sailnewport 59M
81 posts
11/13/2012 8:32 am
A white man can not .

I am a simple man not full of drama or thing that I am trying to hide. A white man dose not have a chance in this world to fined a good women. I am a white man that would like to fined a women form Asia decent. I live here in the US and am not interested in being the way for a women to gain entry to this country. I bereave in honesty truth loyalty. I would treat them with nothing less. So am I so out of touch with what I bereave in that I mite as well have a big L on my forehead. Are all the women on this site looking for the BBD, and Money. What is good guy to do?

sailnewport 59M

11/14/2012 12:39 pm

I have found a few of thews women on this sit, I can spot them write away most of the time.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/15/2012 5:05 am

the days of Asian women falling all over themselves for white men simply because he is whites, as they did 5 decades ago when white men traveled the world and claimed himself the wealthiest and most dominant based on ego and money over all others does not work anymore..

Now, each man, regardless of his color has to deal with women as individuals, and on a equal basis of persons... Get use to it.

sailnewport 59M

11/15/2012 7:45 am

Thank you for your opinion on this.

sailnewport 59M

11/16/2012 12:57 pm

Mr. SFHarlyRider to whom are speaking to? I did not know I am writing in (Ebonics). Yes I know I can not spell, maybe there more to the store to why I am not a good speller. Do not judge me till you know me.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/16/2012 4:41 pm

as long as I can understand what people are saying, I don't worry much about their spelling....

sailnewport 59M

11/17/2012 12:58 pm

Hello, Thank you every one that has responded to my blogs. My comments were made in frustration of not get any responses. I am a person that will respond to someone even if it is to say no thank you.
Yes spell check is a grate tool but it will not always pick out my mistakes. When your eyes and brain do not see the same thing, things get messed up quickly.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/17/2012 5:23 pm

Conveying thought is itself a interesting thing within the human spectrum. As we grasp the perspective and learn to put things in contextual focus... a few words mis-spelled does not destroy the message.
some people like to loose focus on the idea, and focus more on grammar, to what end they gain, I have no idea.

I personally prefer to embrace the message being conveyed.

Here is a simple thing about spelling that may enlighten some, about how to get the message when spelling does not over take the focus.


if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.
Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/17/2012 5:42 pm

to your original post:

If many men stop thinking they have to treat Asian women as a novelty and a trophy of some sort.. it will take the wind out of the ego of many of these Asian women. It is never good for any man to put any women based on ethnicity, or culture association above all other women. Because the delusion of doing so will always bring about a bad result when the truth and realism comes to surface.
If one likes the looks of different ethnicity, that's just a choice about looks, but what will "ALWAYS MATTER" is the character of the INDIVIDUAL.

There is absolutely no ethnicity of female above being with malicious individuals within their ranks. it spans the gambit from egotistical individuals, prostituting individual, gold digging individuals, and any other things of poor character developmental grooming in how they choose to live.

men who get hung up thinking these women are docile or silent is a myth, filled with many perils.. a silent women can plot as well as a boisterous woman can.
what matters is a communicable women who is honest and a woman who is willing to contribute and bring forth as much as she expects someone to share with her, she has to be willing to share the same.

some men have found life to be a nightmare they can't wake up from, by choosing Asian women based on some fiction of fantasy illusions. Some men dismiss white, black and other women by some of the same fictions of fantasy... when the fact is.. Woman in the life of a man, should be chosen based on the quality and the integrity of her character... because one thing is certain.. those are traits that are not exclusive to any single ethnicity.

many men in the Western nations have found that dealing with some of the Asian women who immigrated to be a greater challenge than he wants to deal with, because in some sectors, too much in the women's minds has pursued the illusion of material based status as an attracting factor of why they immigrated. but this too is not exclusive to immigrants or natural born Asian in the western nations.. it is something that can be found in every ethnicity of woman if she is in pursuit of the ' status based life style"...

What a man has to know is, if he is not interested in a woman who is all about material status, then be aware to discern that factor, regardless of the ethnicity of the woman.

Some men may look for status seeking women, but likewise so in that arena both of them will and generally get what they deserve...

Women are not as complex as many of them would like men to believe.. many are simply unable to make up their mind and many have reservations in their mind to hold out looking for the Leprechaun with a bag of gold.

The women who want to share love and have a compassionate heart that believes in a shared love, are not difficult to deal with, nor do they make everything a challenge, and they certainly don't waste their time trying to play hard to get.
What a man must do, is learn early and never forget, 'never chase a woman".. because what you are chasing is no more than the illusion you build up in your own mind. Because if she was all that you think she is, she would certainly not be playing hard to get games, and making everything a gambling cycle of 20 guess and waiting on 30 promises.

Men want to be giving when he see's a woman that he likes, but within doing so, make sure the woman does not take you or what you give for granted.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/18/2012 10:36 am

In this web site, there are many people from many places. I don't think discrediting any of them for spelling or phrasing irregularities is a good thing to do.
it takes many people many internal challenges to express themselves, some speak multiple languages and some also write in multiple languages.

It may benefit best to try and understand what people are saying, more than make critique about how they spell words.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
11/19/2012 5:07 am

    Quoting  :

that is a person taking a cheap shot.. when they have no substance to support their disagreement.

I rarely consider people who do such as much to be concerned about.

sailnewport 59M

11/20/2012 1:03 pm

I see my blog's have got me some good responses and some bad. I need to take the good with the not so good. And I will learn form them all. I would like to thank every one for your help and advice. I am trying to branch out of my own would. But there is so much to learn about this way of communication. Thank you all again.

sailnewport 59M

11/24/2012 2:18 pm

I am afraid I do not live any were near Newport OR. I do not even live near the sea for that mater, I am a land locked sailor.
The comments I have received have not thrown me of of my search.