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Lily20145 61F
105 posts
8/16/2016 2:18 am
Bridget Jones is back

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xiannigege 62F
15 posts
8/21/2016 7:19 pm

Colin firth is the best endorser of English man, I find all his movies.

Lily20145 replies on 8/21/2016 11:52 pm:
how about Daniel Craig, Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson ?

xiannigege 62F
15 posts
8/26/2016 7:00 am

I more like Colin firth‘s , he is the embodiment of English gentleman with deeply cultured.

Mulan_CN 40F

8/28/2018 2:15 am

You like the movie! Well yes every single woman likes it! Dreaming Mark Darcy! a fairy tale for adult females