mary1407 70F
209 posts
8/14/2014 8:08 pm
Love in Dream of Red Mansion from the Western and Eastern Perspectives 东西方人看《红楼梦》中的爱情

Love in Dream of Red Mansion from the Western and Eastern Perspectives
This is a blog about the Chinese classics The Dream of Red Mansion.Since this website is for people from the West and the East, it makes sense that people who speak English and Chinese would both be interested in sharing their ideas about this novel. Free free to add comments either in English or Chinese. So those who can speak both can read them all. Love is an eternal subject and it's much explored in this site. Hope a blog like this can be useful for understanding more about love, in fictions and in reality.

《 红楼梦》( 又名《 石头记》)是中国经典文学之一,引起世界各地读者的广泛兴趣。 AFF网站的网友既有来自西方,也有来自中国的,大家可以根据自己的兴趣,用英文或者中文发布对这本书的评价,特别是对红楼梦中爱情的描写。爱情是永恒的主题,在交友网站上大家对爱情有更多的考虑。通过博客希望能引起对小说中和现实中的爱情的探讨和了解。

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
8/19/2014 9:41 am

Hi Mary, was away for a few days so didn't see your blog. Well, you are right it seems, talking about literature seems not too interesting for the group here. Perhaps we are just too pedantic. We would probably get more responses talking about movies. I think I may have tried that with a movie "Springtime in a Small Town. (小城之春)", the 2002 remake of a 1948 movie. One of my favorite movies.
But back to "Dream of Red Mansions". As you pointed out, this book shows the enduring theme of love and romance between young people. The characters are not always nice to each other, there are many ups and downs, misunderstandings, silly bits, touching scenes, and general day to day living in the homes of the very wealthy. This is the theme that many modern TV romance dramas are based on. But through it all is the idea that romantic love can persevere.

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
8/20/2014 8:25 am

Hi Mary, Well it appears we are only talking to each other. We are both getting people looking at our blogs but not many comments.
I did look up the movie 早春二月 or Early Spring in February. It looks somewhat similar. I'd love to see it, but couldn't find a place to watch it online, though I found where I could buy the movie for about $50.
Springtime in a Small Town is about a young doctor visiting his friend from college, who has now married his ex sweetheart. A love triangle story.

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
8/24/2014 10:23 pm

So, what are young people in China interested in reading or seeing at a movie? Here in the U.S. young, romantic vampires in love was a big thing in movies and popular novels. The idea was not so interesting to me. Currently though, I'm a big fan of Korean TV dramas. Some are very entertaining.

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
8/27/2014 5:10 am

I have trouble finding current Chinese TV series shows. I use a service called Netflix, which has Chinese movies, but, so far, not mainland China TV shows. There are many Korean TV shows, many of which are very good. There are a few TV shows from Taiwan, but they are not as well written and produced. No Japanese TV shows either, except for some anime.

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
8/28/2014 12:19 pm

I thought I posted a response but it didn't show up. This may be a duplicate. But I've done some more looking since then too.

I have tried to find Dream of Red Mansion in the past and only found videos to purchase and they were a bit expensive. Last night I looked around again and found, a site that has mostly Asian movies and TV shows. They do have Dream of Red Mansion, with English subtitles!! It looks like a very high quality production too. I'm going to cancel my Netflix and switch over to Viki. Thanks for making me look. It also has Korean, Japanese and other movies and TV shows. It looks like it is available in China too. Happy

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
8/30/2014 9:24 am

Ok, since I am a big fan of Korean drama, I'll recommend my favorites.
1. SungKyunKwan Scandal - easily my favorite. Young Confucian scholars falling in love and having adventures. A great period piece.
2. City Hunter - doesn't really get good till about the 4th episode when the main female character is introduced.
3. The Great Doctor (or Faith) - The first 2 or 3 episodes are a bit silly, then gets better. The final episode is awesome.
4. Rooftop Prince
5. A Gentleman's Dignity
6. Secret Garden
7. Lie to Me

I checked and these are all on viki.

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
8/31/2014 6:53 pm

You are welcome. SungKyungKwan Scandal is good all the way through. A number of the actors and actresses appear in other Korean dramas on the list. I do not know any Korean language, well, I didn't when I started watching K-Dramas, and the pronunciation is very difficult for me. But I try and look up the main words I hear, check out things like the Joseon period and things like that. Happy viewing.

Bobz56 72M
150 posts
9/1/2014 8:15 pm

Oh, that's unfortunate. I have read the story called "Butterfly Lovers" which might be similar to Liangshanpo Lovers. I've never seen Mulan.
SungKyungKwan Scandal is a about a girl, who is an excellent Confucian scholar, poses as a boy, and passes the government entrance exam to get into the Confucian school called Sung Kyung Kwan. Girls at the time were forbidden from higher education. She has to hide her identity while at the school. That's the scandal, though there are others too.