know they won't get anything... they will find their way to move on. Beware of the Long Gamer's who try to reel you in, the minute they come with the 'hard luck story"... and the "sob story' and expect you to send money.... It's time for you to move on... and cut ties. you can preserve your integrity and save your character and your dignity... to learn these things of how to keep Savages Away From you.... MAKE SURE you get to know the other persons friends, not just one friend, but get to know a few of them on your own terms... before you invest too much of yourself.... |
APPRECIATE and RESPECT YOURSELF.... and TAKE YOUR TIME sharing and Take your time getting to know someone, It should never cost you money nor become a situation where you send another person money to make a friendship.... and don't pretend and don't convince yourself that you are in love with someone you have never met and never spent time with!!!!! Even when you spend time, if they soon start asking for stuff.... you may find that you've been set up to be conned!!! KEEP YOUR MONEY TO YOURSELF!!!!