JustGlen 56M
5 posts
3/23/2012 6:34 am
April weekends . . .

So, April is definitely shaping up to be a 'work month,' although, here in Malaysia, that isn't really a bad thing.

Let me explain that a bit -

Most of my working career (after university), I have been a teacher. Which usually meant 2 things: 1) weekends were generally free, from Friday afternoon until Sunday night (and occasionally Monday morning), and 2) there were lots of holidays & some long vacation breaks and holidays.

When I was in Texas, I coached speech (as an elective) on the weekends, so I often 'lost' my Friday nights and/or Saturdays - but it was worth it, for my students. During winter, I would take trips and visit my friends around the USA, and in summer I would often plan longer trips on my motorcycle.

After leaving the US, I still mostly enjoyed a similar school calendar - weekends usually free, and long vacations.

Not to bash Brunei (because, in truth, I loved my time there), but the previous 3 years were harder. Although I had my long vacation breaks (10+ weeks/year of paid vacation), there are no 'off' weekends there, as the work week is Mon-Thur + Saturday; you have Fridays & Sundays off.

Yes, that is still 2 days. No, that is *NOT* a weekend!

You finish work on Thur, and you can't go anywhere, because you have to work on Saturday. You can't go out on Friday night, because you work on Sat morn. You can't go anywhere Saturday afternoon, because you work Monday morn. You can't go out Sunday night, because you work on Monday morn.

That gets REALLY old after a few months. Day or single-overnight trips to Labuan/Sabah/Sarawak are just a tease - not really fun at all!

But . . . now I am here, working in Malaysia. With real weekends again. And I truly appreciate where I am living, too. It takes me very little time to go to KL, Singapore, Penang, etc. I can leave Ipoh on Thur afternoon, travel for 1-2 hours, and still have 2 full days & nights somewhere (in fact, 3-4, if I REALLY want/need it - I love that about my new job!)

And Ipoh is a pretty good place in and of itself. Some good restaurants, many recreation options, even nightlife (although nothing like some other places, but drinks & dancing still boleh, lah!).

So no set holidays for April - solid work weeks every week until May. But the weekends belong to me, and I'm in a good place to do things in. If I can figure out what to do.

And maybe someone to do things with???


angelspirit48 50F
53 posts
3/24/2012 6:38 am

Have you try white coffee from Ipoh?