sailnewport 59M
81 posts
1/12/2013 6:06 pm
Throwing stones

Here I go again throwing stones in my own path.
I wrote a hello to a women and got a positive response back, OK so for so good. She wrote back again and said she had been reading my Blogs , she said I was funny HA HA. She said I need to look for the inner Beauty in life and people. So I asked her, how am I to see the inner Beauty in some one that has not posted a picture and only answered five of the questions and said ( I prefer not to say) for three of them. surprise I have not herd from her again.
So my search go's on one day at a time. And trying not to throw to many stone in my own path as I go.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
1/13/2013 6:16 am

Some women have a delusional concept that someone is suppose to read their mind. If any have what that claim of inner beauty, they should let it be known by communicating and sharing.

Making relations is no problem for men, the biggest problem exist in the vain, self and egotistical demeanor of so many women. They are too busy trying to be a "prize" rather than a person.

Don't put much stock in the internet interactions unless the woman actually talks and actually can share INTERACTIVE CONVERSATION.

here's something simple but real... if you note, the guys on here talking about sex is not a concern will continue to have challenges with these women, because to some women, if sex is not a concern, then she knows right away that she does not have any manipulative powers.
If you act like you worship her and sx, you still will have problems,because she will continue to try and be the dictator and controller of associations.

The guys who make it known that he will get some, and he wants to get some and he is not going to fall apart if he does not get some, is the guys that the women generally become responsive unto.
women talk a lot of crap but they still like the 'rogue' idea of man, that does not mean a man has to be of malice motive, but he certainly need not be timid about his interest in sx.

One thing is for sure, women will leave a man if he is not tapping that booty with a drive to want to tap that booty. it's quite simple, women rely a great deal of being sxually attracting.. and it means just what it is... because the intent is to be sxually attracting.. so acting like you don't want to get some does not sit well with the concept of her reliance on being sxually attracting.

I have over the past written a great deal about sx and the fact that I like it, and to this very date, it has not diminished any of the women from contacting and communicating with me. Fact is, she knows that she likes sx and she knows that men like sex, and I'm just a man who is going to admit that he likes it and will get go for it and will get it, as the situations unfold. But the fact is, if I'm getting it, that means she is getting it from her angle too.

You never seen men who know they want to get some and is not shy about the fact he wants to get some, lack the presence of women .

Regardless what women say, women like a challenge... which means, don't come to them with a offer to be a puppet, but come to them with a demeanor that is out front.. which conveys that I want to get some, and I like you and will treat you as reasonably nice as you treat me.

Again, I will say... go to a massage parlor.. one day go in and be passive and watch how it flows, and the next time go in and be self expressive and individually self assertive and what how it flows...

women in general even those who claim to be docile or passive, still have a subliminal aggressive sub-dominance inclination... which simply means, they want to get loose with you, just as much as you want to get loose with them, and it fits within a mood frame...and when that mood passes they go back to the general demeanor of being... that is simply the nature of complexity of diversity within the individual.

I got no problem with the fact and reality that, I want to rock that booty like I want to rock it, and I want to rock it like she wants me to rock it, and I want her to get loose and do that thing with the flair that she wants to do and equally so I want to lay back and flow with the ease of it all, just like she wants to lay back and flow with the ease of it all. it's a continual Oscillation of moods....

A lot of these women avoid some guys because he comes on like he is so straight laced that she thinks she will not be able to let the wild child in herself get loose with him, yes, they want to be respected and treated nice like any human being, but they also want to know they can get freaky with the man and won't be judged and deemed a uncontrollable freak. but they certainly want to know they can have the options open to make it as much about play time as they do about some heavy romance laced situation.

Even though a lot of women come across like they want a heavy commitment, when they know in themselves they are not willing nor ready to make that kind of commitment to the guy... so in that sense, all is required is simple consideration... not subservience, by you nor her, but to have basic and human consideration.. which includes the options to say no, as well as to say yes to whatever.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
1/13/2013 6:41 am

Men have to realize that for a woman to make a commitment, is also for the woman to assume some responsibilities. the woman in relations become a care giver as well as a nurturer... and that entails many things. That scares the hell out of some women, because they are not sure of what it takes nor what it brings within the process of doing those things.

Women spend a lot of time trying to figure out what pleases a man once they decide to consider him as a mate choice. A lot of women relish the chance to enter into this situation, but in some cases the men who is all over her all the time, smothers away the opportunity for her to challenge herself in finding ways to please the man.. some men, become too patronizing and too complimenting that she never has to put effort or energy into learning and finding ways to be pleasing him.
This in some ways can lead to the woman being and becoming bored with the situations, because nothing about it is challenging her to learn more and do more. ( this requires more understanding because it does not mean be an asshole, it means let those challenge points be real, not egotistical, not vain and not malicious)... in order to do that the man first must know what he wants and what he likes... and then he must know that those wants and likes grow and change with time, but it is how that process evolves and unfolds that makes the difference. Abrupt changes does not work for either him nor her, because it only creates confusions and confusions lead to conflicts.

A woman already knows her job is to make things comfortable, enjoyable and pleasant for and with you and to be a supporter as well as a nurturer in many ways. and they certainly know that it is their job to keep that booty being an attractions for you and unto you. ....

Sometimes the stuff woman say, has not a damn thing to do wit logic, it is about feeling.. and her way of implying that she wants you to tell her what you like, how you like it and what you like about how she is doing what she is doing. you don't always have to tell her what you don't like, but focus more on what you do like of what she is doing and she will do more of that. but if the focus is placed on what you don't like, all that is going to do is put friction in the situation.

I write a lot about many things that women do to defeat themselves, and I get a fair amount of response from women who understand and say they learn from it.. but this writing is for general consumption.

In personal relationship, I do focus on appreciating the many things that a woman does that is good for the relation, positive and pleasing as well as complimentary toward many things that they do in their living and life. there are times and ways to bring up and discuss the things that are not good for the relation, not positive and , not pleasing or is not complimentary to her presentation of self... and that is just a part of what is within the whole, but it is not the main focus in a personal relationship.