chloe66 58F
83 posts
10/3/2011 5:33 am

I found a packet of Dutch Stroopwafels in my fridge yesterday left by my visiting sis-in-law. She has since gone back to the Netherlands about a month ago.

I googled how to eat stroopwafels and found a website which taught me how to eat them. So, I tried them out this morning in the office and yes, they taste real delicious but definitely must be with a hot cup of sugarless tea.

So, how do you eat the Dutch Stroopwafels? Make a cup of hot beverage, put the stroopwafels on top of the cup, leave them there for about 5 to 10 minutes. Return after that and enjoy your will be soft and yummy....

tml1963 60M

10/3/2011 12:07 pm

never had them.

tml1963 60M

10/4/2011 8:46 am

are they known by another name? It may be they're called something else over here.

tml1963 60M

10/7/2011 2:29 am

WOW!! sounds like a ton of sugar!! OK I might order a box. Thankos for the info !

(Tom )

10/11/2011 7:46 am

sounds delicious