Nishangliren5000 45F
60 posts
6/8/2013 1:33 pm
Makes a woman more interested to a man if she will show him her cold shoulder?

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Nishangliren5000 45F

6/9/2013 7:35 am

GoingWithTheFlow many woman in the see this is calling and men are sharks.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
6/9/2013 9:07 am

This is a comment posed on another blog, but it certainly applies here.

"women are masters at costuming and role playing. the marketing media has long known this.
Societies develop some of the best natural actresses imaginable, by the promotion of the 'good girl/bad girl" images and character they are inducted to play in the family and social circles.

Men have to be careful in how he communicates, because many women are very adept at listening to what he is saying and crafting a role to reflect it, if that is what she thinks he wants to see.
The men who get past this stage are the men who also does not blind himself by the costume and character the costume is dictating in presentation.

Many men who've found divorce, quickly find out that he is presented with a side of the women he had convinced himself that it did not exist in her. but some men are not blindsided by his delusions, because he does not rule out the other levels within whom she is.

If men want to learn about women, watch young girls, they are very pretty but some of them are mean and vicious as all hell and quite vengeful. If this does not tell the man something in principle and fact, its only because he is not paying attention.

The same can be true of the "Mother Teresa types", be assured that is not the whole of her, but that may be what you see as long as she gets her way and gets what she wants. But many women don't work things out, they are engaged in what appears to be working something out, but really what it is becomes many times nothing more than her seeking in-depth ways for you to submit.

Getting to know any woman is a matter of addressing what's real in life, not trying to soft stroke everything and play 20 cycles of denial. men also have to pay attention to what and how she uses her tantrums and what kind of attitudes she throws and what is behind the motivation of the attitude.
When he began to address it with realism, eventually he comes to find out whom and how she is in the over-all.. then he can make a reasonable choice as to if this is the woman he wants to deal with and work on building a relationship.

Women in general can be very skilled at the games of manipulations and covert motivations.. its the man jobs to keep his eyes and mind aware to deal with principle and factors that relate to the core of character.. Or he may find out too late the many things he selectively chose to over look or down play as anomalies.. some only find that out when the adversarial aspects become full blown. by then the general result is disaster for both."

Men should 'NEVER, EVER" CHASE A WOMAN. Time will prove to him that he has chased nothing more than an illusion he painted in his mind.

A man who stands as a man, need not worry, because women will come to him and present herself in some manner to show and demonstrate her availability and her interest in him. The men who are lured into the chase become many times nothing more than easy prey for he women to devour and gain what she can until she see's nothing more that entertains her aims of hunt and trap....

Pictures like that above are nothing more than fantasy captions, its like a 'baited hook"... and you are sure to get caught in you chase it. the likely hood that sxual allure games will continue to be the basis and manipulative point within the interchange...
If a man wants that "allure image and fantasy caption"... he should frequent places what that image and allure is for sale or it has a reasonable 'RENTAL FEE" with a fixed time frame presented , with a fixed price attached.

Men have to know how to deal to minimize the liability and diminish the risk... in such situations, it is purely about " pay as you play", and "pay to insure when the play is done that she goes about her way"'... that is the mutual agreement when confronted with such.

you can find that costuming in any beer bar or strip club or such venues. and its advertised to make you aroused, spend money and if the urge hits, to pay the toll FEE, to have a private experience with the fantasy illusion.

To think it is about more than that, is self delusion.

Funny, but pictures as above, is to be for marketing and advertisement of fantasy, it can and will be sold and marketed to who is willing to pay for a " LIVE ACTION FIGURE TOYS" for the sole sake of entertainment of the sensual nature of game play...
for the man to think its more than that, is for him to blindly leave his wallet open with the ATM pen number and a note that says free access to his cash.

beyondfantasy3 113M
4740 posts
6/9/2013 6:15 pm

    Quoting  :

"smart man"

Nishangliren5000 45F

6/10/2013 1:34 pm

Hello lub4U this is a very good answer to my question here hehehe

Nishangliren5000 45F

7/8/2013 11:17 am

What is what? Datexas69