sparrowhawk9 64M
184 posts
2/15/2021 11:47 am
Theodore Roosevelt quote

Comparison is the thief of joy


Lily20145 60F
887 posts
2/17/2021 3:08 am

no, I compare prices between company before I made purchase. It's definitely joy for me.


sparrowhawk9 64M

2/17/2021 6:46 am

Life is a process and the temptation to compare will still occur, but you do not have to fall victim to it. Even the bible says that comparing yourself to others is not wise (2 Corinthians 10:12). Learn to accept who you are, appreciate what you have, grow where you are in life, and love how God made you.

When it come to business and general economics....that is a different value proposition.....I am more of a scale of economy kinda guy versus for utilitarian items distribution is more the business model....

And, when it come to "Who are You"....I don't shop around becoming subject to the marketing schemes....I am unfortunately based on a certain immutable design that I was born with.....happily for me, plastic surgery will not have a return on investment with
