joeyjt 41M
185 posts
8/25/2011 4:46 am
is president barrack obama to blame for the economy ?

is obama to blame for the economy and the lack of jobs .or was the economy already in a weaken state when he took the office of president . i think there are many reasons for why the economy is bad and it would be unfair to say one person caused it.
its the last presidents fault ?
i dont care about politics ?

sydkane 55M

9/17/2011 2:05 pm

there is no way he is to blame, this mess was alread in the mix before he took office

Lanemeyer137 49M
5 posts
9/17/2011 12:55 pm

    Quoting  :

And most people don't know that because they don't keep up with politics. They're ignorant, uninformed, uneducated and quite happy that way. This is a bigger problem in itself. The problem isn't so much the politicians, it's the dumb-masses who put them in there.

Lanemeyer137 49M
5 posts
9/17/2011 12:51 pm

    Quoting  :

I agree 100%. He can blame Bush all he wants to. He's had nearly 3 years to fix the economy, or to see at least some sort of turn-around, and all he's done is made things worse. Unemployment has never been consistently over 9% since the 1930's. I'd give him an F... he's worse than Jimmy Carter.

SugiDancer 63F
127 posts
9/3/2011 11:22 am

I watch the economic and stock market news every weekday. I hope everyone keeps up too for their own countries' current issues and think about the Global economy. I'm still voting for Obama since I'm a Democrat. I won't be switching over to the conservative Republican Party. It's sometime ridiculous to hear some of the Republican candidates speak after watching their debate and seeing clips on the Jon Stewart show.
He's the only U.S. President in history that got so much attention outside the U.S., before he got elected. I also saw him and heard his speech when he came to Seattle, WA. He's also one of the first U.S. Presidents who attracted a lot of young people to come out to Vote, using Social media.
Remember he did make history to be the very first Black and multi-ethnic President in the U.S. I hope we will have a woman president in the future.
Corporations, banks. farms, utilities, real estate owners, retail, medical clinics, hospitals, non-profits, Fannie Mae, colleges, private schools, small businesses drives the U.S. economy besides the U.S. government, People shouldn't blame the President alone. He also has many qualified smart advisors in his cabinent. It's also important to find out who's his advisors before developing an opinion on Obama.
Even though I got laid off from my last job in ad sales, I've created 2 new businesses to occupy my time. I'm also working for Free by volunteering my time to potential clients and to non-profits. I'm not making a profit yet, and need to find a regular JOB, since the local job market has picked up quite a bit since 2-3 years ago. There are still many homeless people who became homeless becasue they also lost their jobs and homes.
Each person can do their share too. Even if you start a simple home business like Avon, Tupperware, Amway or selling hot dogs on the street who are contributing into the economy. I also like to shop but nowadays, I'm shopping at Thrift shops for clothing or merchandise to resell at my Antique and jewelry business. I also love eBay and Amazon in purchasing used items.
There's little economies happening in your own neighborhood, you know. You can have a garage sale to make money and unload things you don't need anymore. I had one last weekend.
I believe the US. economy is getting better. As long as there's wealthy and employed people who will pump money into retail sales by buying expensive ticket items. The lower income people have to shop too for their families. They are also the working poor who do have jobs but don't make much income per hour.
There's a lot of factors to consider about the whole global economy. Since we do have people from all over the world on this site, I will ask individuals what do they do for a living since I also like to know more about the economy in their country too. Please have a look at my blog under SugiDancer, for my own dating and relationship experiences. Thank You! Happy Blogging!

Sugi Dancer, Dating Coach

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/1/2011 4:36 pm

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please explain where on this planet, can one make money without putting money to work ??? cuts does not produce profit, investment in a nations people and its system does ...

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/1/2011 4:35 pm

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that is too typical, "he is in way over his head'... that is a loaded comment !!!

why did you not say that about Bush, and what is it not apparent that Bush not only took down a nation, he presided over the looting, destruction and crash of 500 years of equity.

I guess again, you discount that the Republican Agenda for 8 years RESULTED IN A DEVASTATED NATION....

just how would you fix it in 3 years, when it took 500 years to gain the equity Bush squander and indebted the country for the next 20 years, and you want to blame Obama... Geez !!!!! again, never has a Republican taken responsibility for anything, except chasing another tax break at any cost.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/30/2011 7:19 pm

    Quoting  :

As much as $60 billion in U.S. funds has been lost to waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade through lax oversight of contractors, poor planning and corruption, an independent panel investigating U.S. wartime spending estimates. ( from news)...

So, we know this figure can be tripled or quadrupled... and then one may be close to the real spectrum of waste.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/30/2011 7:13 pm

THE MINUTE A REPUBLICAN gets in office of the Presidency, not only will the rest of the nation collapse, they will set up ANOTHER program of loot, and rob and any other method to further decimate the nation. Then they will play COWBOY John, and go about the world with bully threat and trying to take what belongs to other nations until they make an unstable political climate a global disaster of unparalleled reality.

If people are so blind and unaware of the shamble the Republican system did to the economy, and for 3 yrs now, they have made a insult of the political system in this nation.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
8/30/2011 7:08 pm

    Quoting  :

Unfortunately many people don't think as deeply nor see the broad perspective of such reality.
Many are unaware of just how devastated the economy was, and how much it reverberated around the globe.

America people can't fix anything, until they first acknowledge the truth, and then accept it for the facts of what it is. Bush crashed the nation, we have a war raging for more than 10 YEARS.. that alone was insanity, to invade Iraq and then become embroiled in the destabilization for this long.

Every country that tried war in Afghanistan, has resulted to be bankrupt. everyone should know, there are minerals in the ground and that is what the fight is about... beyond the few terrorist, who could have been infiltrated and wiped out long ago.. Instead we spend 10 billion A MONTH, in Iraq, and then 10 + more BILLION in Afghanistan

that it 200-250 billion a year, which is 1/4 of a TRILLION... and that is just the cost we know about, the other 50-100 billion we don't know about, and the other 100+ billion that goes into every kind of military research, is a lot of money to waste of 10 years... it has to be equal to the same amount out debt has increased, when all factors and cost are considered, and then to consider that is how much less was put into the American Economy.... It's easy to see why we have 12+ Trillion of debt.

All this could be changed in a matter of years, if the war is stopped, and people build and re-open factories and actually produce goods.

We need Banking REFORM, and Wall Street REFORM.