chloe66 58F
83 posts
9/19/2011 5:43 am
It's been a long time!

It's been a long time since I last wrote my last blog.

I've been pretty caught up in my daily routine. It was exhausting initially but it became much more like a norm as I breeze through them everyday.

So, by the time I reaches home, I'm too lazy to think of anything to write. I've enjoyed reading other blogs contributed from the rest of the Chinese FriendFinder members, only the English ones as I belong to the yellow skin group (chinese who can't write & read chinese ).

Well...hope to contribute more articles here in the future when I'm not that lazy....

tml1963 60M

9/19/2011 3:54 pm

white guy here! and I don'y know a word of any asian language!