sentttiiie_11 41F
1455 posts
4/6/2015 4:30 am
How To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

How To Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
By Dr. Willie T. Ong

What causes Alzheimer’s disease? We are still not sure but experts theorize that it’s a combination of hereditary factors (your genes), poor lifestyle habits (overeating) and possibly environmental factors that can affect the brain.

Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s Disease:
• Increasing forgetfulness – The patient will have difficulty remembering names or where they left their things. While everyone has some lapses, the memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease is more severe. A common first sign is the loss of short-term memory (What they just did a few minutes ago.) In later stages, patients may eventually forget the names of their close relatives.
• Loss of orientation - People with Alzheimer's disease cannot state what year, month or day it is. They may not know the president of the country. They may get lost easily.
• Changes in behavior - You often find the patient wandering around, getting agitated and yelling at other people.
• Struggles to perform daily activities – Simple activities like playing a board game, cooking and planning the day’s work are difficult for the patient.
• Harder to talk and write – Patients have difficulty communicating with other people and identifying common objects.
• Poor in calculation and reasoning – One of the tests to detect Alzheimer’s disease is to ask the person to count from 100 backwards by decrements of 7. For example, 100, 93, 86, 79, 72, and so forth. (I’m sure that’s easy for you.)
• Poor in judgment – If you ask the patient to decide what to do in case of fire, they might say something totally irrelevant to the situation.
Because of these changes, patients with Alzheimer’s disease are more prone to complications, like developing pneumonia and falling.

Risk Factors:
• Older age group.
• Family history. The risk of getting the disease is higher if somebody in the family has the disease.
• More women have Alzheimer’s disease, but this may partly be explained because women live longer than men.
• Other risk factors are similar to those causing heart disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and lack of exercise. When the blood vessels of the brain are partly occluded, then the chances of getting dementia increases.

A Difficult Diagnosis:
Although Alzheimer’s disease is so common, it is not easy to make the diagnosis. Your neurologist will determine if the patient has the disease based on a mental status test (asking the patient questions), a neurologic exam and certain laboratory tests. Brain imaging (CT Scan, MRI Scan or PET Scan) can also help exclude other brain disorders, such as a stroke or brain tumor.
Based on these tests, the doctor can accurately identify Alzheimer’s disease in 90% of cases.

Caring For The Patient:
Aside from medicines, the family plays a crucial role in the health and safety of the patient. First, we should create a safe environment by installing handrails in the bathroom and other locations in the house. Make sure the doors are locked at night. Watch out for slippery surfaces and obstructive furniture in the house. Have the patient wear comfortable clothes and rubberized shoes and slippers.
In addition, regular exercise and good nutrition are essential to the patient’s sense of well being. Supplemental feedings high in calorie and high in protein may be needed for patients with poor appetites.

Prevention Tips For Everyone:
1. Be a lifelong learner. Keep on studying. Research shows that people with a higher level of formal education have a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.
2. Try to find an exciting and stimulating job.
3. Continue doing mentally challenging activities like playing chess or solving crossword puzzles and Sudoku. Reading and playing a musical instrument also helps activate your brain. Experts believe these activities stimulate the brain to increase its cell to cell interaction and connections, thereby protecting you from Alzheimer’s disease.
4. Have many friends. Enjoy the friendship of people older and younger than you, since they broaden your perspective.
5. You can’t go wrong with a healthy lifestyle of regular exercise, a low fat diet, and a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
6. Some studies show that taking Vitamin B complex tablets may help reduce brain shrinkage and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
7. Preliminary studies show that oily fishes rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, like sardines, salmon and mackerel, may help protect the brain.
8. At present, there are unclear results with the use of Statins, Vitamin E and Ginkgo biloba for Alzheimer’s disease.
9. Finally, the best prevention tip is to treat other medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. If you treat these conditions, then you prevent Alzheimer’s disease as well

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
4/6/2015 10:22 pm

In my opinion, unfortunately Alzheimer's disease is in the "gene". It progress by ages, nothing to do with hypertension, diabetes, heart disease. Some people got Alzheimer's disease but some don't. Look around, so many patients who have hypertension, heart problem, or diabetes, but they don't have Alzheimer's disease. Some patients have Alzheimer's disease but they are physically healthy, no high B.P., diabetes, ... President Ronald Reagan was an example, he was severe Alzheimer's disease but he was no other health problem.

It is dreadful but it happens to million of people and no medicine can really cure it, up to this point. No diet (no food, vegetable or fruit) can improve or alleviate the condition. It is sad but is true. Whoever can invent the cure medicine of Alzheimer's disease will be famous, Nobel Prized and rich.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
4/6/2015 10:33 pm

Alzheimer's disease probably to do with your "mind" but NOT heart, blood sugar, or even cholesterol.

So, be happy, don't worry. Carpe diem (Seize the day). Hope you won't get that disease. No prevention, no medicine for Alzheimer's disease. What will be, will be.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
4/7/2015 8:59 am

    Quoting sentttiiie_11:
    Healthy lifestyle and keeping your mind active ,, nothing wrong to follow those suggestions , just try what would really u think would work for u
    actually those people who are getting older have to be very careful now...
    if they don't want to get sick or develop hypertension, diabetes etc.. even not Alzheimer's, they should watch out of their health too before it's too late
I don't smoke or drink alcohol excessively and exercise at 24 hours Fitness twice a week. I am happy and think positively. I know how to take care of myself. I don't have sugar level or Cholesterol level too high problems. That's good enough for a healthy lifestyle.

As I mentioned before, "Don't worry, Be happy". Take it is easy. There is nothing you can do to prevent or cure Alzheimer's disease.

I forget things sometimes but I write down "Things to do today", "Shopping list for food", and "Press the Panic Button to look for my car in a large parking lot", .... those things helped me to get my life easier. I have put "Calendar" to remind me to pay Property Tax twice a year, to pay Mortgage payment, Credit Card Balance and Utility and phone bills monthly, .... Those are more constructive suggestions than just a general "healthy lifestyle".

I am a very simple person. I make things easy for myself. So, I have the bank take my mortgage payment from my account monthly automatically and Utility companies (Electricity, Gas, Water and Trash) deduct money from my account monthly automatically. Only those companies I can trust. I always watch credit card statement and pay on or before due day online myself. Sometimes, the merchants may charge wrong. I have very high "Credit Score", always pay on time. I know how to deal with complicate life easily.

I hope these suggestions can help your blog readers in dealing with Alzheimer's disease. I am living in a good life.

Honesty is the best policy.

1ClassyLady 68F
3289 posts
4/7/2015 1:41 pm

I can go travel and my payments or bills still can pay on time. I set the schedule and automatic payments for my multiple properties. I enjoy my travel while my payments pay on time and investment keep growing. It is a worry free life even I might get Alzheimer's disease in the future.

Honesty is the best policy.