bramman 63M
60 posts
9/18/2012 3:36 pm

Last Read:
11/13/2012 7:01 pm

Are Chinese Girls Shy in Making a Flirt Move?

I hope someone can answer me this or add information as to how you get the Girls attention.
I see a lot on the women on here are only standard members... so are we all just sitting back waiting for someone to make the first move?
I am puzzled here..i have made the first move on about 4 ladies and all are Standard members not one responded and they are all in the 40s range age... i have even posted comments on the photos I leave nice comments and still no luck.... Am i Ugly? i think to myself...Way too old? or am i doing this site dating thing all wrong?or is it because i am not Asian man?
It would be nice if even they don`t want anything to do with me to at least respond with a no thanks would it not?

Please Help

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/2/2012 5:47 pm

bramman replies on 10/2/2012 5:02 am:
Your probably right on the button here this one lady asked me a few weeks ago to chat with her, but i could not find her on any of the chat site`s till last night.
I said hi, she ignored me went out of the chat room fast, when i went back to the home page she was still showing online,hummm..
All i could see on that chat site was 12 women no men...
Who do they talk too?

NOT ALL, but a great many Asian women are very rude, and there are many who have that " I'm better than you", or that " I'm a prize" so you better suck up to me.
When you find ones that are down to earth and not on a status chase, and not out looking to catch a rich white guy. then you might find one who can take you for the individual you are. some don't realize all white guys are not rich, and all rich white guys are not interested in them, and all rich white guys are not nice, just because they are rich.
But try to convince some of these women of these things, and they'd never believe you.. because they have this picture in their mind, and they are chasing or waiting on the picture.. while good men who are individual get passed by...
But don't despair.. It's not your loss, it is their loss.. they only save you time from finding out they were on a different mission that had maybe less to do with the love you seek.

it's like in some foreign countries and likewise so here in the U. S. whether the girls are Asian or White, Black, Latin or what ever.. If they have chosen to be in the business of selling sex.. you could offer to be the greatest mate for them, but they will not choose you over the options of making flat backing money. this tells a great story in and of itself, but many of these women would love for the masses to believed they are forced into it, so they don't have to feel responsible for doing what they want to do.
many many women in every place in the world, do that business, and many many of them could find jobs in a variety of other area, but they choose this because it pays well.

Point being
, men need to stop making excuse for the conduct of women.
they make choice and they do so because they make choices. So it might be wise to any man, not to make excuses for women.

There are very good women in any place, but there are women of many other demeanor in any place as well.

Choose one that appreciate you, respect you and does not think she is better than you... then you will have found one you can communicate with, and she will share with you with the same motivations you desire to share with her in being two people who share.

I work with women, and the women I work with, actually like and appreciate the men they have chosen.. they speak highly of the men, when it gift giving time, they don't go cheap, they give him nice things they like for him to have, they share the expense in the things they do, they share the expense of making house a home. and they are not all day, slamming their men about a multitude of things. They actually have realized that having a mate is a thing to value.

One woman told me, that one day it dawned on her, that she was doing nothing but destroying her relations by having a challenging and competitive attitude with her man, She said that she came to realize that someone has to be the head of the family and she wants the man to be the head of the family and she wants to respect him as being the head of the family.. She followed it up to say.. She was determined to stay with her man, and make sure not only that her kids have a father, but they know that their father is respected in the house as well as in the world. She is 31 yrs old, she said it took her until she was 30 to figure it out, but she said she first had to stop listing to her girlfriends, when she realized all her girlfriend were with turbulent and broken relations and the girls talk so much shit, but they kept ending up by themselves, from trying to control things as the women and trying to take over the man to be head of the household.

I told her, she should write a book and educate some of these women, who are on their holier than thou mission... whining about they can't find a man.

Look around at the couples that have long relations 10-20 -30+ years, none of these women are trying to be the man, and they don't run around all day putting the man down and talking crap about him as if she is some perfect being.

What is real is the fact the world has what the world has in it... and that is people of all types doing all types of things.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/1/2012 5:13 pm

These people in this website are non responsive to almost everything, no wonder it has become nothing but a picture viewing delusion site.
I wouldn't be surprised if they don't just grab a lot a pictures from their multiple sites and post them to create the delusion that the sit is populated. and then have their staff send Bs__t mails to people, to pretend like these women are responsive.. But truth is, this has never been a site where the women are response.. The only response that is claimed to be from women, is some "one liner, slap stick comedic cliche".. never any discussion about anything.. It's unlikely that any man with any level of awareness of the real world of life would want to deal with any woman who is mindless to the point they can only utter -slap stick- one liners. So it is quite likely, the participation of this site with actual real people is very low.

Because if it is populated with actual people, then these have to be the most massive group of non responsive people imaginable, who have no concept of elaborating about anything. This site must attract people who's minds are frozen and their lips are zipped shut, and their fingers are arthritic to the point they can't type and think at the same time.

You can count on one hand the actual people in this site who are interactive.
If you want I can possibly list them.

if you think that is not true, then go back over blogs and you will only see the same responders over and over and over... beyond that, if these responders don't say something, this site would be dead in a week.

For me personally, I would not waste my time with any woman who is unable to explore subject material about things which actually matter in the reality of relationship... I have met two women on here who actually talk..
they are nice individuals, but sometimes it is difficult to talk with them, because they don't elaborate much, it becomes too much a question and answer session... which is in some ways ok... but, the minutes the questions stop, silence invades the spectrum and unless you ask another question, even the IM will time out, waiting on them to actually initiate dialogue.

It's very challenging to say the least.

bramman replies on 10/2/2012 5:02 am:
Your probably right on the button here this one lady asked me a few weeks ago to chat with her, but i could not find her on any of the chat site`s till last night.
I said hi, she ignored me went out of the chat room fast, when i went back to the home page she was still showing online,hummm..
All i could see on that chat site was 12 women no men...
Who do they talk too?

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
10/1/2012 5:07 am

bramman replies on 9/30/2012 11:13 am:
Thank you for your in site on this matter, i think this guy may just forget to even bother i have less than a month on my membership i don`t think i will re-up based on your posting,plus not having any luck anyway

For sure will look else where.


I am not saying give up, but I am saying look with a broader consideration and look far beyond the generalized western concept of a silent, pretty, slim body, because behind all of it, there is a person, who has as many variations of cultural realities, as does the Western woman..
there is no such thing as the "perfect ethnicity of woman"... It simply does not exist.
one may like the look and such things of many women, but what will matter is always what is the character, how is the disposition and what is the groomed cultural aims and directions the woman has been groomed to pursue and or make objective to obtain.

Love now days is not like the folklore of yesterdays, too much is about financial and status, and every society markets women, like they are the first line of commodity, the sad part is the women allow themselves to market themselves and be marketed as and by such... then they cry about love, when they themselves, did not let the want to love for the sake of love, be their stronger motivation and drive.

bramman replies on 10/1/2012 10:31 am:

Thanks again

But at least with western ladies they understand our types of situations here, and they usually take you for whom your are and not what you have.All my prior relationships have been this way...
I know we do have some bad apples here too in this western world that think that way but you can usually weed them out fast.
With the Asian ladies not so much until you really get to know them i guess and with reading your post here, man has opened my eyes even more to be aware of the possibility that it will be a problem for me right now.
This is why i would not re up membership.

Thanks Again

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
9/30/2012 8:12 am

Don't be confused about the way Asian women walk down the street and present an image as if they are IGNORNING everyone that passes. In their culture, "making eye contact" is a NO NO and showing public affection is also not something that is a commonality in their culture.

The general format as opposed to the way Western society is: Asian women could be considered insensitive and rude in public if interpreted by Western standards or it could be considered reserved, but either choice is perceived selectively non interactive, by their manner of acting as if they Ignore everyone out in public. where the western woman at times may even speak or give eye contact. but if she determines that you have wealth or status or may lend way to such, they will as will any woman of any ethnicity insure they give a glimpse of eye contact and will follow it with a manner of expression that conveys a flirt.

Remember many of these women's families will assess her based on the wealth of the man she catches. their family will also have a negative expression if the man does not have the wealthy or status they expect their daughter to bargain for. They may care less about how much they actually love and show affections to each other, but more about if that will bring wealth and status to the face saving aims the family pushes in their concern for social status and social image as it relates to social status. therefore many of these women will assess your material, financial and social status long before they will even think to consider sharing anything with you.
Remember, the history of the society is women are used more to bring the secondary aim of wealth status to the family by being groomed to attract and pursue wealth, social status and material status for the family. they in some cases could care less about whom she loves, because they are more concerned with if she has attracted the status the family aims her to attract.

Some Asian women have to pull and push away from their family, to choose love over being pushed and prodded to be a sort of gold-digger set to chase, wealth, status and material status. some women for the sake of love, have to HIDE their mate from their family, because they know the family may go stone crazy if she choose for love without first trying to get money status, material status and social status. They care less about the individual of her, and more about the family legacy and if their offspring brings wealth standing to the family image.

Many men have found many challenges and many hardships in their relationships with Asian women, because of their demeanor of acting as if they are UN-concerned.
but do not underestimate their ability to be 'calculating'... they already know that many westerners fall over themselves trying to be appeasing, and some Asian women will use that against you, by letting you trip all over yourself, and when you fall on your face, she will stand back and say.. I never agreed or said I would do this or that"... ( so don't be deluded by silence, it can be used a a tool of many sorts selectively and with great calculation ) and some go about seeing western men as foolish which makes some Asian women think themselves as being superior, by these contorted means.

Westernized Asian women are different, they are more overt, and many Asian women who function with a street wise awareness because they know in the competitive environment of their cultures in their cities they have to be more self assertive and aggressive, be it to catch a mater or make a bargain with a potential mate .

Divorce does not happen in Asian countries because all the women are some angels.. It happens because of the same reasons as any other place.
part because of the women and part because of the men.

Look around, much of the Asian society is rooted deeply in pursuits of status, material matter and social standing as to their wealth position. If you think they are not driven by this then you'd be sadly mistaken to ill consider this fact.

No one is seeking to be poor, but some are not seeking to be wealthy only to be able to make do and share the care and responsibility of house and home... If you find this kind of woman, you may fare well.. but if you find one who is all about status, wealth, material matter and social clout, then you will find that not only will you be pushed with a force that may drive you to a height of frustration, you may get a very bad taste in your system for the ruthless manner of some Asian women, by and through their covert manners of submissive aggression.

Asian men are very astute to this nature, and moreso today than generations before, because the divorce rate is very high when factored in reality terms.

Many Asian women become degree hounds of sorts, they stake everything on it and they will filter out men whom they think his lack of or his holding of a degree will not produce the income they want for the status level they seek.
Under this concept and demeanor, the Asian woman can be ruthless to these aims, if her sole objective is to bring what they call 'honor to the family, by catching wealth status, material status or social status.

So, get to know the woman as an individual, or you may get caught up in something you have very limited awareness or understanding of, and it may have absolutely nothing to do with the love your seek or think you are getting.

If the Asian man does not produce the money to give her the illusion of status, many of the today's woman will find a way to insure there is contention in the feeling that transpire within the relationship. To some degree that may be motivating but to a different degree it is sure to force and create a split and insure a divide.

The sad thing for many westerners, they have an Idealized delusion about Asian women... Instead of understanding if you like the Asian look, then like it, but don't be assumed that being Asian has made her any different than other women, because she can be as ruthless as any women, and selfishly driven as any other woman, and don't assume them to be sexually submissive, they have a drive for sex that is no less robust than any other woman, nor is it any more heightened than other women of other ethnicity.

If you don't bang them to their satisfaction they will get just as perturbed as any other ethnicity of woman. and if they get the mind that it is not as much as they want, they will find their ways to get more by their own means.
This is the human reality... No ethnicity is more or less with the faithfulness of virtue than another, it is all about an individuals' choice of what they do.
Sex was and is a big part of Asian culture, always has been and always will be, and no less than it is of any other culture... human beings are sexual beings.

Understanding the nature of what is a relationship of and within ethnic groups is important regardless of what the ethnicity is and more so if that ethnicity is still a part of their mother land or if they are expats who reside in another land.
Women are very good at role playing regardless of what ethnicity the woman is, but what you have to find out, what is the true nature of the "INDIVIDUAL" woman, and how willing is she to adapt to having a culturally "merged" relationship at and within heart... more than just in the physical image of two different cultures being together.

bramman replies on 9/30/2012 11:13 am:
Thank you for your in site on this matter, i think this guy may just forget to even bother i have less than a month on my membership i don`t think i will re-up based on your posting,plus not having any luck anyway

For sure will look else where.


bramman 63M

9/24/2012 3:11 pm

Thanks for your response i think my problem is i have not been single in 10 years i guess i just want it to happen now not months down the road i don`t want my parts to get too rusty if you get my drift

bramman 63M

9/19/2012 12:07 pm

    Quoting  :

Thank you for your comment
I was looking at your profile ,very nice lady
Hope you find your man someday.
Thanks Again

pinky43 63F
1532 posts
9/18/2012 6:27 pm

Hi Paul, be patience. Those ladies might be busy and not able to answer your message so soon. Good luck in your search

bramman replies on 9/19/2012 4:55 am:
Thank you for your response i just find it frustrating i get a lot of overseas messages, but i do not want an overseas relationship.
Its funny but a lot of the women on here in Toronto even though they are in the 40s range most put an a age block.
and we have a lot in the 20-30 range that`s not for me.

Thanks again i will sit back and watch for miss right to click on me i guess.